genlib.1alc - Man Page

Procedural design language based upon C.


genlib is a set of C functions dedicated to procedural generation purposes. From a user point of view, genlib is a circuit's description  language that allows standard C programming flow control, variable use, and specialized functions in order to handle vlsi objects.

Based upon the Alliance mbk data structures, the genlib language gives the  user  the  ability  to  describe  both netlist and layout views, thus allowing both standard cell and full custom approachs.

Netlist Capture

It is a hierachical structural description of a circuit in terms of connectors (I/Os), signals (nets), and instances.

The function calls used to handle the netlist view are :

Standard Cell Placement

The following functions allows to define a placement file for a standard cell design. This file can be used by the standard cell router ocr(1) :

Full Custom Symbolic Layout

Those functions are dedicated to optimized full custom procedural layout. In order to provide some process independance, Alliance uses a symbolic layout approach (fixed grid without compaction).

The symbolic objects are segments (wires), vias (contacts), connectors (I/Os), references and instances. For more information, see phseg(1), phvia(1), phcon(1), phref(1), phins(1) and alc(1).

It is strongly recommended to read some books on C programming, in order to take full advantage of the C flow control possibilities, as it may greatly reduce  the  size of a genlib source code.

Environment Variables

In  order to compile and execute a genlib file, one has to call genlib with one argument, that is the genlib source file. The source file must have a .c extension, but the extension should not be mentioned on the command line.

The names used in genlib, as arguments to genlib functions, should be alphanumerical, including the underscore. They also are not case sensitive, so VDD is equivalent to vdd. Vectorized connectors or signal can be declareds using the [n:m] construct.


genlib [        -cklmnv ] [ --no-rm-core ] [ --keep-makefile ] [ --keep-exec ] [ --keep-log ] [ --no-exec ] [ --verbose ] program [ -e program_args ]


  • <program> : the name of the C file containing the genlib program, whitout extention. Mandatory argument.
  • [--no-rm-core|-c] : in case of core dump, do not remove the generated core file. This option must be used with [--keep-exec|-k].
  • [--keep-makefile|-m] : do not erase the generated makefile after execution.
  • [--keep-exec|-k] : keep the generated executable after the genlib run.
  • [--keep-log|-l] : do not erase the log file after a successful completion (the log is keeped after a faulty run).
  • [--no-exec|-n] : do not run the generated program. Should be used with [--keep-exec|-k].
  • [--no-verbose|-v] : self explanatory.
  • [-e] : all the following arguments are handled to the compiled program.


Compile and run a file amd2901.c :

genlib -v amd2901

See Also



Many errors may occur while executing the source file,  so refer to the proper genlib function manual for more. When an error occur, genlib left a log file <program>.grr. As <program>.c is a C program, all syntatic C error can occurs...

All genlib functions are listed below alphabetically sorted.

Referenced By

DPGEN_ADSB2F.3alc(3), DPGEN_AND2.3alc(3), DPGEN_AND3.3alc(3), DPGEN_AND4.3alc(3), DPGEN_BUFF.3alc(3), DPGEN_BUSE.3alc(3), DPGEN_CONST.3alc(3), DPGEN_DFF.3alc(3), DPGEN_DFFT.3alc(3), DPGEN_FIFO.3alc(3), DPGEN_INV.3alc(3), DPGEN_MUX2.3alc(3), DPGEN_NAND2.3alc(3), DPGEN_NAND2MASK.3alc(3), DPGEN_NAND3.3alc(3), DPGEN_NAND4.3alc(3), DPGEN_NBUSE.3alc(3), DPGEN_NMUX2.3alc(3), DPGEN_NOR2.3alc(3), DPGEN_NOR2MASK.3alc(3), DPGEN_NOR3.3alc(3), DPGEN_NOR4.3alc(3), DPGEN_NUL.3alc(3), DPGEN_OR2.3alc(3), DPGEN_OR3.3alc(3), DPGEN_OR4.3alc(3), DPGEN_RF1.3alc(3), DPGEN_RF1D.3alc(3), DPGEN_ROM2.3alc(3), DPGEN_ROM4.3alc(3), DPGEN_SFF.3alc(3), DPGEN_SFFT.3alc(3), DPGEN_SHIFT.3alc(3), DPGEN_XNOR2.3alc(3), DPGEN_XNOR2MASK.3alc(3), DPGEN_XOR2.3alc(3), GENLIB_BUS.3alc(3), GENLIB_COPY_UP_ALL_CON.3alc(3), GENLIB_COPY_UP_ALL_REF.3alc(3), GENLIB_COPY_UP_CON.3alc(3), GENLIB_COPY_UP_CON_FACE.3alc(3), GENLIB_COPY_UP_REF.3alc(3), GENLIB_COPY_UP_SEG.3alc(3), GENLIB_DEF_AB.3alc(3), GENLIB_DEF_LOFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_DEF_PHFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_DEF_PHINS.3alc(3), GENLIB_DEF_PHSC.3alc(3), GENLIB_ELM.3alc(3), GENLIB_FLATTEN_ALL_LOINS.3alc(3), GENLIB_FLATTEN_ALL_PHINS.3alc(3), GENLIB_FLATTEN_LOFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_FLATTEN_PHFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_GET_CON_X.3alc(3), GENLIB_GET_CON_Y.3alc(3), GENLIB_GET_INS_X.3alc(3), GENLIB_GET_INS_Y.3alc(3), GENLIB_GET_REF_X.3alc(3), GENLIB_GET_REF_Y.3alc(3), GENLIB_HEIGHT.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOAD_LOFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOAD_PHFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOCAP.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOCON.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOINS.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOINSE.3alc(3), GENLIB_LORES.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOSELF.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOSIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOSIGMERGE.3alc(3), GENLIB_LOTRS.3alc(3), GENLIB_OUTLINE.3alc(3), GENLIB_PHCON.3alc(3), GENLIB_PHREF.3alc(3), GENLIB_PHSEG.3alc(3), GENLIB_PHVIA.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE_BOTTOM.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE_CON_REF.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE_LEFT.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE_ON.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE_RIGHT.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE_SEG_REF.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE_TOP.3alc(3), GENLIB_PLACE_VIA_REF.3alc(3), GENLIB_REVERSE_PHCON.3alc(3), GENLIB_SAVE_LOFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_SAVE_PHFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_SAVE_PHSC.3alc(3), GENLIB_SC_BOTTOM.3alc(3), GENLIB_SC_LEFT.3alc(3), GENLIB_SC_PLACE.3alc(3), GENLIB_SC_RIGHT.3alc(3), GENLIB_SC_TOP.3alc(3), GENLIB_UNFLATTEN_LOFIG.3alc(3), GENLIB_WIRE1.3alc(3), GENLIB_WIRE2.3alc(3), GENLIB_WIRE3.3alc(3), mbk.3alc(3), MBK_CATA_LIB.1alc(1), MBK_CATAL_NAME.1alc(1), MBK_CK.1alc(1), mbkenv.3alc(3), MBK_IN_LO.1alc(1), MBK_IN_PH.1alc(1), MBK_OUT_LO.1alc(1), MBK_OUT_PH.1alc(1), MBK_SEPAR.1alc(1), MBK_VDD.1alc(1), MBK_VSS.1alc(1), MBK_WORK_LIB.1alc(1), ring.1alc(1), sxlib.5alc(5).

30 July 2004 ASIM/LIP6 Alliance - genlib User's Manual