kcbench - Man Page

Linux kernel compile benchmark, speed edition


kcbench [options]


Kcbench tries to compile a Linux kernel really quickly to test a system's performance or stability.

Note: The number of compile jobs ('-j') that delivers the best result depends on the machine being tested. See the section "On the Default Number of Jobs" below for details.

To get comparable results from different machines you need to use the exact same operating system on all of them. There are multiple reasons for this recommendation, but one of the main reasons is: the Linux version compiled by default depends on the operating system's default compiler and both heavily influence the result.

If you choose to ignore this recommendation at least make sure to hard code the Linux version to compile ('-s 5.4'), as for example compiling 5.7 will take longer than 5.4 or 4.19 and thus lead to results one cannot compare. Also, make sure the compiler used on the systems you want to compare is from similar, as for example gcc10 will try harder to optimize the code than gcc8 or gcc9 and thus take more time for its work.

Kcbench is accompanied by kcbenchrate. Both are quite similar, but work slightly different:


-b,  --bypass

Omit the initial kernel compile to fill caches; saves time, but the first result might be slightly lower than the following ones.

-d,  --detailedresults

Print more detailed results.

-h,  --help

Show usage.

-i,  --iterations int

Determines the number of kernels that kcbench will compile sequentially with different values of jobs ('-j'). Default: 2

-j,  --jobs int(,int, int, ...)

Number of jobs to use when compiling a kernel('make -j #').

This option can be given multiple times (-j 2 -j 4 -j 8) or 'int' can be a list (-j "2 4 8"). The default depends on the number of cores in the system and if its processor uses SMT. Run '--help' to query the default on the particular machine.

Important note: kcbench on machines with SMTs will do runs which do not utilize all available CPU cores; this might look odd, but there are reasons for this behavior. See "On the Default Number of Jobs" below for details.

-m,  --modconfig

Instead of using a config generated with 'defconfig' use one built by 'allmodconfig' and compile modules as well. Takes a lot longer to compile, which is more suitable for machines with a lot of fast CPU cores.

-k,  --kconfig file

Instead of using a config generated with 'defconfig' or 'allmodconfig' use file as a base and complete it with 'olddefconfig'. This option overrides a possible -m/--modconfig.

-o,  --outputdir dir

Use path to compile Linux. Passes 'O=dir/kcbench-worker/' to make when calling it to compile a kernel. Without this, kcbench will use a temporary directory.

-s,  --src path|version

Look for sources in path, ~/.cache/kcbench/linux-version or /usr/share/kcbench/linux-version. If not found try to download version automatically unless '--no-download' was specified.

-v,  --verbose

Increase verbose level; option can be given multiple times.

-V,  --version

Output program version.

--cc exec

Use exec as target compiler.

--cross-compile arch

EXPERIMENTAL: Cross compile the Linux kernel. Cross compilers for this task are packaged in some Linux distribution. There are also pre-compiled compilers available on the internet, for example here: https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/tools/crosstool/

Values of arch that kcbench understand: arm arm64 aarch64 riscv riscv64 powerpc powerpc64 x86_64

Building for archs not directly supported by kcbench should work, too: just export ARCH= and CROSS_COMPILE= just like you would when normally cross compiling a Linux kernel. Do not use '--cross-compile' in that case.

Be aware there is a bigger risk running into compile errors (see below) when cross compiling.

Keep in mind that unless you provide a build configuration using '--kconfig', kcbench configure the compiled Linux kernel with the make target 'defconfig' (or 'allmodconfig', if you specify '-m'). That .config might be unusual for the architecture in question, but good enough for benchmarking purposes.

--crosscomp-scheme scheme

On Linux distributions that are known to ship cross compilers kcbench will assume you want to use those. This parameter allows to specify one of the various different naming schemes in cases this automatic detection fails or work you want kcbench/kcbenchrate to find them using a 'generic' scheme that should work with compilers from various sources, which is the default on unknown distributions.

Valid values of scheme: debian fedora generic redhat ubuntu

--hostcc exec

Use exec as host compiler.


Run endlessly to create system load.


Set LLVM=1 to use clang as compiler and LLVM utilities as GNU binutils substitute.

--add-make-args string

Pass additional flags found in string to make when creating the config or building the kernel. This option is meant for experts that want to try unusual things, like specifying a special linker (--add-make-args 'LD=ld.lld').

Use with caution!


Never download Linux kernel sources from the web automatically.

--savefailedlogs path

Save log of failed compile runs to path.

