hub-issue - Man Page

Manage GitHub Issues for the current repository.

Examples (TL;DR)


hub issue [-a ASSIGNEE] [-c CREATOR] [-@ USER] [-s STATE] [-f FORMAT] [-M MILESTONE] [-l LABELS] [-d DATE] [-o SORT_KEY [-^]] [-L LIMIT]
hub issue show [-f FORMAT] NUMBER
hub issue create [-oc] [-m MESSAGE|-F FILE] [--edit] [-a USERS] [-M MILESTONE] [-l LABELS]
hub issue update NUMBER [-m MESSAGE|-F FILE] [--edit] [-a USERS] [-M MILESTONE] [-l LABELS] [-s STATE]
hub issue labels [--color]
hub issue transfer NUMBER REPO


With no arguments, show a list of open issues.


Show an existing issue specified by NUMBER.


Open an issue in the current repository.


Update fields of an existing issue specified by NUMBER. Use --edit to edit the title and message interactively in the text editor.


List the labels available in this repository.


Transfer an issue to another repository.


-a,  --assignee ASSIGNEE

In list mode, display only issues assigned to ASSIGNEE.

-a,  --assign USERS

A comma-separated list of GitHub handles to assign to the created issue.

-c,  --creator CREATOR

Display only issues created by CREATOR.

-@,  --mentioned USER

Display only issues mentioning USER.

-s,  --state STATE

Display issues with state STATE (default: "open").

-f,  --format FORMAT

Pretty print the contents of the issues using format FORMAT (default: "%sC%>(8)%i%Creset  %t%  l%n"). See the "PRETTY FORMATS" section of git-log(1) for some additional details on how placeholders are used in format. The available placeholders for issues are:

%I: issue number

%i: issue number prefixed with "#"

%U: the URL of this issue

%S: state (i.e. "open", "closed")

%sC: set color to red or green, depending on issue state.

%t: title

%l: colored labels

%L: raw, comma-separated labels

%b: body

%au: login name of author

%as: comma-separated list of assignees

%Mn: milestone number

%Mt: milestone title

%NC: number of comments

%Nc: number of comments wrapped in parentheses, or blank string if zero.

%cD: created date-only (no time of day)

%cr: created date, relative

%ct: created date, UNIX timestamp

%cI: created date, ISO 8601 format

%uD: updated date-only (no time of day)

%ur: updated date, relative

%ut: updated date, UNIX timestamp

%uI: updated date, ISO 8601 format

%n: newline

%%: a literal %


Enable colored output even if stdout is not a terminal. WHEN can be one of "always" (default for --color), "never", or "auto" (default).

-m,  --message MESSAGE

The text up to the first blank line in MESSAGE is treated as the issue title, and the rest is used as issue description in Markdown format.

When multiple --message are passed, their values are concatenated with a blank line in-between.

When neither --message nor --file were supplied to issue create, a text editor will open to author the title and description in.

-F,  --file FILE

Read the issue title and description from FILE. Pass "-" to read from standard input instead. See --message for the formatting rules.

-e,  --edit

Open the issue title and description in a text editor before submitting. This can be used in combination with --message or --file.

-o,  --browse

Open the new issue in a web browser.

-c,  --copy

Put the URL of the new issue to clipboard instead of printing it.

-M,  --milestone NAME

Display only issues for a GitHub milestone with the name NAME.

When opening an issue, add this issue to a GitHub milestone with the name NAME. Passing the milestone number is deprecated.

-l,  --labels LABELS

Display only issues with certain labels.

When opening an issue, add a comma-separated list of labels to this issue.

-d,  --since DATE

Display only issues updated on or after DATE in ISO 8601 format.

-o,  --sort KEY

Sort displayed issues by "created" (default), "updated" or "comments".

-^ --sort-ascending

Sort by ascending dates instead of descending.

-L,  --limit LIMIT

Display only the first LIMIT issues.


Include pull requests as well as issues.


Enable colored output for labels list.

See Also

hub-pr(1), hub(1)

Referenced By

hub(1), hub-pr(1).

18 Jul 2024 hub version 2.14.2 hub manual