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luafindfont - Man Page

retrieve font informations of all installed system and TeX fonts.


luafindfont [options] <fontname>


This command lists informations about installed otf|ttf|ttc fonts, installed by the system and by the TeX distribution



obvious ... :-)


obvious ... :-)


Use the program otfinfo for the font with the given number. The number can be followed by an optional argument for otfinfo, e.g. -o 2f, list all features for font no 2. Without an additional character, otfinfo is called with -i


List the given fontstyles (regular, bold, italic, bolditalic) for the font with the given number


Siliar to i but uses the program mtxrun to get ll informations including features and corresponding languages. List can be very long.


Give more informations, by now only -v works


test, if font is found by xetex via kpsewhich 0->no; 1->yes


The maximum of the stringlength of the full path of fonts


The fontlist contains only fontfile and fontpath


Can be a substring, e.g. times,  or a combination of two substrings  which act like a boolean and, e.g. "times & bold" (must be in quotes).  All strings are not case sensitive. Upper and lowercase can be mixed.


$ luafindfont libertinussans

Lists all fonts which have names or part of like libertinussans

bash-3.2$ ./luafindfont.lua libertinussans
  No.                   Fontname  Symbolic Name                                                                        Path
   1.    LibertinusSans-Bold.otf libertinussans  /usr/local/texlive/2022/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/libertinus-fonts/
   2.  LibertinusSans-Italic.otf libertinussans  /usr/local/texlive/2022/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/libertinus-fonts/
   3. LibertinusSans-Regular.otf libertinussans  /usr/local/texlive/2022/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/libertinus-fonts/

The --otfinfo:

$ luafindfont -o 3 libertinussans

This produces the following output:

 1.    LibertinusSans-Bold.otf libertinussans                          /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/libertinus-fonts/LibertinusSans-Bold.otf
 2.    LibertinusSans-Bold.otf libertinussans  /usr/local/texlive/texmf-d...onts/opentype/public/libertinus-fonts/LibertinusSans-Bold.otf
 3.  LibertinusSans-Italic.otf libertinussans                        /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/libertinus-fonts/LibertinusSans-Italic.otf
 4.  LibertinusSans-Italic.otf libertinussans  /usr/local/texlive/texmf-d...ts/opentype/public/libertinus-fonts/LibertinusSans-Italic.otf
 5. LibertinusSans-Regular.otf libertinussans                       /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/libertinus-fonts/LibertinusSans-Regular.otf
 6. LibertinusSans-Regular.otf libertinussans  /usr/local/texlive/texmf-d...s/opentype/public/libertinus-fonts/LibertinusSans-Regular.otf

Running otfinfo on font no.3
Family:              Libertinus Sans
Subfamily:           Italic
Full name:           Libertinus Sans Italic
PostScript name:     LibertinusSans-Italic
Version:             Version 7.020;RELEASE
Unique ID:           1.000;QUE ;LibertinusSans-Italic
Designer:            Philipp H. Poll, Khaled Hosny
Manufacturer:        Caleb Maclennan
Vendor URL:          https://github.com/alerque/libertinus
Copyright:           Copyright © 2012-2020 The Libertinus Project Authors.
License URL:         https://scripts.sil.org/OFL
License Description: This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
Vendor ID:           QUE

The --no-symbolc-names:

$ luafindfont -n

This produces the following output:

bash-3.2$ luafindfont -n minion
 Nr.                 Fontname                                   Path
   1.      MinionMath-Bold.otf  /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionMath/
   2.   MinionMath-Regular.otf  /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionMath/
   3.       MinionPro-Bold.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
   4.     MinionPro-BoldCn.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
   5.   MinionPro-BoldCnIt.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
   6.     MinionPro-BoldIt.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
   7.       MinionPro-Capt.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
   8.       MinionPro-Disp.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
   9.         MinionPro-It.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
  10.     MinionPro-Medium.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
  11.   MinionPro-MediumIt.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
  12.    MinionPro-Regular.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
  13.   MinionPro-Semibold.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
  14. MinionPro-SemiboldIt.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/
  15.       MinionPro-Subh.otf   /Users/voss/Library/Fonts/MinionPro/

See also

See luafindfont-doc.pdf for more details


No known bugs.


Herbert Voß (hvoss@tug.org)


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3.


03 nov 2022 0.11 luafindfont man page