hugin_hdrmerge - Man Page

Merge overlapping images


hugin_hdrmerge [options] -o output.exr input-files




-o prefix

Output file

-m mode

Merge mode, can be one of: avg, avg_slow, khan (default), if avg, no -i, -s, or -d options apply

-i iter

Number of iterations to execute (default is 1)


Only consider pixels that are defined in all images (avg mode only)

-s file

Debug files to save each iteration, can be one of:

a - all debug files (can only be used alone)

w - calculated weights from each iteration

r - result image from each iteration

s - source images before processing
If verbose >= 3, all debug files are output unless specified

-a calcs

Apply one or more advanced calculations, can be one or more of:

b - biasing weights logarithmically

c - choose pixels with highest weight instead of averaging (overrides options -a b and -a d)

d - choose a pixel with the highest weight instead of averaging when all pixel weights are within 10% of each other

h - favour a high signal to noise ratio

i - ignore alpha channel


Export each initial weight to <input_file_paths>_iw.<ext>


Load a previously exported initial weight with respect to the input file names

NOTE: if both -e and -l options are on, the program will calculate and save the initial weights, then wait until user indicates that it can continue by loading the previously saved weights


Verbose, print progress messages, repeat for even more verbose output


Display help summary.


Written by Jing Jin. Also contains contributions from Pablo d'Angelo, Douglas Wilkins, Ippei Ukai, Ed Halley, Bruno Postle, Gerry Patterson and Brent Townshend.

This man page was written by Cyril Brulebois <> and is licensed under the same terms as the hugin package itself.

Referenced By


2024-07-18 "Version: 2023.0.0" HUGIN