gp-archive - Man Page

Archive gprofng experiment data


gprofng archive [option(s)] experiment


Archive the associated application binaries and source files in a gprofng experiment to make it self contained and portable.

By default, the binaries are archived as part of the data collection, but the application source files are not archived.  Use this tool to change this and afterwards archive additional components.

This tool has to be executed on the same system where the profiling data was recorded.



Print the version number and exit.


Print usage information and exit.

-a {off | on | ldobjects | src | usedldobjects | used[src]}

Specify archiving of binaries and other files.  In addition to disable this feature (off), or enable archiving of all loadobjects and sources (on), the other choices support a more refined selection.

All of these choices enable archiving, but the keyword controls what exactly is selected: all load objects (ldobjects), all source files (src), the loadobjects associated with a program counter (usedldobjects), or the source files associated with a program counter (used[src]).  The default is -a ldobjects.

-d path

The path is the absolute path to a common archive, which is a directory that contains archived files.  If the directory does not exist, then it will be created.  Files are saved in the common archive directory, and a symbolic link is created in the experiment archive.


Force writing, or rewriting of .archive files.  All archived files will be removed and recreated, except if the -n or -m option is used, or if the experiment is a subexperiment.

-m regex

Archive only those source, object, and debug info files whose full path name matches the given POSIX compliant regex regular expression.


Archive the named experiment only, not any of its descendants.


Do not write any warnings to stderr.  Warnings are incorporated into the .archive file in the experiment directory.  They are shown in the output of the gprofng display text command.

-r path

This option specifies the location of a common archive.  The value is the relative path to a common archive, which is a directory that contains archived files. If the directory does not exist, then it will be created.  Files are saved in the common archive directory, and a symbolic link is created in the experiment archive.

-s selection

Specify archiving of source files.  The allowed values for selection are:


Do not archive any source files.


Archive all source and object files that can be found.


Archive source and object files for functions against which data was recorded in the experiment, and that can be found.

By default, application source files are not archived into the experiment. If the -s all, or -s used option is used, sources and object files are archived. These options also ensure that source files are available in the experiment, even if the original source files have been modified, or are inaccessible afterwards.

In case archive files cannot be found, use the addpath, or pathmap command, or both, in an .er.rc file to specify the location of the missing file(s).


See Also

gprofng(1), gp-collect-app(1), gp-display-gui(1), gp-display-html(1), gp-display-src(1), gp-display-text(1)

The user guide for gprofng is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and gprofng programs are correctly installed, the command info gprofng should give access to this document.

Referenced By

gp-collect-app(1), gp-display-html(1), gp-display-src(1), gp-display-text(1), gprofng(1).

2024-08-17 binutils-2.43.0