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ipsilon-client-install - Man Page

Configure an Ipsilon client


ipsilon-client-install [OPTION]...


Configures a server to be used as a Service Provider (SP) in federation with an Ipsilon instance as its Identity Provider (IdP).

By default, Apache is configured using mod_auth_mellon to handle the SAML 2 Federation.


-h,  --help
Show help message and exit

Show program's version number and exit

--hostname HOSTNAME

Machine's fully qualified host name

--port PORT

Port number that SP listens on. The default is to not set a specific listen port. The --saml-secure-setup option can affect this.

--admin-user ADMIN_USER

Account allowed to create a Service Provider (SP). The default is admin.

--admin-password ADMIN_PASSWORD

File containing the password for the account used to create a SP (- to read from stdin).  You can also provide the password in the IPSILON_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable.

--httpd-user HTTPD_USER

Web server account used. Some files created by the installation will be chown(1) to this user. The default is apache.


Boolean value whether to install a saml2 SP or not. Default is True.

--saml-idp-url SAML_IDP_URL

An URL of the Ipsilon instance to register the SP with.

--saml-idp-metadata SAML_IDP_METADATA

An URL pointing at the IDP Metadata (FILE or HTTP)


Do not configure httpd. The default is False.

--saml-base SAML_BASE

Where saml2 authdata is available (default: /)

--saml-auth SAML_AUTH

Where saml2 authentication is enforced. The default is /protected. This only applies when configuring Apache.

--saml-sp SAML_SP

Where saml communication happens. The default is /saml2.

--saml-sp-logout SAML_SP_LOGOUT

Single Logout URL. The default is /saml2/logout.


Disable Single Logout using SOAP.

--saml-sp-post SAML_SP_POST

Post response URL. The default is /saml2/postResponse.


Turn on all security checks. The default is True.


The saml2 NameID format that this SP will use. Must be one of: x509,transient,persistent,windows,encrypted,kerberos,email,unspecified,entity. The default is unspecified.

--saml-sp-name SAML_SP_NAME

The SP name to register with the IdP.


Turn on script debugging


Uninstall the ipsilon client


Two levels of SSL certificates may be used in an Ipsilon instalation.

An X509 signing certificate is used by Ipsilon to sign SAML 2 messages. The public key of the certificate is passed in the SAML metadata exchanged between the Identity Provider and the Service Provider. This certificate and key are automatically generated.

Any page on the SP that will use the authentication provided by the IdP will need to be protected by SSL in order to access the secure cookie that the IdP provides. Ipsilon does not provide this certificate.


Install a SAML 2 SP using the  IdP instance idp on idp.example.com.

  # ipsilon-client-install --saml-idp-metadata https://idp.example.com/idp/saml2/metadata --saml-auth /protected

Any unauthenticated request to /protected will trigger a redirect to the IdP for authentication.

Once the SP has been generated it needs to be registered with the IdP.

Exit Status

0 if the installation was successful

1 if an error occurred

See Also


Referenced By

ipsilon(7), ipsilon-server-install(1).

3.0.1 Ipsilon Manual Pages