httpx - Man Page
manual page for httpx 0.27.0
Examples (TL;DR)
- Run a probe against a [u]RL, host, IP Address or subnet (CIDR notation) showing probe status:
httpx -probe -u url|host|ipaddress|subnet_with_cidr
- Run a probe against multiple hosts showing [s]tatus [c]ode with input from
:subfinder -d | httpx -sc
- Run a [r]ate [l]imited probe against a [l]ist of hosts from a file showing [t]echnology [d]etected and [r]esponse [t]ime:
httpx -rl 150 -l path/to/newline_separated_hosts_list -td -rt
- Run a probe against a [u]RL showing its webpage title, CDN/WAF in use, and page content hash:
httpx -u url -title -cdn -hash sha256
- Run a probe against a list of hosts with custom defined [p]orts and timeout after certain seconds:
httpx -probe -u host1,host2,... -p http:80,8000-8080,https:443,8443 -timeout 10
- Run a probe against a list of hosts [f]iltering out [c]odes of certain responses:
httpx -u host1,host2,... -fc 400,401,404
- Run a probe against a list of hosts [m]atching [c]odes of certain responses:
httpx -u host1,host2,... -mc 200,301,304
- Run a probe against a URL [s]aving [s]creenshots of certain paths, with [s]creenshot [t]imeouts (assets are saved in
):httpx -u -path /tldr-pages/tldr,/projectdiscovery/httpx -ss -st 10
httpx <URL> [OPTIONS]
A next generation HTTP client.
- -m, ā--method METHOD
Request method, such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD. [Default: GET, or POST if a request body is included]
- -p, ā--params <NAME VALUE> ...
Query parameters to include in the request URL.
- -c, ā--content TEXT
Byte content to include in the request body.
- -d, ā--data <NAME VALUE> ...
Form data to include in the request body.
-f, --files <NAME FILENAME> ... Form files to include in the request body.
- -j, ā--json TEXT
JSON data to include in the request body.
- -h, ā--headers <NAME VALUE> ...
Include additional HTTP headers in the request.
- --cookies <NAME VALUE> ...
Cookies to include in the request.
- --auth <USER PASS>
Username and password to include in the request. Specify '-' for the password to use a password prompt. Note that using --verbose/-v will expose the Authorization header, including the password encoding in a trivially reversible format.
- --proxy URL
Send the request via a proxy. Should be the URL giving the proxy address.
- --timeout FLOAT
Timeout value to use for network operations, such as establishing the connection, reading some data, etc... [Default: 5.0]
- --follow-redirects
Automatically follow redirects.
- --no-verify
Disable SSL verification.
- --http2
Send the request using HTTP/2, if the remote server supports it.
- --download FILE
Save the response content as a file, rather than displaying it.
- -v, ā--verbose
Verbose output. Show request as well as response.
- --help
Show this message and exit.