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gabbi — Gabbi Documentation

Gabbi tests are expressed in YAML as a series of HTTP requests with their expected response:

 — name: retrieve root
     GET: /
     status: 200

This will trigger a GET request to / on the configured Target Host. The test will pass if the response's status code is 200.

Test Structure

The top-level tests category contains an ordered sequence of test declarations, each describing the expected response to a given request:


nameThe test's name. Must be unique within a file.required
descAn arbitrary string describing the test.
verboseIf True or all (synonymous), prints a representation of the current request and response to stdout, including both headers and body. If set to headers or body, only the corresponding part of the request and response will be printed. If the output is a TTY, colors will be used. If the body content-type is JSON it will be formatted for improved readability. See VerboseHttp for details.defaults to False
skipA string message which if set will cause the test to be skipped with the provided message.defaults to False
xfailDetermines whether to expect this test to fail. Note that the test will be run anyway.defaults to False
use_prior_testDetermines if this test will be run in sequence (after) the test prior to it in the list of tests within a file. To be concrete, when this is True the test is dependent on the prior test and if that prior has not yet run, it wil be run, even if only the current test has been selected. Set this to False to allow selecting a test without dependencies.defaults to True
cert_validateStates whether the underlying HTTP client should attempt to validate SSL certificates. In many test environment certificates will be self-signed so changing this may be requried. It can also be changed when Loading and Running Tests or using gabbi-run.defaults to True
disable_response_handlerIf True, means that the response body will not be processed to Python data. This can be necessary if a response claims a content-type but the body is not actually that type but it is still necessary to run tests against the response. In that situation, if disable_response_handler is False the test will be treated as a failure.defaults to False

When tests are generated dynamically, the TestCase name will include the respective test's name, lowercased with spaces transformed to _. In at least some test runners this will allow you to select and filter on test name.

Request Parameters

any uppercase stringAny such key is considered an HTTP method, with the corresponding value expressing the URL.

This is a shortcut combining method and url into a single statement:
GET: /index
corresponds to:
method: GET
url: /index
methodThe HTTP request method.defaults to GET
urlThe URL to request. This can either be a full path (e.g. "/index") or a fully qualified URL (i.e. including host and scheme, e.g. "") — see Target Host for details.Either this or the shortcut above is required
request_headersA dictionary of key-value pairs representing request header names and values. These will be added to the constructed request.
query_parametersA dictionary of query parameters that will be added to the url as query string. If that URL already contains a set of query parameters, those wil be extended. See Example Tests for a demonstration of how the data is structured.
dataA representation to pass as the body of a request. Note that content-type in request_headers should also be set — see Data for details.
redirectsIf True, redirects will automatically be followed.defaults to False
sslDetermines whether the request uses SSL (i.e. HTTPS). Note that the url's scheme takes precedence if present — see Target Host for details.defaults to False

Response Expectations

statusThe expected response status code. Multiple acceptable response codes may be provided, separated by || (e.g. 302 || 301 — note, however, that this indicates ambiguity, which is generally undesirable).defaults to 200
response_headersA dictionary of key-value pairs representing expected response header names and values. If a header's value is wrapped in /.../, it will be treated as a regular expression to search for in the response header.
response_forbidden_headersA list of headers which must not be present.
response_stringsA list of string fragments expected to be present in the response body.
response_json_pathsA dictionary of JSONPath rules paired with expected matches. Using this rule requires that the content being sent from the server is JSON (i.e. a content type of application/json or containing +json)

If the value is wrapped in /.../ the result of the JSONPath query will be searched for the value as a regular expression.
pollA dictionary of two keys:
  • count: An integer stating the number of times to attempt this test before giving up.
  • delay: A floating point number of seconds to delay between attempts.
This makes it possible to poll for a resource created via an asynchronous request. Use with caution.

Note that many of these items allow substitutions.

Default values for a file's tests may be provided via the top-level defaults category. These take precedence over the global defaults (explained below).

For examples see the gabbi tests, Example Tests and the gabbi-demo tutorial.


The top-level fixtures category contains a sequence of named Fixtures.

Response Handlers

response_* keys are examples of Response Handlers. Custom handlers may be created by test authors for specific use cases. See Content Handlers for more information.


There are a number of magical variables that can be used to make reference to the state of a current test, the one just prior or any test prior to the current one. The variables are replaced with real values during test processing.


  • $ENVIRON['<environment variable>']: The name of an environment variable. Its value will replace the magical variable. If the string value of the environment variable is "True" or "False" then the resulting value will be the corresponding boolean, not a string.

Current Test

  • $SCHEME: The current scheme/protocol (usually http or https).
  • $NETLOC: The host and potentially port of the request.

Immediately Prior Test

  • $COOKIE: All the cookies set by any Set-Cookie headers in the prior response, including only the cookie key and value pairs and no metadata (e.g. expires or domain).
  • $URL: The URL defined in the prior request, after substitutions have been made. For backwards compatibility with earlier releases $LAST_URL may also be used, but if $HISTORY (see below) is being used, $URL must be used.
  • $LOCATION: The location header returned in the prior response.
  • $HEADERS['<header>']: The value of any header from the prior response.
  • $RESPONSE['<json path>']: A JSONPath query into the prior response. See JSONPath for more on formatting.

