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grive - Man Page

Google Drive client for GNU/Linux


grive [OPTIONS]


Grive is a Google Drive (online storage service) client for GNU/Linux systems.

It allows the synchronization of all your files on the cloud with a directory of your choice and the upload of new files to Google Drive.

The options are as follows:

-a,  --auth

Requests authorization token from Google

-d,  --debug

Enable debug level messages. Implies -V


Only detect which files need to be uploaded/downloaded, without actually performing changes

-f,  --force

Forces grive to always download a file from Google Drive instead uploading it

-u,  --upload-only

Forces grive to not download anything from Google Drive and only upload local changes to server instead

-n,  --no-remote-new

Forces grive to download only files that are changed in Google Drive and already exist locally

-h,  --help

Produces help message

--ignore <perl_regexp>

Ignore files with relative paths matching this Perl Regular Expression.

-l <filename>, --log <filename>

Write log output to <filename>

--log-http <filename_prefix>

Log all HTTP responses in files named <filename_prefix>YYYY-MM-DD.HHMMSS.txt for debugging


Create new revisions in server for updated files

-p <wc_path>, --path <wc_path>

Use <wc_path> as the working copy root directory

-s <subdir>, --dir <subdir>

Sync a single <subdir> subdirectory. Internally converted to an ignore regexp.

-v,  --version

Displays program version

-P,  --progress-bar

Print ASCII progress bar for each downloaded/uploaded file.

-V,  --verbose

Verbose mode. Enables more messages than usual.


You may create .griveignore in your Grive root and use it to setup exclusion/inclusion rules.

Rules are similar to Git's .gitignore, but may differ slightly due to the different implementation.


Current maintainer is Vitaliy Filippov.

Original author was Nestal Wan. This manpage was written by José Luis Segura Lucas (josel.segura@gmx.es)

The full list of contributors may be found here http://yourcmc.ru/wiki/Grive2#Full_list_of_contributors

Report Bugs

https://github.com/vitalif/grive2/issues https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/grive-devel


January 3, 2016