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git-create-branch - Man Page

Create branches

Examples (TL;DR)


git-create-branch [-r|--remote [remote_name]] <branchname>


Creates local branch named <branchname> and optionally sets up a remote tracking branch.


<-r|--remote [remote_name]>

Setup a remote tracking branch using remote_name. If remote_name is not supplied, use origin by default.

<--from [start_point]>

Setup a start point when the branch created. If --from is not supplied, use the current branch by default.


The name of the branch to create.


You may save your default preference for the remote option above by using git config with the key git-extras.create-branch.remote whose value will be the default remote when [-r|--remote] is not specified.

$ git config git-extras.create-branch.remote lucinda

The command line option -r|--remote will override this preference.


With no remote preference set:

# creates local branch ´integration´
$ git create-branch integration

# creates local & remote branch ´integration´ (on default ´origin´)
$ git create-branch -r integration

# creates local & remote branch ´integration´ on ´upstream´
$ git create-branch -r upstream integration

With git-extras.create-branch.remote preference set to ´lucinda´:

# creates local & remote branch ´integration´ (on preference ´lucinda´)
$ git create-branch integration

# overriding preference, using default `-r` of ´origin´
# creates local & remote branch ´integration´ on default ´origin´
$ git create-branch -r integration

# overriding preference, using specified `-r` of ´upstream´
# creates local & remote branch ´integration´ on ´upstream´
$ git create-branch -r upstream integration



Written by Jonhnny Weslley <jw@jonhnnyweslley.net> Modified by Mark Pitman <mark.pitman@gmail.com>, Brian Murrell <btmurrell@gmail.com>.

Reporting Bugs


See Also


Referenced By

git-extras(1), git-feature(1).

November 2020 Git Extras