Any Previous Test

  • $HISTORY['<test name>'].<magical variable expression>: Any variable which refers to a prior test may be used in an expression that refers to any earlier test in the same file by identifying the target test by its name in a $HISTORY dictionary. For example, to refer to a value in a JSON object in the response of a test named post json:

    $HISTORY['post json'].$RESPONSE['$.key']

    This is a very powerful feature that could lead to test that are difficult for humans to read. Take care to optimize for the maintainers that will come after you, not yourself.


For $ENVIRON and $RESPONSE it is possible to attempt to cast the value to another type: int, float, str, or bool. If the cast fails an exception will be raised and the test will fail.

This functionality only works when the magical variable is the whole value of a YAML entry. If the variable is intermixed with other data, an exception will be raised and the test will fail.

The format for a cast is to append a : and the cast type after the type of the magical variable. For example:


Prior to the introduction of this feature, $ENVIRON would already do some automatic casting of numbers to ints and floats and the strings True and False to booleans. This continues to be the case, but only if no cast is provided.


Where a single-quote character, ', is shown in the variables above you may also use a double-quote character, ", but in any given expression the same character must be used at both ends.

All of these variables may be used in all of the following fields:

  • skip
  • url
  • query_parameters
  • data
  • request_headers (in both the key and value)
  • response_strings
  • response_json_paths (in both the key and value, see json path substitution for more info)
  • response_headers (in both the key and value)
  • response_forbidden_headers
  • count and delay fields of poll

With these variables it ought to be possible to traverse an API without any explicit statements about the URLs being used. If you need a replacement on a field that is not currently supported please raise an issue or provide a patch.

As all of these features needed to be tested in the development of gabbi itself, the gabbi tests are a good source of examples on how to use the functionality. See also Example Tests for a collection of examples and the gabbi-demo tutorial.


The data key has some special handing to allow for a bit more flexibility when doing a POST or PUT:


When reading from a file care should be taken to ensure that a reasonable content-type is set for the data as this will control if any encoding is done of the resulting string value. If it is text, json, xml or javascript it will be encoded to UTF-8.

To run gabbi tests with a test harness they must be generated in some fashion and then run. This is accomplished by a test loader. Initially gabbi only supported those test harnesses that supported the load_tests protocol in UnitTest. It now possible to also build and run tests with pytest with some limitations described below.


It is also possible to run gabbi tests from the command line. See YAML Runner.


By default gabbi will load YAML files using the safe_load function. This means only basic YAML types are allowed in the file. For most use cases this is fine. If you need custom types (for example, to match NaN) it is possible to set the safe_yaml parameter of build_tests() to False. If custom types are used, please keep in mind that this can limit the portability of the YAML files to other contexts.


If test are being run with a runner that supports concurrency (such as testrepository) it is critical that the test runner is informed of how to group the tests into their respective suites. The usual way to do this is to use a regular expression that groups based on the name of the yaml files. For example, when using testrepository the .testr.conf file needs an entry similar to the following:


Unittest Style Loader

To run the tests with a load_tests style loader a test file containing a load_tests method is required. That will look a bit like:

"""A sample test module."""

# For pathname munging
import os

# The module that build_tests comes from.
from gabbi import driver

# We need access to the WSGI application that hosts our service
from myapp import wsgiapp

# We're using fixtures in the YAML files, we need to know where to
# load them from.
from myapp.test import fixtures

# By convention the YAML files are put in a directory named
# "gabbits" that is in the same directory as the Python test file.
TESTS_DIR = 'gabbits'

def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
    """Provide a TestSuite to the discovery process."""
    test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), TESTS_DIR)
    # Pass "require_ssl=True" as an argument to force all tests
    # to use SSL in requests.
    return driver.build_tests(test_dir, loader,

For details on the arguments available when building tests see build_tests().

Once the test loader has been created, it needs to be run. There are many options. Which is appropriate depends very much on your environment. Here are some examples using unittest or testtools that require minimal knowledge to get started.

By file:

python -m -v test/

By module:

python -m -v test.test_loader

python -m unittest -v test.test_loader

Using test discovery to locate all tests in a directory tree:

python -m discover

python -m unittest discover test

See the source distribution and the tutorial repo for more advanced options, including using testrepository and subunit.


Since pytest does not support the load_tests system, a different way of generating tests is required. Two techniques are supported.

The original method (described below) used yield statements to generate tests which pytest would collect. This style of tests is deprecated as of pytest>=3.0 so a new style using pytest fixtures has been developed.


The pytest loader now requires that test_loader_name be set when gabbi.driver.py_test_generator() is called.

pytest >= 3.0

In the newer technique, a test file is created that uses the pytest_generate_tests hook. Special care must be taken to always import the test_pytest method which is the base test that the pytest hook parametrizes to generate the tests from the YAML files. Without the method, the hook will not be called and no tests generated.

Here is a simple example file:

"""A sample pytest module for pytest >= 3.0."""

# For pathname munging
import os

# The module that py_test_generator comes from.
from gabbi import driver

# We need test_pytest so that pytest test collection works properly.
# Without this, the pytest_generate_tests method below will not be
# called.
from gabbi.driver import test_pytest  # noqa

# We need access to the WSGI application that hosts our service
from myapp import wsgiapp

# We're using fixtures in the YAML files, we need to know where to
# load them from.
from myapp.test import fixtures

# By convention the YAML files are put in a directory named
# "gabbits" that is in the same directory as the Python test file.
TESTS_DIR = 'gabbits'

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
    test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), TESTS_DIR)
        fixture_module=fixtures, metafunc=metafunc)

This can then be run with the usual pytest commands. For example:

py.test -svx

pytest < 3.0

When using the older technique, test file must be created that calls py_test_generator() and yields the generated tests. That will look a bit like this:

"""A sample pytest module."""

