gh-pr-list - Man Page

List pull requests in a repository


gh pr list [flags]


List pull requests in a GitHub repository.

The search query syntax is documented here:


--app <string>

Filter by GitHub App author

-a, --assignee <string>

Filter by assignee

-A, --author <string>

Filter by author

-B, --base <string>

Filter by base branch

-d,  --draft

Filter by draft state

-H, --head <string>

Filter by head branch

-q, --jq <expression>

Filter JSON output using a jq expression

--json <fields>

Output JSON with the specified fields

-l, --label <strings>

Filter by label

-L, --limit <int> (default 30)

Maximum number of items to fetch

-S, --search <query>

Search pull requests with query

-s, --state <string> (default "open")

Filter by state: {open|closed|merged|all}

-t, --template <string>

Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"

-w,  --web

List pull requests in the web browser

Options Inherited from Parent Commands

-R, --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>

Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format


List PRs authored by you
$ gh pr list --author "@me"

List only PRs with all of the given labels
$ gh pr list --label bug --label "priority 1"

Filter PRs using search syntax
$ gh pr list --search "status:success review:required"

Find a PR that introduced a given commit
$ gh pr list --search "<SHA>" --state merged

See Also


Referenced By


Jul 2024 GitHub CLI manual