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jsonnet - Man Page

jsonnet commandline interpreter


jsonnet [option ...] filename


In all cases:

Available Options


Print a usage message


Treat filename as code

-J--jpath dir

Specify an additional library search directory (right-most wins)

-o--output-file file

Write to the output file rather than stdout

-m--multi dir

Write multiple files to the directory, list files on stdout


Write output as a YAML stream of JSON documents


Expect a string, manifest as plain text

-s--max-stack n

Number of allowed stack frames

-t--max-trace n

Max length of stack trace before cropping

--gc-min-objects n

Do not run garbage collector until this many

--gc-growth-trigger n

Run garbage collector after this amount of object growth


Print version

Available Options for Specifying Values of ‘External’ Variables

Provide the value as a string:

-V--ext-str var[=val]

If val is omitted, get from environment var var

--ext-str-file var=file

Read the string from the file

Provide the value as Jsonnet code:

--ext-code var[=code]

If code is omitted, get from environment var var

--ext-code-file var=file

Read the code from the file

Available Options for Specifying Values of ‘Top-Level Arguments’

Provide the value as a string:

-V--tla-str var[=val]

If val is omitted, get from environment var var

--tla-str-file var=file

Read the string from the file

Provide the value as Jsonnet code:

--tla-code var[=code]

If code is omitted, get from environment var var

--tla-code-file var=file

Read the code from the file



is a colon (semicolon on Windows) separated list of directories added in reverse order before the paths specified by --jpath (i.e. left-most wins)


JSONNET_PATH=a:b jsonnet -J c -J d

is equivalent to:

JSONNET_PATH=d:c:a:b jsonnet
jsonnet -J b -J a -J c -J d

See Also


Referenced By


June 2021