# For pathname munging
import os

# The module that build_tests comes from.
from gabbi import driver

# We need access to the WSGI application that hosts our service
from myapp import wsgiapp

# We're using fixtures in the YAML files, we need to know where to
# load them from.
from myapp.test import fixtures

# By convention the YAML files are put in a directory named
# "gabbits" that is in the same directory as the Python test file.
TESTS_DIR = 'gabbits'

def test_gabbits():
    test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), TESTS_DIR)
    # Pass "require_ssl=True" as an argument to force all tests
    # to use SSL in requests.
    test_generator = driver.py_test_generator(

    for test in test_generator:
        yield test

This can then be run with the usual pytest commands. For example:

py.test -svx

The older technique will continue to work with all versions of pytest<4.0 but >=3.0 will produce warnings. If you want to use the older technique but not see the warnings add --disable-pytest-warnings parameter to the invocation of py.test.

What follows is a commented example of some tests in a single file demonstrating many of the Test Format features. See Loading and Running Tests for the Python needed to integrate with a testing harness.

# Fixtures can be used to set any necessary configuration, such as a
# persistence layer, and establish sample data. They operate per
# file. They are context managers, each one wrapping the next in the
# sequence.

    - ConfigFixture
    - SampleDataFixture

# There is an included fixture named "SkipAllFixture" which can be
# used to declare that all the tests in the given file are to be
# skipped.

# Each test file can specify a set of defaults that will be used for
# every request. This is useful for always specifying a particular
# header or always requiring SSL. These values will be used on every
# test in the file unless overriden. Lists and dicts are merged one
# level deep, except for "data" which is copied verbatim whether it
# is a string, list or dict (it can be all three).

    ssl: True
        x-my-token: zoom

# The tests themselves are a list under a "tests" key. It's useful
# to use plenty of whitespace to help readability.


# Each request *must* have a name which is unique to the file. When it
# becomes a TestCase the name will be lowercased and spaces will
# become "_". Use that generated name when limiting test runs.

    - name: a test for root
      desc: Some explanatory text that could be used by other tooling

# The URL can either be relative to a host specified elsewhere or
# be a fully qualified "http" or "https" URL. *You* are responsible
# for url-encoding the URL.

      url: /
      method: GET

# If no status or method are provided they default to "200" and
# "GET".

# Instead of explicitly stating "url" and "method" you can join
# those two keys into one key representing the method. The method
# *must* be uppercase.

    - name: another test for root
      desc: Same test as above but with GET key
      GET: /

# A single test can override settings in defaults (set above).

    - name: root without ssl redirects
      ssl: False
      GET: /
      status: 302

# When evaluating response headers it is possible to use a regular
# expression to not have to test the whole value. Regular expressions match
# anywhere in the output, not just at the beginning.

          location: /^https/

# By default redirects will not be followed. This can be changed.

    - name: follow root without ssl redirect
      ssl: False
      redirects: True
      GET: /
      status: 200 # This is the response code after the redirect.

# URLs can express query parameters in two ways: either in the url
# value directly, or as query_parameters. If both are used then
# query_parameters are appended. In this example the resulting URL
# will be equivalient to
# /foo?section=news&article=1&article=2&date=yesterday
# but not necessarily in that order.

    - name: create a url with parameters
      GET: /foo?section=news
              - 1
              - 2
          date: yesterday

# Request headers can be used to declare media-type choices and
# experiment with authorization handling (amongst other things).
# Response headers allow evaluating headers in the response. These
# two together form the core value of gabbi.

    - name: test accept
      GET: /resource
          accept: application/json
          content-type: /application/json/

# If a header must not be present in a response at all that can be
# expressed in a test as follows.

    - name: test forbidden headers
      GET: /resource
          - x-special-header

# All of the above requests have defaulted to a "GET" method. When
# using "POST", "PUT" or "PATCH", the "data" key provides the
# request body.

    - name: post some text
      POST: /text_repo
          content-type: text/plain
      data: "I'm storing this"
      status: 201

# If the data is not a string, it will be transformed into JSON.
# You must supply an appropriate content-type request header.

    - name: post some json
      POST: /json_repo
          content-type: application/json
          name: smith
          abode: castle
      status: 201

# If the data is a string prepended with "<@" the value will be
# treated as the name of a file in the same directory as the YAML
# file. Again, you must supply an appropriate content-type. If the
# content-type is one of several "text-like" types, the content will
# be assumed to be UTF-8 encoded.

    - name: post an image
      POST: /image_repo
          content-type: image/png
      data: <@kittens.png

# A single request can be marked to be skipped.

    - name: patch an image
      skip: patching images not yet implemented
      PATCH: /image_repo/12d96fb8-e78c-11e4-8c03-685b35afa334

# Or a single request can be marked that it is expected to fail.

    - name: check allow headers
      desc: the framework doesn't do allow yet
      xfail: True
      PUT: /post_only_url
      status: 405
          allow: POST

# The body of a response can be evaluated with response handlers.
# The most simple checks for a set of strings anywhere in the
# response. Note that the strings are members of a list.

