hpisettime - Man Page

This sample openhpi application excercises Event Log clock APIs.


 hpisettime [-D nn] [-N host[:port]] [-C <cfgfile>] -d mm/dd/yyyy -t HH:MM:SS [-X] [-h]
 hpisettime [--domain=nn] [--host=host[:port]] [--cfgfile=file] --date=mm/dd/yyyy --time=HH:MM:SS [--debug] [--help]


hpisettime sets new date and time for the Event Log clock.

If no domain is selected, hpisettime uses a session with the default domain. The selected domain id must be configured via the openhpidclient.conf file specified in the environment.


Help Options

-h, ā€‰--help

Show help options

Application Options

-d mm/dd/yyyy, --date=mm/dd/yyyy

New date

-t 24:12:60, --time=24:12:60

New time of day in 24-hr format

-D nn, --domain=nn

Select domain id nn

-X, ā€‰--debug

Display debug messages

-N "host[:port]", --host="host[:port]"

Open session to the domain served by the daemon at the specified URL (host:port). This option overrides the OPENHPI_DAEMON_HOST and OPENHPI_DAEMON_PORT environment variables. If host contains ':' (for example IPv6 address) then enclose it in square brackets. For example: "[::1]" or "[::1]:4743".

-C "file", --cfgfile="file"

Use passed file as client configuration file. This option overrides the OPENHPICLIENT_CONF environment variable.

See Also

         hpialarms      hpifan         hpipower       hpitop
         hpidomain      hpigensimdata  hpireset       hpitree
         hpiel          hpiiinv        hpisensor      hpiwdt
         hpievents      hpionIBMblade  hpithres       hpixml
         ohdomainlist   ohhandler      ohparam


Authors of this man page:

 Peter D Phan (pdphan@users.sourceforge.net)
 Ulrich Kleber (ulikleber@users.sourceforge.net)
 Anton Pak (avpak@users.sourceforge.net)


2017-05-27 3.8.0 OpenHPI