On the Default Number of Jobs

The optimal number of compile jobs (-j) to get the best result depends on the machine being benched. On most systems you will achieve the best result if the number of jobs matches the number of CPU cores. That for example is the case on this 4 core Intel processor without SMT:

[cttest@localhost ~]$ bash kcbench -s 5.3 -i 1
Processor:            Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz [4 threads]
Cpufreq; Memory:      Unknown; 15934 MByte RAM
Compiler used:        gcc (GCC) 9.2.1 20190827 (Red Hat 9.2.1-1)
Linux compiled:       5.3.0 [/home/cttest/.cache/kcbench/linux-5.3/]
Config; Environment:  defconfig; CCACHE_DISABLE="1"
Build command:        make vmlinux
Run 1 (-j 4):         250.03 seconds / 14.40 kernels/hour
Run 2 (-j 6):         255.88 seconds / 14.07 kernels/hour

The run with 6 jobs was slower here. That kcbench tries that setting by default looks like a waste of time here, but is wise, as other machines deliver the best result when they are oversubscribed a little. That for example is the case on this 6 core/12 threads processor, which achieved its best result with 15 jobs:

[cttest@localhost ~]$ bash kcbench -s 5.3 -i 1
Processor:            Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz [12 threads]
Cpufreq; Memory:      Unknown; 15934 MByte RAM
Linux running:        5.6.0-0.rc2.git0.1.vanilla.knurd.2.fc31.x86_64
Compiler used:        gcc (GCC) 9.2.1 20190827 (Red Hat 9.2.1-1)
Linux compiled:       5.3.0 [/home/cttest/.cache/kcbench/linux-5.3/]
Config; Environment:  defconfig; CCACHE_DISABLE="1"
Build command:        make vmlinux
Run 1 (-j 12):        92.55 seconds / 38.90 kernels/hour
Run 2 (-j 15):        91.91 seconds / 39.17 kernels/hour
Run 3 (-j 6):         113.66 seconds / 31.67 kernels/hour
Run 4 (-j 9):         101.32 seconds / 35.53 kernels/hour

You'll notice attempts that tried to utilize only the real cores (-j 6) and oversubscribe them a little (-j 9), which looks like a waste of time. But on some machines with SMT capable processors those will deliver the best results, like on this AMD Threadripper processor with 64 core/128 threads:

$ kcbench
[cttest@localhost ~]$ bash kcbench -s 5.3 -i 1
Processor:            AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X 64-Core Processor [128 threads]
Cpufreq; Memory:      Unknown; 15934 MByte RAM
Linux running:        5.6.0-0.rc2.git0.1.vanilla.knurd.2.fc31.x86_64
Compiler used:        gcc (GCC) 9.2.1 20190827 (Red Hat 9.2.1-1)
Linux compiled:       5.3.0 [/home/cttest/.cache/kcbench/linux-5.3/]
Config; Environment:  defconfig; CCACHE_DISABLE="1"
Build command:        make vmlinux
Run 1 (-j 128):       26.16 seconds / 137.61 kernels/hour
Run 2 (-j 136):       26.19 seconds / 137.46 kernels/hour
Run 3 (-j 64):        21.45 seconds / 167.83 kernels/hour
Run 4 (-j 72):        22.68 seconds / 158.73 kernels/hour

This is even more visible when compiling an allmodconfig configuration:

[cttest@localhost ~]$ bash kcbench -s 5.3 -i 1 -m
Processor:            AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X 64-Core Processor [128 threads]
Cpufreq; Memory:      Unknown; 63736 MByte RAM
Linux running:        5.6.0-0.rc2.git0.1.vanilla.knurd.2.fc31.x86_64
Compiler used:        gcc (GCC) 9.2.1 20190827 (Red Hat 9.2.1-1)
Linux compiled:       5.3.0 [/home/cttest/.cache/kcbench/linux-5.3/]
Config; Environment:  defconfig; CCACHE_DISABLE="1"
Build command:        make vmlinux
Run 1 (-j 128):       260.43 seconds / 13.82 kernels/hour
Run 2 (-j 136):       262.67 seconds / 13.71 kernels/hour
Run 3 (-j 64):        215.54 seconds / 16.70 kernels/hour
Run 4 (-j 72):        215.97 seconds / 16.67 kernels/hour

This can happen if the SMT implementation is bad or something else becomes a bottleneck. A few tests on above machine indicated the memory interface was the limiting factor. An AMD Epyc from the same processor generation did not show this effect and delivered its best results when the number of jobs matched the number of CPUs:

[cttest@localhost ~]$ bash kcbench -s 5.3 -i 1 -m
Processor:            AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor [256 threads]
Cpufreq; Memory:      Unknown; 63736 MByte RAM
Linux running:        5.6.0-0.rc2.git0.1.vanilla.knurd.2.fc31.x86_64
Compiler used:        gcc (GCC) 9.2.1 20190827 (Red Hat 9.2.1-1)
Linux compiled:       5.3.0 [/home/cttest/.cache/kcbench/linux-5.3/]
Config; Environment:  defconfig; CCACHE_DISABLE="1"
Build command:        make vmlinux
Run 1 (-j 256):       128.24 seconds / 28.07 kernels/hour
Run 2 (-j 268):       128.87 seconds / 27.94 kernels/hour
Run 3 (-j 128):       141.83 seconds / 25.38 kernels/hour
Run 4 (-j 140):       137.46 seconds / 26.19 kernels/hour

This table will tell you now many jobs kcbench will use by default:

 #                             Cores: Default # of jobs
 #                             1 CPU: 1 2
 #           2 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 2 3
 #           2 CPUs (2 threads/core): 2 3 1
 #           4 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 4 6
 #           4 CPUs (2 threads/core): 4 6 2
 #           6 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 6 9
 #           6 CPUs (2 threads/core): 6 9 3
 #           8 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 8 11
 #           8 CPUs (2 threads/core): 8 11 4 6
 #          12 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 12 16
 #          12 CPUs (2 threads/core): 12 16 6 9
 #          16 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 16 20
 #          16 CPUs (2 threads/core): 16 20 8 11
 #          20 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 20 25
 #          20 CPUs (2 threads/core): 20 25 10 14
 #          24 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 24 29
 #          24 CPUs (2 threads/core): 24 29 12 16
 #          28 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 28 34
 #          28 CPUs (2 threads/core): 28 34 14 18
 #          32 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 32 38
 #          32 CPUs (2 threads/core): 32 38 16 20
 #          32 CPUs (4 threads/core): 32 38 8 11
 #          48 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 48 55
 #          48 CPUs (2 threads/core): 48 55 24 29
 #          48 CPUs (4 threads/core): 48 55 12 16
 #          64 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 64 72
 #          64 CPUs (2 threads/core): 64 72 32 38
 #          64 CPUs (4 threads/core): 64 72 16 20
 #         128 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 128 140
 #         128 CPUs (2 threads/core): 128 140 64 72
 #         128 CPUs (4 threads/core): 128 140 32 38
 #         256 CPUs (    no SMT    ): 256 272
 #         256 CPUs (2 threads/core): 256 272 128 140
 #         256 CPUs (4 threads/core): 256 272 64 72

On Failed Runs Due to Compilation Errors

The compilation is unlikely to fail, as long as you are using a settled GCC version to natively compile the source of a current Linux kernel for popular architectures like ARM, ARM64/Aarch64, or x86_64. For other cases there is a bigger risk that compilation will fail due to factors outsides of kcbench control. They nevertheless try to catch a few common problems and warn, but they can not catch them all, as there are to many factors involved:


Running benchmarks to compare the results fairly can be tricky. Here are a few of the aspects you should keep mind when trying to do so:

If you want to work against that consider using '-m' to build an allmodconfig configuration with modules; comping a newer, more complex Linux kernel version can also help. But the best way to avoid this effect is by using kcbenchrate.


To let kcbench decide everything automatically simply run:

$ kcbench

On a four core processor without SMT kcbench by default will compile two kernels with 4 jobs and two with 6 jobs. You can specify a setting like this manually: .

: $ kcbench -s 5.4 --iterations 3 --jobs 2 --jobs 4

This will compile Linux 5.4 first three times with 2 jobs and then as often with 4 jobs.


By default, the lines you are looking for look like this:

Run 1 (-j 4): 230.30 sec / 15.63 kernels/hour [P:389%, 24 maj. pagefaults]

Here it took 230.30 seconds to compile the Linux kernel image. With a speed like this the machine can compile 15.63 kernels per hour (60*60/230.30). The results from this 4 core machine also show the CPU usage (P) was 389 percent; 24 major page faults occurred during this run – this number should be small, as processing them takes some time and thus slows down the build. This information is omitted, if less than 20 major page faults happen. For details how the CPU usage is calculated and major page faults are detected see the man page for GNU 'time', which kcbench relies on for its measurements.

When running with "-d|--detailedresults" you'll get more detailed result:

Run 1 (-j 4): 230.30 sec / 15.63 kernels/hour [P:389%]
Elapsed Time(E): 2:30.10 (150.10 seconds)
Kernel time (S): 36.38 seconds
User time (U): 259.51 seconds
CPU usage (P): 197%
Major page faults (F): 0
Minor page faults (R): 9441809
Context switches involuntarily (c): 69031
Context switches voluntarily (w): 46955

Missing Features

See Also

kcbenchrate(1), time(1)


Thorsten Leemhuis <linux [AT] leemhuis [DOT] info>

Referenced By