    - name: check for css file
      GET: /blog/posts/12
          - normalize.css

# For JSON responses, JSONPath rules can be used.

    - name: post some json get back json
      POST: /json_repo
          content-type: application/json
          name: smith
          abode: castle
      status: 201
          $.name: smith
          $.abode: castle

# Requests run in sequence. One test can make reference to the test
# immediately prior using some special variables.
# "$LOCATION" contains the "location" header in the previous
# response.
# "$HEADERS" is a pseudo dictionary containing all the headers of
# the previous response.
# "$ENVIRON" is a pseudo dictionary providing access to the current
# environment.
# "$RESPONSE" provides access to the JSON in the prior response, via
# JSONPath. See for
# jsonpath-rw formatting.
# $SCHEME and $NETLOC provide access to the current protocol and
# location (host and port).

    - name: get the thing we just posted
          x-magic-exchange: $HEADERS['x-magic-exchange']
          x-token: $ENVIRON['OS_TOKEN']
          $.name: $RESPONSE['$.name']
          $.abode: $RESPONSE['$.abode']
          content-location: /$SCHEME://$NETLOC/

# For APIs where resource creation is asynchronous it can be
# necessary to poll for the resulting resource. First we create the
# resource in one test. The next test uses the "poll" key to loop
# with a delay for a set number of times.

    - name: create asynch
      POST: /async_creator
          content-type: application/json
          name: jones
          abode: bungalow
      status: 202

    - name: poll for created resource
          count: 10 # try up to ten times
          delay: .5 # wait .5 seconds between each try
          $.name: $RESPONSE['$.name']
          $.abode: $RESPONSE['$.abode']

Gabbi supports JSONPath both for validating JSON response bodies and within substitutions.

JSONPath expressions are provided by jsonpath_rw, with jsonpath_rw_ext custom extensions to address common requirements:

  1. Sorting via sorted and [/property].
  2. Filtering via [?property = value].
  3. Returning the respective length via len.

(These apply both to arrays and key-value pairs.)

Here is a JSONPath example demonstrating some of these features. Given JSON data as follows:

    "pets": [
        {"type": "cat", "sound": "meow"},
        {"type": "dog", "sound": "woof"}

If the ordering of the list in pets is predictable and reliable it is relatively straightforward to test values:

    # length of list is two
    $.pets.`len`: 2
    # sound of second item in list is woof
    $.pets[1].sound: woof

If the ordering is not predictable additional effort is required:

    # sort by type
    $.pets[/type][0].sound: meow
    # sort by type, reversed
    $.pets[\type][0].sound: woof
    # all the sounds
    $.pets[/type]..sound: ['meow', 'woof']
    # filter by type = dog
    $.pets[?type = "dog"].sound: woof

If it is necessary to validate the entire JSON response use a JSONPath of $:

            - type: cat
              sound: meow
            - type: dog
              sound: woof

This is not a technique that should be used frequently as it can lead to difficult to read tests and it also indicates that your gabbi tests are being used to test your serializers and data models, not just your API interactions.

It is also possible to read raw JSON from disk for either all or some of a JSON response:

    $: @<data.json


    $.pets: <@pets.json
    $.pets[0]: <@cat.json

Examples like this can be found in one of gabbi's own tests.

If it is desired to load YAML files like the JSON ones above, two things must be done:

  1. The YAMLDiskLoadingJSONHandler custom content handler must be passed to the driver through the content_handlers argument. See Extensions on how to do this.
  2. The YAML files to load must be placed in a subdirectory to prevent the test runner from consuming them as test files to run:

        $: @<subdir/values.yaml

When reading from disk you can apply the same JSONPath by adding a ':' to the end of your file name. This allows you to store multiple API responses into a single file to reduce file management when constructing your tests.

Given JSON data as follows:

    "values": [{
        "pets": [{
            "type": "cat",
            "sound": "meow"
        }, {
            "type": "dog",
            "sound": "woof"
    }, {
        "people": [{
            "name": "chris",
            "id": 1
        }, {
            "name": "justin",
            "id": 2

You can write your tests like the following:

    $.pets: <@pets.json
    $.pets[?type = "cat"].sound: <@values.json:$.values[0].pets[?type = "cat"].sound

Although placing more than one API response into a single JSON file may seem convenient, keep in mind there is a tradeoff in readability that should not be overlooked before implementing this technique.

Examples like this can be found in one of gabbi's yaml-from-disk tests.

There are more JSONPath examples in Example Tests and in the jsonpath_rw and jsonpath_rw_ext documentation.


Substitutions can be made in both the left (query) and right (expected) hand sides of the json path expression. When subtitutions are used in the query, care must be taken to ensure proper quoting of the resulting value. For example if there is a uuid (with hyphens) at $RESPONSE['$.id'] then this expression may fail:

$.nested.structure.$RESPONSE['$.id'].name: foobar

as it will evaluate to something like:

$ foobar

which may be treated as an arithemtic expression by the json path parser. The test author should write:

$.nested.structure["$RESPONSE['$.id']"].name: foobar

to quote the result of the substitution.

The target host is the host on which the API to be tested can be found. Gabbi intends to preserve the flow and semantics of HTTP interactions as much as possible, and every HTTP request needs to be directed at a host of some form. Gabbi provides three ways to control this:

The intercept and live methods are mutually exclusive per test builder, but either kind of test can freely intermix fully qualified URLs into the sequence of tests in a YAML file.

