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hudman - Man Page

simple tool for creating a local HUD mirror


hudman [-h] (download | update) --huddb HUDDB --outdir OUTDIR


HUD Manager is a simple tool for creating a local HUD mirror. Can be used together with the SRC Repair project.

Command-Line Actions


Download all HUDs without updating them.


Update all HUDs and download only new files.

Command-Line Options

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.

-d, --huddb

Path to the local HUD database file.

-o, --outdir

Path to the output directory for storing downloaded files.

Supported Configurations

HUD Manager can operate in two modes: anonymous and authorized.

This product supports of getting API credentials for the supported backends with environment variables.

Supported Backends

Available backends

This application can use the following backends:

  • GitHub;
  • Other (only direct links are supported).

API tokens

You can obtain API tokens from these sources:

Environment Options

GitHub backend

To bypass API limits for the anonymous users, you will need to forward your API username and token:

  • HUDMAN_LOGIN - GitHub user login (username).
  • HUDMAN_APIKEY - GitHub API personal access token.

Forwarding options

Export environment variables using export command:

export HUDMAN_LOGIN=foobar

Start the application in authorized mode:

hudman update --huddb /path/to/hud/database.xml --outdir /tmp/hudman


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