lemonldap-ng-sessions.1p - Man Page

Scripting CLI for LemonLDAP::NG sessions


  lemonldap-ng-sessions [<options>] <command> [<arguments> ...]



"get": get one or several session from known IDs

"search": search for sessions

count: alias for search --count

"delete": delete existing sessions

"setKey": add/change key in existing session

"delKey": delete key from existing session

"secondfactors": manage second factors

"consents": manage OIDC user consents

"backup": dump all sessions

"restore": restore sessions from a dump file


--help: Show full help

--select: Select which fields to print

--backend: Specify session backend

--persistent: Search in persistent sessions

--refresh-tokens: Search into refresh_tokens only

--where: Set search filter (search/delete only)

--id-only: Only return IDs (search only)

--user: Change user running the script

--group: Change group running the script

--hash: When "hashed session storage" is in use, indicates that the given session ID is the original value (cookie value)

--count (only with "search"): display the number of matching sessions instead of their content

--out: write result into given file



    lemonldap-ng-sessions get <id> [<id> ...]

This command lets you read the content of a session.

You must pass one or several session IDs as parameters.


        lemonldap-ng-sessions get 9684dd2a6489bf2be2fbdd799a8028e3

        lemonldap-ng-sessions get --persistent dwho


    lemonldap-ng-sessions search [<options>]

This command lets you search for sessions.

It can be used to find the session IDs that other commands need.

You can restrict the search with options. See "Options"


        lemonldap-ng-sessions search

        lemonldap-ng-sessions search --backend persistent

        lemonldap-ng-sessions search --where uid=dwho

        lemonldap-ng-sessions search --where uid=dwho \

        lemonldap-ng-sessions search --backend persistent \
                --where _session_uid=dwho

        lemonldap-ng-sessions search --where uid=dwho \
                --select authenticationLevel

    lemonldap-ng-sessions search --where '_startTime>20240410063538'
    lemonldap-ng-sessions search --where '_startTime<20240410063538'

And you can just display the number of result using lemonldap-ng-sessions search --count


    lemonldap-ng-sessions delete <id> [<id> ...]
    lemonldap-ng-sessions delete --where <filter>

This command lets you delete sessions.

You may give it one or several session IDs to remove.


        lemonldap-ng-sessions delete 9684dd2a6489bf2be2fbdd799a8028e3

        lemonldap-ng-sessions delete --persistent dwho

Or you can give it a search expression.


        lemonldap-ng-sessions delete --where uid=dwho

        lemonldap-ng-sessions delete --persistent --where _session_uid=dwho


    lemonldap-ng-sessions setKey <id> <key> <value> [<key> <value> ...]

This command allows you to modify one or several keys from an existing session.


        lemonldap-ng-sessions setKey 9684dd2a6489bf2be2fbdd799a8028e3 \
                authenticationLevel 1


    lemonldap-ng-sessions delKey <id> <key> [<key> ...]

This command lets you remove a key from an existing session.

You must specify a session ID, and one of several session keys to remove.


        lemonldap-ng-sessions delKey --persistent dwho _oidcConsents


    lemonldap-ng-sessions secondfactors <command> <user> [<id> ... ]


get <user>

show all second factors for a user

delete <user> <id> [<id> ...]

delete second factors for a user. The ID must match one of the IDs returned by the "show" command.

delType [<user>|--all] <type> [<type> ...]

delete all second factors of a given type for a user

migrateu2f [<user>|--all]

migrate U2F device registrations to WebAuthn device registrations


    lemonldap-ng-sessions consents <command> <user> [<id> ... ]


    get <user>
        show all OIDC consents for a user
    delete <user> <id> [<id> ...]
        delete OIDC consents for a user


    lemonldap-ng-sessions backup > file
    # or
    lemonldap-ng-sessions backup --out file
    # or limited to persistent sessions
    lemonldap-ng-sessions backup --persistent --out file
    # or limited to OIDC refresh_tokens
    lemonldap-ng-sessions backup --refresh-tokens --out file

Simple command to dump all sessions or only persistent or refresh_tokens.


    lemonldap-ng-sessions restore < file
    # or
    lemonldap-ng-sessions restore file

Command to restore sessions using a file generated by "backup" command



Lets you select which fields to output in the JSON result.

This option can be set multiple times


This option lets you filter your session search according to a filter.

For now, only one filter can be set.


        --search uid=dwho
        --search _sessionType=OIDC
        --search '_startTime>20240410063538'
        --search '_startTime<20240410063538'

This option lets you specify which session backend to use.

You only need it when you configured multiple session backends in your LemonLDAP::NG installation (for Persistent, SAML, CAS or OIDC sessions)


        --backend persistent
        --backend saml
        --backend oidc
        --backend cas

This option is a shortcut for specifying --backend persistent and using the UID hash as a session ID


        lemonldap-ng-sessions --backend persistent \
                get 5efe8af397fc3577e05b483aca964f1b

is the same as

        lemonldap-ng-sessions get --persistent dwho

This option replaces the standard JSON output format with a simpler format of one session ID per line.

This allows some interesting combos using xargs. For example, if you want to remove all sessions started by "dwho"

        lemonldap-ng-sessions search --where uid=dwho --id-only | \
                xargs lemonldap-ng-sessions delete

This option forces the system user that runs the script.


This option forces the system group that runs the script.

--hash,  -c

When the session storage is protected by hashed session storage <https://lemonldap-ng.org/documentation/latest/security.html#configure-security-settings>, this option indicates that the given session is the original value (cookie value)

See Also



Maxime Besson, <maxime.besson@worteks.com>

Bug Report

Use OW2 system to report bug or ask for features: <https://gitlab.ow2.org/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng/issues>


2024-10-08 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation