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Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE).

This package is a Python implementation of the standards developed by IETF Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (Active WG), in particular the following RFCs:

Originally developed as part of the ACME protocol implementation.

Jose Base64

JOSE Base64 is defined as:

josepy.b64.b64encode(data: bytes) -> bytes

JOSE Base64 encode.


data (bytes) -- Data to be encoded.


JOSE Base64 string.

Return type



TypeError -- if data is of incorrect type

josepy.b64.b64decode(data: bytes | str) -> bytes

JOSE Base64 decode.


data (bytes or unicode) -- Base64 string to be decoded. If it's unicode, then only ASCII characters are allowed.


Decoded data.

Return type


  • TypeError -- if input is of incorrect type
  • ValueError -- if input is unicode with non-ASCII characters


JOSE errors.

exception josepy.errors.Error

Generic JOSE Error.

exception josepy.errors.DeserializationError

JSON deserialization error.

exception josepy.errors.SerializationError

JSON serialization error.

exception josepy.errors.UnrecognizedTypeError(typ: str, jobj: Any)

Unrecognized type error.

  • typ (str) -- The unrecognized type of the JSON object.
  • jobj -- Full JSON object.


JOSE interfaces.

class josepy.interfaces.JSONDeSerializable

Interface for (de)serializable JSON objects.

Please recall, that standard Python library implements json.JSONEncoder and json.JSONDecoder that perform translations based on respective conversion tables that look pretty much like the one below (for complete tables see relevant Python documentation):


While the above conversion table is about translation of JSON documents to/from the basic Python types only, JSONDeSerializable introduces the following two concepts:


Turning an arbitrary Python object into Python object that can be encoded into a JSON document. Full serialization produces a Python object composed of only basic types as required by the conversion table. Partial serialization (accomplished by to_partial_json()) produces a Python object that might also be built from other JSONDeSerializable objects.


Turning a decoded Python object (necessarily one of the basic types as required by the conversion table) into an arbitrary Python object.

Serialization produces serialized object ("partially serialized object" or "fully serialized object" for partial and full serialization respectively) and deserialization produces deserialized object, both usually denoted in the source code as jobj.

Wording in the official Python documentation might be confusing after reading the above, but in the light of those definitions, one can view json.JSONDecoder.decode() as decoder and deserializer of basic types, json.JSONEncoder.default() as serializer of basic types, json.JSONEncoder.encode()  as serializer and encoder of basic types.

One could extend json to support arbitrary object (de)serialization either by:

  • overriding json.JSONDecoder.decode() and json.JSONEncoder.default() in subclasses
  • or passing object_hook argument (or object_hook_pairs) to json.load()/json.loads() or default argument for json.dump()/json.dumps().

Interestingly, default is required to perform only partial serialization, as json.dumps() applies default recursively. This is the idea behind making to_partial_json() produce only partial serialization, while providing custom json_dumps() that dumps with default set to json_dump_default().

To make further documentation a bit more concrete, please, consider the following imaginatory implementation example:

class Foo(JSONDeSerializable):
    def to_partial_json(self):
        return 'foo'

    def from_json(cls, jobj):
        return Foo()

class Bar(JSONDeSerializable):
    def to_partial_json(self):
        return [Foo(), Foo()]

    def from_json(cls, jobj):
        return Bar()
abstract to_partial_json() -> Any

Partially serialize.

Following the example, partial serialization means the following:

assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[0], Foo)
assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[1], Foo)

# in particular...
assert Bar().to_partial_json() != ['foo', 'foo']

josepy.errors.SerializationError -- in case of any serialization error.


Partially serializable object.

to_json() -> Any

Fully serialize.

Again, following the example from before, full serialization means the following:

assert Bar().to_json() == ['foo', 'foo']

josepy.errors.SerializationError -- in case of any serialization error.


Fully serialized object.

abstract classmethod from_json(jobj: Any) -> GenericJSONDeSerializable

Deserialize a decoded JSON document.


jobj -- Python object, composed of only other basic data types, as decoded from JSON document. Not necessarily dict (as decoded from "JSON object" document).


josepy.errors.DeserializationError -- if decoding was unsuccessful, e.g. in case of unparseable X509 certificate, or wrong padding in JOSE base64 encoded string, etc.

classmethod json_loads(json_string: str | bytes) -> GenericJSONDeSerializable

Deserialize from JSON document string.

json_dumps(**kwargs: Any) -> str

Dump to JSON string using proper serializer.


JSON document string.

Return type


json_dumps_pretty() -> str

Dump the object to pretty JSON document string.

Return type


classmethod json_dump_default(python_object: JSONDeSerializable) -> Any

Serialize Python object.

This function is meant to be passed as default to json.dump() or json.dumps(). They call default(python_object) only for non-basic Python types, so this function necessarily raises TypeError if python_object is not an instance of IJSONSerializable.

Please read the class docstring for more information.

JSON Utilities

JSON (de)serialization framework.

The framework presented here is somewhat based on Go's "json" package (especially the omitempty functionality).

josepy.json_util.field(json_name: str, default: Any = None, omitempty: bool = False, decoder: Callable[[Any], Any] = None, encoder: Callable[[Any], Any] = None) -> Any

Convenient function to declare a Field with proper type annotations.

This function allows to write the following code:

import josepy class JSON(josepy.JSONObjectWithFields):

typ: str = josepy.field('type')

def other_type(self) -> str:

return self.typ

class josepy.json_util.Field(json_name: str, default: Any = None, omitempty: bool = False, decoder: Callable[[Any], Any] = None, encoder: Callable[[Any], Any] = None)

JSON object field.

Field is meant to be used together with JSONObjectWithFields.

encoder (decoder) is a callable that accepts a single parameter, i.e. a value to be encoded (decoded), and returns the serialized (deserialized) value. In case of errors it should raise SerializationError (DeserializationError).

Note, that decoder should perform partial serialization only.

  • json_name (str) -- Name of the field when encoded to JSON.
  • default -- Default value (used when not present in JSON object).
  • omitempty (bool) -- If True and the field value is empty, then it will not be included in the serialized JSON object, and default will be used for deserialization. Otherwise, if False, field is considered as required, value will always be included in the serialized JSON objected, and it must also be present when deserializing.
omit(value: Any) -> bool

Omit the value in output?

decoder(fdec: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> Field

Descriptor to change the decoder on JSON object field.

encoder(fenc: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> Field

Descriptor to change the encoder on JSON object field.

decode(value: Any) -> Any

Decode a value, optionally with context JSON object.

encode(value: Any) -> Any

Encode a value, optionally with context JSON object.

classmethod default_decoder(value: Any) -> Any

Default decoder.

Recursively deserialize into immutable types ( josepy.util.frozendict instead of dict(), tuple() instead of list()).

classmethod default_encoder(value: Any) -> Any

Default (passthrough) encoder.

class josepy.json_util.JSONObjectWithFieldsMeta(name: str, bases: List[str], namespace: Dict[str, Any])

Metaclass for JSONObjectWithFields and its subclasses.

It makes sure that, for any class cls with __metaclass__ set to JSONObjectWithFieldsMeta:

  1. All fields (attributes of type Field) in the class definition are moved to the cls._fields dictionary, where keys are field attribute names and values are fields themselves.
  2. cls.__slots__ is extended by all field attribute names (i.e. not Field.json_name). Original cls.__slots__ are stored in cls._orig_slots.

In a consequence, for a field attribute name some_field, cls.some_field will be a slot descriptor and not an instance of Field. For example:

some_field = Field('someField', default=())

class Foo:
    __metaclass__ = JSONObjectWithFieldsMeta
    __slots__ = ('baz',)
    some_field = some_field

assert Foo.__slots__ == ('some_field', 'baz')
assert Foo._orig_slots == ()
assert Foo.some_field is not Field

assert Foo._fields.keys() == ['some_field']
assert Foo._fields['some_field'] is some_field

As an implementation note, this metaclass inherits from abc.ABCMeta (and not the usual type) to mitigate the metaclass conflict (ImmutableMap and JSONDeSerializable, parents of JSONObjectWithFields, use abc.ABCMeta as its metaclass).

class josepy.json_util.JSONObjectWithFields(**kwargs: Any)

JSON object with fields.


class Foo(JSONObjectWithFields):
    bar = Field('Bar')
    empty = Field('Empty', omitempty=True)

    def bar(value):
        return value + 'bar'

    def bar(value):
        if not value.endswith('bar'):
            raise errors.DeserializationError('No bar suffix!')
        return value[:-3]

assert Foo(bar='baz').to_partial_json() == {'Bar': 'bazbar'}
assert Foo.from_json({'Bar': 'bazbar'}) == Foo(bar='baz')
assert (Foo.from_json({'Bar': 'bazbar', 'Empty': '!'})
        == Foo(bar='baz', empty='!'))
assert Foo(bar='baz').bar == 'baz'
encode(name: str) -> Any

Encode a single field.


name (str) -- Name of the field to be encoded.

  • errors.SerializationError -- if field cannot be serialized
  • errors.Error -- if field could not be found
fields_to_partial_json() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serialize fields to JSON.

to_partial_json() -> Dict[str, Any]

Partially serialize.

Following the example, partial serialization means the following:

assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[0], Foo)
assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[1], Foo)

# in particular...
assert Bar().to_partial_json() != ['foo', 'foo']

josepy.errors.SerializationError -- in case of any serialization error.


Partially serializable object.

classmethod fields_from_json(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Any

Deserialize fields from JSON.

classmethod from_json(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> GenericJSONObjectWithFields

Deserialize a decoded JSON document.


jobj -- Python object, composed of only other basic data types, as decoded from JSON document. Not necessarily dict (as decoded from "JSON object" document).


josepy.errors.DeserializationError -- if decoding was unsuccessful, e.g. in case of unparseable X509 certificate, or wrong padding in JOSE base64 encoded string, etc.

josepy.json_util.encode_b64jose(data: bytes) -> str

Encode JOSE Base-64 field.


data (bytes)

Return type


josepy.json_util.decode_b64jose(data: str, size: int | None = None, minimum: bool = False) -> bytes

Decode JOSE Base-64 field.

  • data (unicode)
  • size (int) -- Required length (after decoding).
  • minimum (bool) -- If True, then size will be treated as minimum required length, as opposed to exact equality.
Return type


josepy.json_util.encode_hex16(value: bytes) -> str



value (bytes)

Return type


josepy.json_util.decode_hex16(value: str, size: int | None = None, minimum: bool = False) -> bytes

Decode hexlified field.

  • value (unicode)
  • size (int) -- Required length (after decoding).
  • minimum (bool) -- If True, then size will be treated as minimum required length, as opposed to exact equality.
Return type


josepy.json_util.encode_cert(cert: ComparableX509) -> str

Encode certificate as JOSE Base-64 DER.

Return type


josepy.json_util.decode_cert(b64der: str) -> ComparableX509

Decode JOSE Base-64 DER-encoded certificate.


b64der (unicode)

Return type

OpenSSL.crypto.X509 wrapped in ComparableX509

josepy.json_util.encode_csr(csr: ComparableX509) -> str

Encode CSR as JOSE Base-64 DER.

Return type


josepy.json_util.decode_csr(b64der: str) -> ComparableX509

Decode JOSE Base-64 DER-encoded CSR.


b64der (unicode)

Return type

OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req wrapped in ComparableX509

class josepy.json_util.TypedJSONObjectWithFields(**kwargs: Any)

JSON object with type.

typ: str = NotImplemented

Type of the object. Subclasses must override.

type_field_name: str = 'type'

Field name used to distinguish different object types.

Subclasses will probably have to override this.

TYPES: Dict[str, Type] = NotImplemented

Types registered for JSON deserialization

classmethod register(type_cls: Type[GenericTypedJSONObjectWithFields], typ: str | None = None) -> Type[GenericTypedJSONObjectWithFields]

Register class for JSON deserialization.

classmethod get_type_cls(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Type[TypedJSONObjectWithFields]

Get the registered class for jobj.

to_partial_json() -> Dict[str, Any]

Get JSON serializable object.


Serializable JSON object representing ACME typed object. validate() will almost certainly not work, due to reasons explained in josepy.interfaces.IJSONSerializable.

Return type


classmethod from_json(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> TypedJSONObjectWithFields

Deserialize ACME object from valid JSON object.


josepy.errors.UnrecognizedTypeError -- if type of the ACME object has not been registered.

JSON Web Algorithms

JSON Web Algorithms.

class josepy.jwa.JWA

JSON Web Algorithm.

class josepy.jwa.JWASignature(name: str)

Base class for JSON Web Signature Algorithms.

classmethod register(signature_cls: JWASignature) -> JWASignature

Register class for JSON deserialization.

to_partial_json() -> Any

Partially serialize.

Following the example, partial serialization means the following:

assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[0], Foo)
assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[1], Foo)

# in particular...
assert Bar().to_partial_json() != ['foo', 'foo']

josepy.errors.SerializationError -- in case of any serialization error.


Partially serializable object.

classmethod from_json(jobj: Any) -> JWASignature

Deserialize a decoded JSON document.


jobj -- Python object, composed of only other basic data types, as decoded from JSON document. Not necessarily dict (as decoded from "JSON object" document).


josepy.errors.DeserializationError -- if decoding was unsuccessful, e.g. in case of unparseable X509 certificate, or wrong padding in JOSE base64 encoded string, etc.

abstract sign(key: Any, msg: bytes) -> bytes

Sign the msg using key.

abstract verify(key: Any, msg: bytes, sig: bytes) -> bool

Verify the msg and sig using key.

josepy.jwa.HS256 = HS256

HMAC using SHA-256

josepy.jwa.HS384 = HS384

HMAC using SHA-384

josepy.jwa.HS512 = HS512

HMAC using SHA-512

josepy.jwa.RS256 = RS256

RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256

josepy.jwa.RS384 = RS384

RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-384

josepy.jwa.RS512 = RS512

RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-512

josepy.jwa.PS256 = PS256

RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256

josepy.jwa.PS384 = PS384

RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384

josepy.jwa.PS512 = PS512

RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512

josepy.jwa.ES256 = ES256

ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256

josepy.jwa.ES384 = ES384

ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384

josepy.jwa.ES512 = ES512

ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512

JSON Web Key

JSON Web Key.

class josepy.jwk.JWK(**kwargs: Any)

JSON Web Key.

type_field_name: str = 'kty'

Field name used to distinguish different object types.

Subclasses will probably have to override this.

TYPES: Dict[str, Type[JWK]] = {'EC': <class 'josepy.jwk.JWKEC'>, 'RSA': <class 'josepy.jwk.JWKRSA'>, 'oct': <class 'josepy.jwk.JWKOct'>}

Types registered for JSON deserialization

cryptography_key_types: Tuple[Type[Any], ...] = ()

Subclasses should override.

required: Sequence[str] = NotImplemented

Required members of public key's representation as defined by JWK/JWA.

thumbprint(hash_function: ~typing.Callable[[], ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm] = <class 'cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256'>) -> bytes

Compute JWK Thumbprint.



abstract public_key() -> JWK

Generate JWK with public key.

For symmetric cryptosystems, this would return self.

classmethod load(data: bytes, password: bytes | None = None, backend: Any | None = None) -> JWK

Load serialized key as JWK.

  • data (str) -- Public or private key serialized as PEM or DER.
  • password (str) -- Optional password.
  • backend -- A PEMSerializationBackend and DERSerializationBackend provider.

errors.Error -- if unable to deserialize, or unsupported JWK algorithm


JWK of an appropriate type.

Return type


class josepy.jwk.JWKOct(**kwargs: Any)

Symmetric JWK.

typ: str = 'oct'

Type of the object. Subclasses must override.

required: Sequence[str] = ('k', 'kty')

Required members of public key's representation as defined by JWK/JWA.

fields_to_partial_json() -> Dict[str, str]

Serialize fields to JSON.

classmethod fields_from_json(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> JWKOct

Deserialize fields from JSON.

public_key() -> JWKOct

Generate JWK with public key.

For symmetric cryptosystems, this would return self.

class josepy.jwk.JWKRSA(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)



key -- RSAPrivateKey or RSAPublicKey wrapped in ComparableRSAKey

typ: str = 'RSA'

Type of the object. Subclasses must override.

cryptography_key_types: Tuple[Type[Any], ...] = (<class 'cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPublicKey'>, <class 'cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey'>)

Subclasses should override.

required: Sequence[str] = ('e', 'kty', 'n')

Required members of public key's representation as defined by JWK/JWA.

public_key() -> JWKRSA

Generate JWK with public key.

For symmetric cryptosystems, this would return self.

classmethod fields_from_json(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> JWKRSA

Deserialize fields from JSON.

fields_to_partial_json() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serialize fields to JSON.

class josepy.jwk.JWKEC(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)



key -- EllipticCurvePrivateKey or EllipticCurvePublicKey wrapped in ComparableECKey

typ: str = 'EC'

Type of the object. Subclasses must override.

cryptography_key_types: Tuple[Type[Any], ...] = (<class ''>, <class ''>)

Subclasses should override.

required: Sequence[str] = ('crv', 'kty', 'x', 'y')

Required members of public key's representation as defined by JWK/JWA.

fields_to_partial_json() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serialize fields to JSON.

classmethod fields_from_json(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> JWKEC

Deserialize fields from JSON.

public_key() -> JWKEC

Generate JWK with public key.

For symmetric cryptosystems, this would return self.

JSON Web Signature

JSON Web Signature.

class josepy.jws.MediaType

MediaType field encoder/decoder.

PREFIX = 'application/'

MIME Media Type and Content Type prefix.

classmethod decode(value: str) -> str


classmethod encode(value: str) -> str


class josepy.jws.Header(**kwargs: Any)

JOSE Header.


This class supports only Registered Header Parameter Names (as defined in section 4.1 of the protocol). If you need Public Header Parameter Names (4.2) or Private Header Parameter Names (4.3), you must subclass and override from_json() and to_partial_json() appropriately.


This class does not support any extensions through the "crit" (Critical) Header Parameter (4.1.11) and as a conforming implementation, from_json() treats its occurrence as an error. Please subclass if you seek for a different behaviour.

  • x5tS256 -- "x5t#S256"
  • typ (str) -- MIME Media Type, inc. MediaType.PREFIX.
  • cty (str) -- Content-Type, inc. MediaType.PREFIX.
not_omitted() -> Dict[str, Field]

Fields that would not be omitted in the JSON object.

find_key() -> JWK

Find key based on header.


Supports only "jwk" header parameter lookup.


(Public) key found in the header.

Return type



josepy.errors.Error -- if key could not be found

class josepy.jws.Signature(**kwargs: Any)

JWS Signature.

  • combined -- Combined Header (protected and unprotected, Header).
  • protected (unicode) -- JWS protected header (Jose Base-64 decoded).
  • header -- JWS Unprotected Header (Header).
  • signature (str) -- The signature.

alias of Header

verify(payload: bytes, key: JWK | None = None) -> bool


  • payload (bytes) -- Payload to verify.
  • key (JWK) -- Key used for verification.
classmethod sign(payload: bytes, key: JWK, alg: JWASignature, include_jwk: bool = True, protect: FrozenSet = frozenset({}), **kwargs: Any) -> Signature


  • payload (bytes) -- Payload to sign.
  • key (JWK) -- Key for signature.
  • alg (JWASignature) -- Signature algorithm to use to sign.
  • include_jwk (bool) -- If True, insert the JWK inside the signature headers.
  • protect (FrozenSet) -- List of headers to protect.
fields_to_partial_json() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serialize fields to JSON.

classmethod fields_from_json(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]

Deserialize fields from JSON.

class josepy.jws.JWS(**kwargs: Any)

JSON Web Signature.

  • payload (str) -- JWS Payload.
  • signature (str) -- JWS Signatures.

alias of Signature

verify(key: JWK | None = None) -> bool


classmethod sign(payload: bytes, **kwargs: Any) -> JWS


property signature: Signature

Get a singleton signature.

Return type


to_compact() -> bytes

Compact serialization.

Return type


classmethod from_compact(compact: bytes) -> JWS

Compact deserialization.


compact (bytes)

to_partial_json(flat: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]

Partially serialize.

Following the example, partial serialization means the following:

assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[0], Foo)
assert isinstance(Bar().to_partial_json()[1], Foo)

# in particular...
assert Bar().to_partial_json() != ['foo', 'foo']

josepy.errors.SerializationError -- in case of any serialization error.


Partially serializable object.

classmethod from_json(jobj: Mapping[str, Any]) -> JWS

Deserialize a decoded JSON document.


jobj -- Python object, composed of only other basic data types, as decoded from JSON document. Not necessarily dict (as decoded from "JSON object" document).


josepy.errors.DeserializationError -- if decoding was unsuccessful, e.g. in case of unparseable X509 certificate, or wrong padding in JOSE base64 encoded string, etc.

class josepy.jws.CLI


classmethod sign(args: Namespace) -> None


classmethod verify(args: Namespace) -> bool


classmethod run(args: List[str] = None) -> bool | None

Parse arguments and sign/verify.


