glab-repo-list - Man Page

Get list of repositories.


glab repo list [flags]


Get list of repositories.


-a, --all[=false] List all projects on the instance.

--archived[=false] Limit by archived status. Used with the '--group' flag.

-g, --group="" Return repositories in only the given group.

-G, --include-subgroups[=false] Include projects in subgroups of this group. Default is false. Used with the '--group' flag.

--member[=false] List only projects of which you are a member.

-m, --mine[=false] List only projects you own. Default if no filters are provided.

-o, --order="last_activity_at" Return repositories ordered by id, created_at, or other fields.

-F, --output="text" Format output as: text, json.

-p, --page=1 Page number.

-P, --per-page=30 Number of items to list per page.

-s, --sort="" Return repositories sorted in asc or desc order.

--starred[=false] List only starred projects.

Options Inherited from Parent Commands

--help[=false] Show help for this command.


glab repo list

See Also


Referenced By


Oct 2024 Auto generated by spf13/cobra