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ksverdiff - Man Page

display the differences in kickstart syntax


ksverdiff [-f | --from FROMVER]  [-t | --to TOVER]


ksverdiff is a program that takes two versions of kickstart syntax and lists the differences between them. It will generate a list of options added to every command since FROMVER, a list of commands added since FROMVER, a list of commands deprecated since FROMVER, and a list of commands removed since FROMVER.

Exit Status

ksverdiff returns 0 on success, and 1 if either FROMVER or TOVER are invalid.


-f | --from FROMVER

The version of kickstart syntax to start with.  In other words, this is the lower bound version.

-t | --TO TOVER

The version of kickstart syntax to end with.  In other words, this is the upper bound version.

See Also

ksflatten (1), ksshell (1), ksvalidator (1)

Referenced By

ksflatten(1), ksshell(1), ksvalidator(1).