For test driven development and local tests the intercept style of testing lowers test requirements (no web server required) and is fast. Interception is performed as part of Fixtures processing as the most deeply nested fixture. This allows any configuration or database setup to be performed prior to the WSGI application being created.

For the implementation of the above see build_tests().

Each suite of tests is represented by a single YAML file, and may optionally use one or more fixtures to provide the necessary environment required by the tests in that file.

Fixtures are implemented as nested context managers. Subclasses of GabbiFixture must implement start_fixture and stop_fixture methods for creating and destroying, respectively, any resources managed by the fixture. While the subclass may choose to implement __init__ it is important that no exceptions are thrown in that method, otherwise the stack of context managers will fail in unexpected ways. Instead initialization of real resources should happen in start_fixture.

At this time there is no mechanism for the individual tests to have any direct awareness of the fixtures. The fixtures exist, conceptually, on the server side of the API being tested.

Fixtures may do whatever is required by the testing environment, however there are two common scenarios:

If a fixture raises during start_fixture all the tests in the current file will be skipped. This makes it possible to skip the tests if some optional configuration (such as a particular type of database) is not available.

If an exception is raised while a fixture is being used, information about the exception will be stored on the fixture so that the stop_fixture method can decide if the exception should change how the fixture should clean up. The exception information can be found on exc_type, exc_value and traceback method attributes.

If an exception is raised when a fixture is started (in start_fixture) the first test in the suite using the fixture will be marked with an error using the traceback from the exception and all the tests in the suite will be skipped. This ensures that fixture failure is adequately captured and reported by test runners.

In some contexts (for example CI environments with a large number of tests being run in a broadly concurrent environment where output is logged to a single file) it can be important to capture and consolidate stray output that is produced during the tests and display it associated with an individual test. This can help debugging and avoids unusable output that is the result of multiple streams being interleaved.

Inner fixtures have been added to support this. These are fixtures more in line with the tradtional unittest concept of fixtures: a class on which setUp and cleanUp is automatically called.

build_tests() accepts a named parameter arguments of inner_fixtures. The value of that argument may be an ordered list of fixtures.Fixture classes that will be called when each individual test is set up.

An example fixture that could be useful is the FakeLogger.


At this time inner_fixtures are not supported when using the pytest loader.

Content handlers are responsible for preparing request data and evaluating response data based on the content-type of the request and response. A content handler operates as follows:

By default, gabbi provides content handlers for JSON. In that content handler the data test key is converted from structured YAML into a JSON string. Response bodies are converted from a JSON string into a data structure in response_data that is used when evaluating response_json_paths entries in a test or doing JSONPath-based $RESPONSE[] substitutions.

A YAMLDiskLoadingJSONHandler has been added to extend the JSON handler. It works the same way as the JSON handler except for when evaluating the response_json_paths handle, data that is read from disk can be either in JSON or YAML format. The YAMLDiskLoadingJSONHandler is not enabled by default and must be added as shown in the Extensions section in order to be used in the tests.

Further content handlers can be added as extensions. Test authors may need these extensions for their own suites, or enterprising developers may wish to create and distribute extensions for others to use.


One extension that is likely to be useful is a content handler that turns data into url-encoded form data suitable for POST and turns an HTML response into a DOM object.


Content handlers are an evolution of the response handler concept in earlier versions gabbi. To preserve backwards compatibility with existing response handlers, old style response handlers are still allowed, but new handlers should implement the content handler interface (described below).

Registering additional custom handlers is done by passing a subclass of ContentHandler to build_tests():

driver.build_tests(test_dir, loader, host=None,

If pytest is being used:

driver.py_test_generator(test_dir, intercept=simple_wsgi.SimpleWsgi,

Gabbi provides an additional custom handler named YAMLDiskLoadingJSONHandler. This can be used for loading JSON and YAML files from disk when evaluating the response_json_paths handle.


YAMLDiskLoadingJSONHandler shares the same content-type as the default JSONHandler. When there are multiple handlers listed that accept the same content-type, the one that is earliest in the list will be used.

With gabbi-run, custom handlers can be loaded via the --response-handler option -- see load_response_handlers() for details.


The use of the --response-handler argument is done to preserve backwards compatibility and avoid excessive arguments. Both types of handler may be passed to the argument.

Implementation Details

Creating a content handler requires subclassing ContentHandler and implementing several methods. These methods are described below, but inspecting JSONHandler will be instructive in highlighting required arguments and techniques.

To provide a response_<something> response-body evaluator a subclass must define:

  • test_key_suffix: This, along with the prefix response_, forms the key used in the test structure. It is a class level string.
  • test_key_value: The key's default value, either an empty list ([]) or empty dict ({}). It is a class level value.
  • action: An instance method which tests the expected values against the HTTP response - it is invoked for each entry, with the parameters depending on the default value. The arguments to action are (in order):

    • self: The current instance.
    • test: The currently active HTTPTestCase
    • item: The current entry if test_key_value is a list, otherwise the key half of the key/value pair at this entry.
    • value: None if test_key_value is a list, otherwise the value half of the key/value pair at this entry.

To translate request or response bodies to or from structured data a subclass must define an accepts method. This should return True if this class is willing to translate the provided content-type. During request processing it is given the value of the content-type header that will be sent in the request. During response processing it is given the value of the content-type header of the response. This makes it possible to handle different request and response bodies in the same handler, if desired. For example a handler might accept application/x-www-form-urlencoded and text/html.

If accepts is defined two additional static methods should be defined:

  • dumps: Turn structured Python data from the data key in a test into a string or byte stream. The optional test param allows you to access the current test case which may help with manipulations for custom content handlers, e.g. multipart/form-data needs to add a boundary to the Content-Type header in order to mark the appropriate sections of the body.
  • loads: Turn a string or byte stream in a response into a Python data structure. Gabbi will put this data on the response_data attribute on the test, where it can be used in the evaluations described above (in the  action method) or in $RESPONSE handling. An example usage here would be to turn HTML into a DOM.
  • load_data_file: Load data from disk into a Python data structure. Gabbi will call this method when response_<something> contains an item where the right hand side value starts with <@. The test param allows you to access the current test case and provides a load_data_file method which should be used because it verifies the data is loaded within the test diectory and returns the file source as a string. The load_data_file method was introduced to re-use the JSONHandler in order to support loading YAML files from disk through the implementation of an additional custom handler, see YAMLDiskLoadingJSONHandler for details.

Finally if a replacer class method is defined, then when a $RESPONSE substitution is encountered, replacer will be passed the response_data of the prior test and the argument within the $RESPONSE.

Please see the JSONHandler source for additional detail.

If there is a running web service that needs to be tested and creating a test loader with build_tests() is either inconvenient or overkill it is possible to run YAML test files directly from the command line with the console-script gabbi-run. It accepts YAML on stdin or as multiple file arguments, and generates and runs tests and outputs a summary of the results.

The provided YAML may not use custom Fixtures but otherwise uses the default Test Format. Target Host information is either expressed directly in the YAML file or provided on the command line:

gabbi-run [host[:port]] < /my/test.yaml


gabbi-run http://host:port < /my/test.yaml

To test with one or more files the following command syntax may be used:

gabbi-run http://host:port -- /my/test.yaml /my/other.yaml

The filename arguments must come after a -- and all other arguments (host, port, prefix, failfast) must come before the --.


If files are provided, test output will use names including the name of the file. If any single file includes an error, the name of the file will be included in a summary of failed files at the end of the test report.

To facilitate using the same tests against the same application mounted in different locations in a WSGI server, a prefix may be provided as a second argument:

gabbi-run host[:port] [prefix] < /my/test.yaml

or in the target URL:

gabbi-run http://host:port/prefix < /my/test.yaml

The value of prefix will be prepended to the path portion of URLs that are not fully qualified.

Anywhere host is used, if it is a raw IPV6 address it should be wrapped in [ and ].

If https is used in the target, then the tests in the provided YAML will default to ssl: True.

Use -k or --insecure to not validate certificates when making https connections.

If a -x or --failfast argument is provided then gabbi-run will exit after the first test failure.

Use -v or --verbose with a value of all, headers or body to turn on verbosity for all tests being run.

Use -q or --quiet to silence test runner output.

Use -r or --response-handler to load a custom response or content handler for use with tests.

Use -l to load response handlers relative to the current working directory.

For example, to load a handler named HTMLHandler from the handlers.html module relative to the current directory:

gabbi-run -l -r handlers.html:HTMLHandler < my.yaml

These are informal release notes for gabbi since version 1.0.0, highlighting major features and changes. For more detail see the commit logs on GitHub.





























JSONPath handling gets two improvements:


Substitutions in $RESPONSE handling now preserve numeric types instead of casting to a string. This is useful when servers are expecting strong types and tests want to send response data back to the server.


count and delay test keys allow substitutions. gabbi.driver.build_tests() accepts a verbose parameter to set test verbosity for an entire session.


Better failure reporting when using gabbi-run with multiple files. Test names are based on the files and a summary of failed files is provided at the end of the report.


Effectively capture a failure in a fixture and report the traceback. Without this some test runners swallow the error and discovering problems when developing fixtures can be quite challenging.


Thanks to Samuel Fekete, tests can use the $HISTORY dictionary to refer to any prior test in the same file, not just the one immediately prior, when doing substitutions.


Filenames used to read data into tests using the <@ syntax may now use pathnames relative to the YAML file. See Data.

gabbi-run gains a --verbose parameter to force all tests run in a session to run with verbose set.

When using pytest to load tests, a new mechanism is available which avoids warnings produced in when using a version of pytest greater than 3.0.


When verbosely displaying request and response bodies that are JSON, pretty print for improved readability.


Allow gabbi-run to accept multiple filenames as command line arguments instead of reading tests from stdin.


Switch from response handlers to Content Handlers to allow more flexible processing of both response _and_ request bodies.

Add inner fixtures for per test fixtures, useful for output capturing.


Allow the test_loader_name arg to gabbi.driver.build_tests() to override the prefix of the pretty printed name of generated tests.


String values in JSONPath matches may be wrapped in /.../` to be treated as regular expressions.


Better documentation of how to run gabbi in a concurrent environment. Improved handling of pytest fixtures and test counts.


Add url to gabbi.driver.build_tests() to use instead of host, port and prefix.


Add require_ssl to gabbi.driver.build_tests() to force use of SSL.


Add $COOKIE substitution.


Correctly support IPV6 hosts.


Add $LAST_URL substitution.


Introduce support for loading and running tests with pytest.


