ipmctl-dump-debug-log - Man Page

Dumps encoded firmware debug logs from specified PMem modules and optionally decodes to human readable text.


ipmctl dump [OPTIONS] -destination (file_prefix) [-dict (file)] -debug [TARGETS] [PROPERTIES]


Dumps encoded firmware debug logs from specified PMem modules and optionally decodes to human readable text using a dictionary file.


-h, ā€‰-help

Displays help for the command.


Used to specify DDRT as the desired transport protocol for the current invocation of ipmctl.


Used to specify SMBUS as the desired transport protocol for the current invocation of ipmctl.

The -ddrt and -smbus options are mutually exclusive and may not be used together.


Used to specify large transport payload size for the current invocation of ipmctl.


Used to specify small transport payload size for the current invocation of ipmctl.

The -lpmb and -spmb options are mutually exclusive and may not be used together.


-destination (file_prefix)

The command will create files that use the given filename as a prefix and append the PMem module UID, PMem module handle, debug log source, and the appropriate file type (.bin for encoded logs, .txt for decoded logs) onto the end.

-dict (path)

Optional file path to the dictionary file. If supplied, the command will create both the binary debug log and a text file with decoded log data with the file prefix specified by -destination. Firmware dictionaries are lookup tables that match firmware codes to their text descriptions. When referenced, the dictionary will be used to substitute the provided codes with text, making the logs more human readable. Dictionaries are included in every firmware release under the format nlog_dict.X.X.X.XXXX.txt.

-dimm [DimmIDs]

Dumps the debug logs from the specified PMem modules.


Dumps and decodes the debug log from PMem module 0x0001 and 0x0011 using the dictionary file.

ipmctl dump -destination file_prefix -dict nlog_dict.txt -debug -dimm 0x0001,0x0011


To successfully execute this command, the specified PMem modules must be manageable by the host software.

Return Data

Dumps the encoded and optionally decoded contents of all 3 firmware debug log sources for the specified PMem modules. Output file names are generated based on the -destination parameter above.

Sample Output

Dumped media FW debug logs to file (file_prefix_8089-A1-1816-00000016_0x0001_media.bin)
Decoded 456 records to file (file_prefix_8089-A1-1816-00000016_0x0001_media.txt)
No spi FW debug logs found

Referenced By


2024-07-18 ipmctl