hatari_profile - Man Page

Post-processor for Hatari profiler data


hatari_profile.py [options] <datafiles>


A Python script to post-process data produced by Hatari profiler "save" commands, both for CPU and DSP:

	profile save <filename>
	dspprofile save <filename>

It can provide function level (CPU and DSP) processor usage information for anything Hatari profiler records: instruction counts, processor cycles and depending on processor, also instruction cache misses or cycle differences.

This information can be provided as ASCII list of heaviest functions, as callgraphs (if profile data includes caller information), or as callgrind format export which can be viewed in (Linux) Kcachegrind GUI.


Invoking hatari_profile without arguments lists all of its options.

Usage Examples

Regardless of whether profile data contains some symbol information, you should always give script all relevant debug symbols, otherwise costs might not get correctly assigned to symbols preceding those costs.

This post-processes profile data for EmuTOS (ROM), with symbol file having fixed/absolute addresses (-a), shows statistics (-s) and top lists (-t), but limits list output to anything taking over 2% (-l 2) and includes "propagated" subroutine call costs (-p):

$ hatari_profile.py -a etos1024k.sym -st -l 2 -p etos-boot.txt

Hatari profile data processor

Parsing absolute symbol address information from etos1024k.sym...
WARNING: replacing '_os_header' at 0xe00000 with '__text'
WARNING: replacing '_instruction_cache_kludge' at 0xe00660 with '_invalidate_instruction_cache'
1806 lines with 1187 code symbols/addresses parsed, 0 unknown.

Parsing profile information from etos-boot.txt...
18900 lines processed with 531 functions.
Of all 38474 switches, ignored 3731 for type(s) ['r', 'u', 'x'].

CPU profile information from 'etos-boot.txt':
- Hatari v2.3.1, WinUAE CPU core

Time spent in profile = 6.72122s.

- max = 1768, in _memcpy at 0xe46ea0, on line 7944
- 40800 in total
Executed instructions:
- max = 140992, in _timeout_gpip+22 at 0xe0b484, on line 4393
- 2566629 in total
Used cycles:
- max = 23997200, in _stop_until_interrupt+38 at 0xe4724a, on line 8213
- 53912568 in total

   4.33%   4.38%        1768      1786   _memcpy
   3.55%   0.40%        1450       165   _gsx2
   3.55%  24.78%        1449     10112   _GSX_ENTRY
   3.55%   3.58%        1449      1459   _get_vwk_by_handle
   3.55%  21.17%        1449      8636   _screen
   3.45%  27.77%        1407     11329   gemgsxif.o
   2.98%   3.00%        1214      1222   _bconstat2
   2.95%   2.95%        1203      1203   _kbshift
   2.78%   2.79%        1134      1137   _bcostat4
   2.51%                1024             vdi_blit.o
   2.35%   3.25%         959      1327   _cputc
   2.35%   5.60%         957      2283   _bconout2
   2.29%                 936             _just_rte
   2.27%                 927             kprint.o
   2.23%   7.48%         911      3052   _biostrap
   2.10%   2.10%         858       858   gemdosif.o
   2.10%   2.12%         858       867   _enable_interrupts

Executed instructions:
  32.96%  33.10%  33.19%      846043    849564    851784   _timeout_gpip
  10.61%  10.66%  10.72%      272360    273633    275161   _blank_out
   8.74%   8.81%   8.88%      224230    226006    227862   _draw_rect_common
   5.94%   5.96%   5.96%      152525    152895    153039   _run_calibration
   5.63%                      144385                       _ascii_out
   3.52%   3.55%  22.77%       90398     91014    584547   _screen
   2.62%                       67293                       ikbd.o

Used cycles:
  44.62%  44.62%  45.46%    24057296  24057392  24509580   _stop_until_interrupt
  18.87%  19.01%  19.06%    10171140  10248940  10277724   _timeout_gpip
   4.77%   4.82%   4.85%     2571980   2597744   2616824   _blank_out
   3.83%   3.89%   3.93%     2065076   2096668   2121104   _draw_rect_common
   2.82%                     1521072                       _ascii_out
   2.58%   2.60%   2.60%     1391076   1400236   1402000   _run_calibration
   2.19%   2.21%  11.51%     1181264   1193784   6203852   _screen

This creates GraphViz callgraph files (-g) and Kcachegrind callgrind data file (-k) from Bad Mood (Doom BSP viewer) profile.  Symbols for the program are TEXT section relative (-r), calls to some interrupt routines in the program are ignored as they aren't real calls, callgraph nodes using over 2% are highlighted, and there are some options to limit and simplify the graph:

$ hatari_profile.py -r bmsym.sym \
  -k -g -p --emph-limit 2.0 --limit 0.5 \
  --ignore-to framecounter,new_vbi,stabilizer_b \
  --compact --no-leafs --no-intermediate \

Hatari profile data processor

Parsing TEXT relative symbol address information from bmsym.sym...
1023 lines with 392 code symbols/addresses parsed, 0 unknown.

Parsing profile information from badmood-profile.txt...
1420 lines processed with 63 functions.
Ignoring 29 switches to framecounter
Ignoring 9 switches to stabilizer_b
Ignoring 8 switches to new_vbi
Of all 1562 switches, ignored 56 for type(s) ['r', 'u', 'x'].

Generating callgrind file 'badmood-profile.cg'...

Generating 'badmood-profile-0.dot' DOT callgraph file...

Generating 'badmood-profile-1.dot' DOT callgraph file...

Generating 'badmood-profile-2.dot' DOT callgraph file...

Generating 'badmood-profile-3.dot' DOT callgraph file...

CPU profile information from 'badmood-profile.txt':
- Hatari v1.6.2+ (Apr 10 2013), WinUAE CPU core

See Also

hatari(1), gst2ascii(1), hconsole(1) hatariui(1)


Written by Eero Tamminen <oak at helsinkinet fi>.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

No Warranty

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Referenced By

gst2ascii(1), hatari(1).

2013-04-15 Hatari utilities