Use urllib3 instead of httplib2 for driving HTTP requests.


Add sorting and filtering to JSONPath handling.


Add the response_forbidden_headers to response expectations.


Instead of:

- name: a simple get
  url: /some/path
  method: get

1.7.0 also makes it possible to:

- name: a simple get
  GET: /some/path

Any upper case key is treated as a method.

1.4.0 and 1.5.0

Enhanced flexibility and colorization when setting tests to be verbose.


Adds the query_parameters key to request parameters.


The start of improvements and extensions to JSONPath handling. In this case the addition of the len function.


Vastly improved output and behavior in gabbi-run.


Version 1 was the first release with a commitment to a stable Test Format. Since then new fields have been added but have not been taken away.

The following people have contributed code to gabbi. Thanks to them. Thanks also to all the people who have made gabbi better by reporting issues and their successes and failures with using gabbi.


This section provides a collection of questions with answers that don't otherwise fit in the rest of the documentation. If something is missing, please create an issue.

As this document grows it will gain a more refined structure.


Is gabbi only for testing Python-based APIs?

No, you can use gabbi-run to test an HTTP service built in any programming language.

How do I run just one test?

Each YAML file contains a sequence of tests, each test within each file has a name. That name is translated to the name of the test by replacing spaces with an _.

When running tests that are generated dynamically, filtering based on the test name prior to the test being collected will not work in some test runners.  Test runners that use a --load-list functionality can be convinced to filter after discovery.

pytest does this directly with the -k keyword flag.

When using testrepository with tox as used in gabbi's own tests it is possible to pass a filter in the tox command:

tox -epy27 -- get_the_widget

When using and similar test runners it's a bit more complicated. It is necessary to provide the full name of the test as a list to --load-list:

python -m --load-list \
    <(echo package.tests.test_api.yamlfile_get_the_widge.test_request)

How do I run just one test, without running prior tests in a sequence?

By default, when you select a single test to run, all tests prior to that one in a file will be run as well: the file is treated as as sequence of dependent tests. If you do not want this you can adjust the use_prior_test test metadata in one of three ways:

  • Set it in the YAML file for the one test you are concerned with.
  • Set the defaults for all tests in that file.
  • set use_prior_test to false when calling build_tests()

Be aware that doing this breaks a fundamental assumption that gabbi makes about how tests work. Any substitutions will fail.

Testing Style

Can I have variables in my YAML file?

Gabbi provides the $ENVIRON substitution which can operate a bit like variables that are set elsewhere and then used in the tests defined by the YAML.

If you find it necessary to have variables within a single YAML file you take advantage of YAML alias nodes list this:

  - &uuid_1 5613AABF-BAED-4BBA-887A-252B2D3543F8

- name: send a uuid to a post
  POST: /resource
    content-type: application/json
    uuid: *uuid_1

You can alias all sorts of nodes, not just single items. Be aware that the replacement of an alias node happens while the YAML is being loaded, before gabbi does any processing.

How many tests should be put in one YAML file?

For the sake of readability it is best to keep each YAML file relatively short. Since each YAML file represents a sequence of requests, it usually makes sense to create a new file when a test is not dependent on any before it.

It's tempting to put all the tests for any resource or URL in the same file, but this eventually leads to files that are too long and are thus difficult to read.

Case Module

A single HTTP request represented as a subclass of unittest.TestCase

The test case encapsulates the request headers and body and expected response headers and body. When the test is run an HTTP request is made using urllib3. Assertions are made against the response.


Bases: TestCase

Encapsulate a single HTTP request as a TestCase.

If the test is a member of a sequence of requests, ensure that prior tests are run.

To keep the test harness happy we need to make sure the setUp and tearDown are only run once.

assert_in_or_print_output(expected, iterable)

Assert the iterable contains expected or print some output.

If the output is long, it is limited by either GABBI_MAX_CHARS_OUTPUT in the environment or the MAX_CHARS_OUTPUT constant.

base_test = {'cert_validate': True, 'data': '', 'desc': '', 'disable_response_handler': False, 'method': 'GET', 'name': '', 'poll': {}, 'query_parameters': {}, 'redirects': False, 'request_headers': {}, 'skip': '', 'ssl': False, 'status': '200', 'url': '', 'use_prior_test': True, 'verbose': False, 'xfail': False}


Determine the content handler for this media type.


Read a file from the current test directory.

replace_template(message, escape_regex=False)

Replace magic strings in message.


Store the current result handler on this test.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no description has been provided.

The default implementation of this method returns the first line of the specified test method's docstring.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.


Run this request if it has not yet run.

If there is a prior test in the sequence, run it first.

Decorate a test method that is expected to fail if 'xfail' is true.

Driver Module

Suitemaker Module

Fixture Module

Manage fixtures for gabbi at the test suite level.

class gabbi.fixture.GabbiFixture

Bases: object

A context manager that operates as a fixture.

Subclasses must implement start_fixture and stop_fixture, each of which contain the logic for stopping and starting whatever the fixture is. What a fixture is is left as an exercise for the implementor.

These context managers will be nested so any actual work needs to happen in start_fixture and stop_fixture and not in __init__. Otherwise exception handling will not work properly.


Implement the actual workings of starting the fixture here.


