lz4_decompress - Man Page

decompress mysqlpump LZ4-compressed output


lz4_decompress input_file output_file


The lz4_decompress utility decompresses mysqlpump output that was created using LZ4 compression.


lz4_decompress is deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.34; expect it to be removed in a future version of MySQL. This is because the associated mysqlpump utility is deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.34.


If MySQL was configured with the -DWITH_LZ4=system option, lz4_decompress is not built. In this case, the system lz4 command can be used instead.

Invoke lz4_decompress like this:

lz4_decompress input_file output_file


mysqlpump --compress-output=LZ4 > dump.lz4
lz4_decompress dump.lz4 dump.txt

To see a help message, invoke lz4_decompress with no arguments.

To decompress mysqlpump ZLIB-compressed output, use zlib_decompress. See zlib_decompress(1).

See Also

For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/.


Oracle Corporation (http://dev.mysql.com/).

Referenced By

mysqlpump(1), zlib_decompress(1).

11/27/2023 MySQL 8.0 MySQL Database System