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gmsh - Man Page

3D finite element mesh generator with built-in CAD engine and post-processor


gmsh [file(s)] [option(s)]


Gmsh is a 3D finite element mesh generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user-friendly meshing tool with parametric input and flexible visualization capabilities.

Gmsh is built around four modules (geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing), which can be controlled with the graphical user interface, from the command line, using text files written in Gmsh's own scripting language (.geo files), or through the C++, C, Python, Julia and Fortran application programming interface.

Geometry Options


Output model, then exit.

-tol float

set geometrical tolerance.

Mesh Options

-1,  -2,  -3

perform 1D, 2D or 3D mesh generation, then exit.

-o file

specify output file name.

-format string

set output mesh format (auto, msh, msh1, msh2, msh4, unv, vrml, stl, mesh, bdf, med, ...).


use binary format when available.


save all elements (discard physical group definitions)

-algo string

select mesh algorithm (meshadapt, del2d, front2d, del3d, front3d, hxt, ...).


save nodes with their parametric coordinates.

-part int

partition the mesh after batch mesh generation.

-smooth int

set number of mesh smoothing steps.

-order int

set mesh order.

-clscale float

set global mesh element size scaling factor.

-clmin float

set minimum mesh element size.

-clmax float

set maximum mesh element size.

-rand float

set random perturbation factor.

-bgm file

load the post-processing view in file as the current background mesh.


perform various consistency checks on mesh.

Post-Processing Options


combine input views into multi-time-step ones.

Display Options


hide all meshes and post-processing views on startup.

-fontsize int

specify the font size for the GUI.

-display string

specify display.

Other Options


parse input files, then exit.


create new model before merge next file.


merge next files.


ppen next files.

-a,  -g,  -m,  -s,  -p

start in automatic, geometry, mesh, solver or post-processing mode.


print pid on stdout.

-listen string

always listen to incoming connection requests on the given socket (a default socket is used if not specified).

-v int

set verbosity level.


don't popup dialog windows in scripts.

-setnumber name value

set constant number name=value

-setstring name value

set constant string name=value

-string string

parse option string at startup.

-option file

parse option file at startup.

-convert files

Convert files into latest binary formats, then exit.


show version number.


show detailed version information.


show help message.


Christophe Geuzaine (cgeuzaine@uliege.be) and Jean-Francois Remacle (jean-francois.remacle@uclouvain.be).

See Also

Gmsh examples (/usr/share/doc/gmsh),
Gmsh homepage (https://gmsh.info).

The full documentation for Gmsh is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and gmsh programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info gmsh

should give you access to the complete manual.

Referenced By


7 May 2024 4.13 Gmsh Manual Pages