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glab-repo-create - Man Page

Create a new GitLab project/repository.


glab repo create [path] [flags]


Create a new GitLab project/repository.


--defaultBranch="" Default branch of the project. If not provided, master
by default.

-d, --description="" Description of the new project

-g, --group="" Namespace/group for the new project (defaults to the current user’s namespace)

--internal[=false] Make project internal: visible to any authenticated user (default)

-n, --name="" Name of the new project

-p, --private[=false] Make project private: visible only to project members

-P, --public[=false] Make project public: visible without any authentication

--readme[=false] Initialize project with README.md

--remoteName="origin" Remote name for the Git repository you're in. If not provided, origin
by default.

-t, --tag=[] The list of tags for the project.

Options Inherited from Parent Commands

--help[=false] Show help for command


# create a repository under your account using the current directory name
$ glab repo create

# create a repository under a group using the current directory name
$ glab repo create --group glab-cli

# create a repository with a specific name
$ glab repo create my-project

# create a repository for a group
$ glab repo create glab-cli/my-project

See Also


Referenced By


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