grib_get_data - Man Page

manual page for grib_get_data


NAME    grib_get_data


Print a latitude, longitude, data values list. Note: Rotated grids are first unrotated


grib_get_data [options] grib_file grib_file ...



Multi-field support off. Turn off support for multiple fields in a single GRIB message.

-m missingValue

The missing value is given through this option. Any string is allowed and it is printed in place of the missing values. Default is to skip the missing values.

-p key[:{s|d|i}],key[:{s|d|i}],...      

Declaration of keys to print. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be requested. Default type is string.

-F format      

C style format for data values. Default is "%.10e"

-L format      

C style format for latitudes/longitudes. Default is "%9.3f%9.3f"

-w key[:{s|d|i}]{=|!=}value,key[:{s|d|i}]{=|!=}value,...        

Where clause. Messages are processed only if they match all the key/value constraints. A valid constraint is of type key=value or key!=value. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be specified. Default type is string. In the value you can also use the forward-slash character '/' to specify an OR condition (i.e. a logical disjunction) Note: only one -w clause is allowed.

-s key[:{s|d|i}]=value,key[:{s|d|i}]=value,...  

Key/values to set. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be defined. By default the native type is set.


Force. Force the execution not to fail on error.


GRIBEX compatibility mode.


Does not fail when the message has wrong length.

-X offset      

Input file offset in bytes. Processing of the input file will start from the given offset.




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NAME    grib_get_data


Print a latitude, longitude, data values list. Note: Rotated grids are first unrotated


grib_get_data [options] grib_file grib_file ...



Multi-field support off. Turn off support for multiple fields in a single GRIB message.

-m missingValue

The missing value is given through this option. Any string is allowed and it is printed in place of the missing values. Default is to skip the missing values.

-p key[:{s|d|i}],key[:{s|d|i}],...      

Declaration of keys to print. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be requested. Default type is string.

-F format      

C style format for data values. Default is "%.10e"

-L format      

C style format for latitudes/longitudes. Default is "%9.3f%9.3f"

-w key[:{s|d|i}]{=|!=}value,key[:{s|d|i}]{=|!=}value,...        

Where clause. Messages are processed only if they match all the key/value constraints. A valid constraint is of type key=value or key!=value. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be specified. Default type is string. In the value you can also use the forward-slash character '/' to specify an OR condition (i.e. a logical disjunction) Note: only one -w clause is allowed.

-s key[:{s|d|i}]=value,key[:{s|d|i}]=value,...  

Key/values to set. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be defined. By default the native type is set.


Force. Force the execution not to fail on error.


GRIBEX compatibility mode.


Does not fail when the message has wrong length.

-X offset      

Input file offset in bytes. Processing of the input file will start from the given offset.




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September 2024