lttng-add-context - Man Page

Add context fields to be recorded by LTTng


Add context fields to be recorded to the event records of one or more channels:

lttng [GENERAL OPTIONS] add-context
      (--kernel | --userspace | --jul | --log4j)
      [--session=SESSION] [--channel=CHANNEL]
      --type=TYPE [--type=TYPE]...

List the available context field types:

lttng [GENERAL OPTIONS] add-context --list


The lttng add-context command can:

Without the --list option

Add one or more context fields to be recorded by LTTng to the event records of:

With the --session=SESSION option

The recording session named SESSION.

Without the --session option

The current recording session (see lttng-concepts(7) to learn more about the current recording session).

With the --channel=CHANNEL

The channel named CHANNEL.

Without the --channel option

All the channels of the selected recording session.

With the --list option

List the available context field types.

See lttng-concepts(7) to learn more about recording sessions and channels.

Repeat the --type=TYPE option to add more than one context field to be recorded. TYPE is one of:

  • A perf counter name:

Prefix: perf:cpu:

Only available with the --kernel option.


Prefix: perf:thread:

Only available with the --userspace, --jul, or --log4j option.

Add Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) counter context fields by raw ID with the perf:cpu:raw:rN:NAME (--kernel option) or perf:thread:raw:rN:NAME (--userspace, --jul, or --log4j option) types, with:


A hexadecimal event descriptor which follows the perf-record(1) format: a concatenation of the event number and umask value which the manufacturer of the processor provides.

The possible values for this part are processor-specific.


Custom name to identify the counter.

  • An LTTng application-specific context field name:


    + PROVIDER:: Provider name.


Context type name.

Only available with the --jul and --log4j options.


Make sure to single-quote TYPE when you run the add-context command from a shell, as $ is a special character for variable substitution in most shells.


As of LTTng 2.13.14, you may NOT add context fields to be recorded to the event records of a given channel once its recording session has been started (see lttng-start(1)) at least once.

See the “Examples” section below for usage examples.


See lttng(1) for GENERAL OPTIONS.

Tracing domain

One of:

-j,  --jul

Add context fields to be recorded to the event records of one or more channels of the java.util.logging (JUL) tracing domain.

-k,  --kernel

Add context fields to be recorded to the event records of one or more channels of the Linux kernel tracing domain.

-l,  --log4j

Add context fields to be recorded to the event records of one or more channels of the Apache log4j tracing domain.

-u,  --userspace

Add context fields to be recorded to the event records of one or more channels of the user space tracing domain.

Recording target

-c CHANNEL, --channel=CHANNEL

Add context fields to be recorded to the event records of a channel named CHANNEL instead of all the channels of the selected recording session.

-s SESSION, --session=SESSION

Add context fields to be recorded to the event records of one or more channels of the recording session named SESSION instead of the current recording session.

Context field type


List the available context field types.

You may NOT use this option with the --channel, --session, or --type options.

-t TYPE, --type=TYPE

Add a context field having the type TYPE to be recorded.

Repeat this option to add more than one context field.

Program information

-h,  --help

Show help.

This option attempts to launch /usr/bin/man to view this manual page. Override the manual pager path with the LTTNG_MAN_BIN_PATH environment variable.


List available command options and quit.

Exit Status




Command error


Undefined command


Fatal error


Command warning (something went wrong during the command)



Set to 1 to abort the process after the first error is encountered.


Path to the LTTng home directory.

Defaults to $HOME.

Useful when the Unix user running the commands has a non-writable home directory.


Absolute path to the manual pager to use to read the LTTng command-line help (with lttng-help(1) or with the --help option) instead of /usr/bin/man.


Path to the directory containing the session.xsd recording session configuration XML schema.


Absolute path to the LTTng session daemon binary (see lttng-sessiond(8)) to spawn from the lttng-create(1) command.

The --sessiond-path general option overrides this environment variable.



Unix user’s LTTng runtime configuration.

This is where LTTng stores the name of the Unix user’s current recording session between executions of lttng(1). lttng-create(1) and lttng-set-session(1) set the current recording session.


Default output directory of LTTng traces in local and snapshot modes.

Override this path with the --output option of the lttng-create(1) command.


Unix user’s LTTng runtime and configuration directory.


Default directory containing the Unix user’s saved recording session configurations (see lttng-save(1) and lttng-load(1)).


Directory containing the system-wide saved recording session configurations (see lttng-save(1) and lttng-load(1)).


$LTTNG_HOME defaults to the value of the HOME environment variable.


Example 1. List the available context field types.

See the --list option.

$ lttng add-context --list

Example 2. Add a single statically-known context field to be recorded to all the Linux kernel channels of the current recording session.

$ lttng add-context --kernel --type=pid

Example 3. Add three statically-known context fields to be recorded to a specific user space channel of a specific recording session.

See the --session and --channel options.

$ lttng add-context --userspace --session=my-session \
                    --channel=my-channel \
                    --type=vpid --type=procname --type=ip

Example 4. Add a perf counter context field to be recorded to a specific Linux kernel channel of the current recording session.

See the --channel option.

$ lttng add-context --kernel --channel=my-channel \

Example 5. Add an LTTng application-specific context field to be recorded to all the JUL channels of the current recording session.

$ lttng add-context --jul --type='$app.my_server:user_cnt'



Special thanks to Michel Dagenais and the DORSAL laboratory <> at École Polytechnique de Montréal for the LTTng journey.

Also thanks to the Ericsson teams working on tracing which helped us greatly with detailed bug reports and unusual test cases.

See Also

lttng(1), lttng-enable-channel(1), lttng-concepts(7)

Referenced By

babeltrace2-filter.lttng-utils.debug-info(7), lttng(1), lttng-add-trigger(1), lttng-concepts(7), lttng-enable-event(1), lttng-event-rule(7), lttng-ust(3).

14 June 2021 LTTng 2.13.14 LTTng Manual