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git-fork - Man Page

Fork a repo on github

Examples (TL;DR)


git-fork [<github-repo-url>]


If a github repo url is given, fork the repo. Like clone but forks first.

  1. forks the repo on github
  2. clones the repo into the current dir
  3. adds the original repo as a remote called upstream

If a url is not given and the current dir is a github repo, fork the repo.

  1. forks the current repo
  2. rename the origin remote repo to upstream
  3. adds the forked repo as a remote called origin

Remotes will use ssh if you have it configured with GitHub, if not, https will be used. Create a fork a project on GitHub via command line.

A personal access token is required for making the API call to create a new fork in GitHub. API Documentation here https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#forks

Make sure the personal access token has the right OAuth scopes for the repo(s)

Use git config --global --add git-extras.github-personal-access-token <your-personal-access-token>

If using multiple accounts, override the global value in the specific repo using git config git-extras.github-personal-access-token <other-acc-personal-access-token>


Fork expect.js:

$ git fork https://github.com/LearnBoost/expect.js

or just:

$ git fork LearnBoost/expect.js


$ ..<forks into your github profile and clones repo locally to expect.js dir>...

$ cd expect.js && git remote -v

  origin          git@github.com:<user>/expect.js (fetch)
  origin          git@github.com:<user>/expect.js (push)
  upstream        git@github.com:LearnBoost/expect.js (fetch)
  upstream        git@github.com:LearnBoost/expect.js (push)

If the current dir is a clone of expect.js, this has the same effect:

$ git fork


Written by Andrew Griffiths <mail@andrewgriffithsonline.com>

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October 2017 Git Extras