Internal class delegating to a module, and displaying warnings when attributes related to the deprecated "abstractclassmethod" attributes in the josepy.util module.

class josepy.util.ComparableX509(wrapped: X509 | X509Req)

Wrapper for OpenSSL.crypto.X509** objects that supports __eq__.


wrapped -- Wrapped certificate or certificate request.

class josepy.util.ComparableKey(wrapped: RSAPrivateKey | RSAPublicKey | EllipticCurvePrivateKey | EllipticCurvePublicKey)

Comparable wrapper for cryptography keys.


public_key() -> ComparableKey

Get wrapped public key.

class josepy.util.ComparableRSAKey(wrapped: RSAPrivateKey | RSAPublicKey | EllipticCurvePrivateKey | EllipticCurvePublicKey)

Wrapper for cryptography RSA keys.

Wraps around:

  • RSAPrivateKey
  • RSAPublicKey
class josepy.util.ComparableECKey(wrapped: RSAPrivateKey | RSAPublicKey | EllipticCurvePrivateKey | EllipticCurvePublicKey)

Wrapper for cryptography RSA keys. Wraps around: - EllipticCurvePrivateKey - EllipticCurvePublicKey

class josepy.util.ImmutableMap(**kwargs: Any)

Immutable key to value mapping with attribute access.

update(**kwargs: Any) -> GenericImmutableMap

Return updated map.

class josepy.util.frozendict(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Frozen dictionary.


1.13.0 (2022-03-10)

  • Support for Python 3.6 has been deprecated and will be removed in the next scheduled release.
  • Corrected some type annotations.

1.12.0 (2022-01-11)

  • Corrected some type annotations.
  • Dropped support for cryptography<1.5.
  • Added the top level attributes josepy.JWKEC, josepy.JWKOct, and josepy.ComparableECKey for convenience and consistency.

1.11.0 (2021-11-17)

  • Added support for Python 3.10.
  • We changed the PGP key used to sign the packages we upload to PyPI. Going forward, releases will be signed with one of three different keys. All of these keys are available on major key servers and signed by our previous PGP key. The fingerprints of these new keys are:

    • BF6BCFC89E90747B9A680FD7B6029E8500F7DB16
    • 86379B4F0AF371B50CD9E5FF3402831161D1D280
    • 20F201346BF8F3F455A73F9A780CC99432A28621

1.10.0 (2021-09-27)

  • josepy is now compliant with PEP-561: type checkers will fetch types from the inline types annotations when josepy is installed as a dependency in a Python project.
  • Added a field function to assist in adding type annotations for Fields in classes. If the field function is used to define a Field in a JSONObjectWithFields based class without a type annotation, an error will be raised.
  • josepy's tests can no longer be imported under the name josepy, however, they are still included in the package and you can run them by installing josepy with "tests" extras and running python -m pytest.

1.9.0 (2021-09-09)

  • Removed pytest-cache testing dependency.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused incorrect padding to be used when serializing Elliptic Curve keys as JSON Web Keys.

1.8.0 (2021-03-15)

  • Removed external mock dependency.
  • Removed dependency on six.
  • Deprecated the module josepy.magic_typing.
  • Fix JWS/JWK generation with EC keys when keys or signatures have leading zeros.

1.7.0 (2021-02-11)

  • Dropped support for Python 2.7.
  • Added support for EC keys.

1.6.0 (2021-01-26)

  • Deprecated support for Python 2.7.

1.5.0 (2020-11-03)

  • Added support for Python 3.9.
  • Dropped support for Python 3.5.
  • Stopped supporting running tests with python test which is deprecated in favor of python -m pytest.

1.4.0 (2020-08-17)

  • Deprecated support for Python 3.5.

1.3.0 (2020-01-28)

  • Deprecated support for Python 3.4.
  • Officially add support for Python 3.8.

1.2.0 (2019-06-28)

  • Support for Python 2.6 and 3.3 has been removed.
  • Known incompatibilities with Python 3.8 have been resolved.

1.1.0 (2018-04-13)

  • Deprecated support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.
  • Use the sign and verify methods when they are available in cryptography instead of the deprecated methods signer and verifier.

1.0.1 (2017-10-25)

Stop installing mock as part of the default but only as part of the testing dependencies.

1.0.0 (2017-10-13)

First release after moving the josepy package into a standalone library.

  • Index
  • Module Index
  • Search Page


Let's Encrypt Project


Jul 19, 2024 1.13