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logconv.pl - Man Page

analyzes Directory Server access log files


logconv.pl [-h] [-d <rootDN>] [-s <size limit>] [-v] [-V] [-S <start time>] [-E <end time>] [-T <min etime>] [-efcibaltnxgjuU] [ access log ... ... ]


Analyzes Directory Server access log files for specific information defined on the command line


A summary of options is included below:

-h,  --help


-d,  --rootDN <Directory Managers DN>

DEFAULT -> cn=directory manager

-D,  --data <Location for temporary data files>

DEFAULT -> /tmp
TIP -> If there is enough RAM, a RAM disk can be used instead:

      mkdir /dev/shm/logconv, and use this directory for the "-D" value.

-s,  --sizeLimit <Number of results to return per category>


-X,  --excludeIP <IP address to exclude from connection stats>

E.g. Load balancers

-v,  --version show version of tool

Print version of the tool

-S,  --startTime <time to begin analyzing logfile from>

Time to begin analyzing logfile from E.g. [28/Mar/2002:13:14:22 -0800]

-E,  --endTime <time to stop analyzing logfile>

Time to stop analyzing logfile from E.g. [28/Mar/2002:13:24:62 -0800]

-T,  --minEtime <minimum etime to report unindexed searches>

The minimum etime that is required to record and report on an unindexed search.  Default is zero.

-M,  --reportFileMins <CSV output file>

This option creates a CSV report for spreadsheets.

-m,  --reportFileSecs <CSV output file>

This option creates a CSV report for spreadsheets.

-B,  --bind <ALL | ANONYMOUS | Bind DN >

This generates a report based on either ALL bind dn's, anonymous binds, or a specific DN.

-V,  --verbose <enable verbose output - includes all stats listed below except U>

Verbose output


e Error Code stats
f Failed Login Stats
c Connection Code Stats
i Client Stats
b Bind Stats
a Search Base Stats
l Search Filter Stats
t Etime Stats
n Nentries Stats
x Extended Operations
r Most Requested Attribute Stats
g Abandoned Operation Stats
j Recommendations
u Unindexed Search Stats (very detailed)
y Connection Latency Stats
p Open Connection ID Stats
U Unindexed Search Summary



logconv.pl -s 10 -V access

logconv.pl -d "cn=directory manager" /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-host/access*

logconv.pl -s 50 -ibgju access*

logconv.pl -S "[28/Mar/2002:13:14:22 -0800]" -E "[28/Mar/2002:13:50:05 -0800]" -e access


logconv.pl was written by the 389 Project.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/new

Referenced By


March 31, 2017