gp-display-html - Man Page

Generate an HTML based directory structure to browse the profiles


gprofng display html [option(s)] experiment(s)


Process one or more experiments to generate a directory containing the index.html file that may be used to browse the experiment data.



Print the version number and exit.


Print usage information and exit.


Enable verbose mode to show diagnostic messages about the processing of the data.  By default verbose mode is disabled.

-d [db-vol-size], --debug[=db-vol-size]

Control the printing of run time debug information to assist with the troubleshooting, or further development of this tool.

The db-vol-size parameter controls the output volume and is one from the list s, S, m, M, l, L, xl, or XL.  If db-vol-size is not set, a modest amount of information is printed.  This is equivalent to select s, or S.  The volume of data goes up as the size increases.  Note that currently l/L is equivalent to xl/XL, but this is expected to change in future updates. By default debug mode is disabled.


Set a percentage value in the interval [0,100] to select and color code source lines, as well as instructions, that are within this percentage of the maximum metric value(s).  The default is 90 (%).  A value of zero disables this feature.

-o dirname, --output=dirname

Use dirname as the directory name to store the results in.  In absence of this option, the default name is display.<n>.html. This directory is created in the current directory. The number <n> is the first positive integer number not in use in this naming scheme.  An existing directory with the same name is not overwritten. In case the directory exists already, an error message is printed and the tool terminates.

-O dirname, --overwrite=dirname

Use dirname as the directory name to store the results in.  In absence of this option, the default name is display.<n>.html. This directory is created in the current directory. The number <n> is the first positive integer number not in use in this naming scheme.  An existing directory with the same name is silently overwritten.

-q,  --quiet

Disable the display of all warning, debug, verbose and any other messages. If enabled, the settings for verbose and debug are accepted, but ignored. With this option, there is no screen output, other than errors.  By default quiet mode is disabled.


Disable the printing of warning messages on stdout.  By default warning messages are printed.


See Also

gprofng(1), gp-archive(1), gp-collect-app(1), gp-display-gui(1), gp-display-src(1), gp-display-text(1)

The user guide for gprofng is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and gprofng programs are correctly installed, the command info gprofng should give access to this document.

Referenced By

gp-archive(1), gp-collect-app(1), gp-display-src(1), gp-display-text(1), gprofng(1).

2024-08-17 binutils-2.43.0