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The requested path “/1/ipmctl-show-host” does not exist.

Man page “ipmctl-show-host” was not found in section 1 (General Commands).

Top 20 Full-Text Search Results for “ipmctl show host”

ipmctl-show-topology(1) Shows the topology of the memory installed
ipmctl-show-socket(1) Shows basic information about the physical processors
ipmctl-show-cap(1) Shows the current Command Access Policy restrictions.
ipmctl-show-memory-resources(1) Shows PMem module and DDR memory allocation
ipmctl(1) Utility for managing Intel(R) Optane(TM) Persistent Memory Modules (PMem module)
ipmctl-show-cel(1) Shows the current PMem module firmware Command Effect Log.
ipmctl-show-firmware(1) Shows detailed information about the firmware
ipmctl-show-pcd(1) Shows the platform configuration data for one or more PMem modules
ipmctl-show-system-capabilities(1) Shows the platform supported PMem module capabilities.
ipmctl-show-region(1) Retrieves a list of persistent memory regions.
ipmctl-show-performance(1) Shows performance metrics for one or more PMem modules
ipmctl-show-error-log(1) Shows thermal or media errors on the specified PMem modules
ipmctl-show-goal(1) Shows the memory allocation goal on one or more PMem modules
ipmctl-show-preferences(1) Displays a list of the PMem module software user preferences
ipmctl-dump-support-data(1) Dumps a support snapshot to a file
ipmctl-set-sensor(1) Sets the threshold or enabled state for PMem modules sensors
ipmctl-set-preferences(1) Modifies one or more user preferences
ipmctl-show-sensor(1) Shows sensor data for one or more PMem modules
ipmctl-load-dimm(1) Updates the firmware on one or more PMem modules
ipmctl-show-dimm(1) Shows information about one or more PMem modules

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