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gcal2txt - Man Page

creates a verbatim text file from a Gcal resource file.


gcal2txt [--help|--version] | [Resource-file | -]


Gcal2txt is a program which creates a verbatim text file from a Gcal resource file.  If no resource-file argument is given or/but a single `-' character, the program reads and processes all input received from the standard input channel.  All results are always shown on the standard output channel. An exit status of 0 means all processing is successfully done, any other value means an error has occured.



Print a usage message listing all available options, then exit successfully.


Print the version number, then exit successfully.


------------------------oOO      \\\_''/      OOo---------------------------
Thomas Esken               O     (/o-o\)     O  eMail: esken@gmx.net
Im Hagenfeld 84                 ((  ^  ))       Phone: +49 251 232585
D-48147 Muenster; Germany    \____) ~ (____/    MotD : 2old2live, 2young2die

See Also

gcal(1), tcal(1), txt2gcal(1).

Referenced By

gcal(1), tcal(1), txt2gcal(1).

June 14, 2000