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idevicerestore - Man Page

Restore IPSW firmware at PATH to an iOS device


idevicerestore [Options] PATH


Restore firmware files to iOS devices while either erasing the device or  updating to preserve content and settings.

PATH can be a compressed .ipsw file or a directory containing all files extracted from an IPSW.


-i,  --ecid ECID

Target specific device by its ECID, e.g. 0xaabb123456 (hex) or 1234567890 (decimal).

-u,  --udid UDID

Target specific device by its device UDID.

NOTE: only works with devices in normal mode.

-l,  --latest

Use latest available firmware (with download on demand). Before performing any action it will interactively ask to select one of the currently signed firmware versions, unless -y has been given too.

The PATH argument is ignored when using this option.

DO NOT USE if you need to preserve the baseband/unlock!

USE WITH CARE if you want to keep a jailbreakable firmware!

-e,  --erase

Perform full restore instead of update, erasing all data

DO NOT USE if you want to preserve user data on the device!

-y,  --no-input

Non-interactive mode, do not ask for any input.

WARNING: This will disable certain checks/prompts that are supposed to prevent DATA LOSS. Use with caution.

-n,  --no-action

Do not perform any restore action. If combined with -l option the on-demand ipsw download is performed before exiting.


Print information about the IPSW at PATH and exit.

-h,  --help

Prints usage information.

-C,  --cache-path DIR

Use specified directory for caching extracted or other reused files.

-d,  --debug

Enable communication debugging.

-v,  --version

Prints version information.

Advanced/Experimental Options

-c,  --custom

Restore with a custom firmware (requires bootrom exploit)

-s,  --server URL

Override the default signing server request URL. If the URL doesn't contain a path component, the default path /TSS/controller?action=2 will be added.

-x,  --exclude

Exclude nor/baseband upgrade.

NOTE: This option only works with legacy devices and/or custom firmware.

-t,  --shsh

Fetch TSS record and save to .shsh file, then exit.

-z,  --no-restore

Do not restore and end after booting to the ramdisk.

-k,  --keep-pers

Write personalized components to files for debugging.

-p,  --pwn

Put device in pwned DFU mode and exit (limera1n devices only).

-P,  --plain-progress

Print progress as plain step and progress

-R,  --restore-mode

Allow restoring from Restore mode

-T,  --ticket PATH

Use file at PATH to send as AP ticket

--variant VARIANT

Use given VARIANT to match the build identity to use, e.g. 'Customer Erase Install (IPSW)'


Try to continue the restore process after certain errors (like a failed baseband update).

WARNING: This might render the device unable to boot or only partially functioning. Use with caution.


Martin Szulecki

Nikias Bassen

Joshua Hill

On the Web