Implement the actual workings of stopping the fixture here.

exception gabbi.fixture.GabbiFixtureError

Bases: Exception

Generic exception for GabbiFixture.

class gabbi.fixture.SkipAllFixture

Bases: GabbiFixture

A fixture that skips all the tests in the current suite.


Implement the actual workings of starting the fixture here.


Nest a series of fixtures.

This is duplicated from nested in the stdlib, which has been deprecated because of issues with how exceptions are difficult to handle during __init__. Gabbi needs to nest an unknown number of fixtures dynamically, so the with syntax that replaces nested will not work.

Handlers Module

Package for response and content handlers that process the body of a response in various ways.

handlers.base Module

Base classes for response and content handlers.

class gabbi.handlers.base.ContentHandler

Bases: ResponseHandler

A subclass of ResponseHandlers that adds content handling.

static accepts(content_type)

Return True if this handler can handler this type.

static dumps(data, pretty=False, test=None)

Return structured data as a string.

If pretty is true, prettify.

static load_data_file(test, file_path)

Return the string content of the file specified by the file_path.

static loads(data)

Create structured (Python) data from a stream.

If there is a failure decoding then the handler should repackage the error as a gabbi.exception.GabbiDataLoadError.

classmethod replacer(response_data, path)

Return the string that is replacing RESPONSE.

class gabbi.handlers.base.ResponseHandler

Bases: object

Add functionality for making assertions about an HTTP response.

A subclass may implement two methods: action and preprocess.

preprocess takes one argument, the TestCase. It is called exactly once for each test before looping across the assertions. It is used, rarely, to copy the test.output into a useful form (such as a parsed DOM).

action takes two or three arguments. If test_key_value is a list action is called with the test case and a single list item. If test_key_value is a dict then action is called with the test case and a key and value pair.

action(test, item, value=None)

Test an individual entry for this response handler.

If the entry is a key value pair the key is in item and the value in value. Otherwise the entry is considered a single item from a list.


Do any pre-single-test preprocessing.

test_key_suffix = ''

test_key_value = []

handlers.core Module

Core response handlers.

class gabbi.handlers.core.ForbiddenHeadersResponseHandler

Bases: ResponseHandler

Test that listed headers are not in the response.

action(test, forbidden, value=None)

Test an individual entry for this response handler.

If the entry is a key value pair the key is in item and the value in value. Otherwise the entry is considered a single item from a list.

test_key_suffix = 'forbidden_headers'

test_key_value = []

class gabbi.handlers.core.HeadersResponseHandler

Bases: ResponseHandler

Compare expected headers with actual headers.

If a header value is wrapped in / it is treated as a raw regular expression.

Headers values are always treated as strings.

action(test, header, value=None)

Test an individual entry for this response handler.

If the entry is a key value pair the key is in item and the value in value. Otherwise the entry is considered a single item from a list.

test_key_suffix = 'headers'

test_key_value = {}

class gabbi.handlers.core.StringResponseHandler

Bases: ResponseHandler

Test for matching strings in the the response body.

action(test, expected, value=None)

Test an individual entry for this response handler.

If the entry is a key value pair the key is in item and the value in value. Otherwise the entry is considered a single item from a list.

test_key_suffix = 'strings'

test_key_value = []

handlers.jsonhandler Module

JSON-related content handling.

class gabbi.handlers.jsonhandler.JSONHandler

Bases: ContentHandler

A ContentHandler for JSON

  • Structured test data is turned into JSON when request content-type is JSON.
  • Response bodies that are JSON strings are made into Python data on the test response_data attribute when the response content-type is JSON.
  • A response_json_paths response handler is added.
  • JSONPaths in $RESPONSE substitutions are supported.
static accepts(content_type)

Return True if this handler can handler this type.

action(test, path, value=None)

Test json_paths against json data.

static dumps(data, pretty=False, test=None)

Return structured data as a string.

If pretty is true, prettify.

static extract_json_path_value(data, path)

Extract the value at JSON Path path from the data.

The input data is a Python datastructure, not a JSON string.

static load_data_file(test, file_path)

Return the string content of the file specified by the file_path.

static loads(data)

Create structured (Python) data from a stream.

If there is a failure decoding then the handler should repackage the error as a gabbi.exception.GabbiDataLoadError.

classmethod replacer(response_data, match)

Return the string that is replacing RESPONSE.

test_key_suffix = 'json_paths'

test_key_value = {}

handlers.yaml_disk_loading_jsonhandler Module

JSON-related content handling with YAML data disk loading.

class gabbi.handlers.yaml_disk_loading_jsonhandler.YAMLDiskLoadingJSONHandler

Bases: JSONHandler

A ContentHandler for JSON responses that loads YAML from disk

  • Structured test data is turned into JSON when request content-type is JSON.
  • Response bodies that are JSON strings are made into Python data on the test response_data attribute when the response content-type is JSON.
  • A response_json_paths response handler is added. Data read from disk during this handle will be loaded with the yaml.safe_load method to support both JSON and YAML data sources from disk.
  • JSONPaths in $RESPONSE substitutions are supported.
static load_data_file(test, file_path)

Return the string content of the file specified by the file_path.

Suite Module

A TestSuite for containing gabbi tests.

This suite has two features: the contained tests are ordered and there are suite-level fixtures that operate as context managers.

class gabbi.suite.GabbiSuite(tests=())

Bases: TestSuite

A TestSuite with fixtures.

The suite wraps the tests with a set of nested context managers that operate as fixtures.

If a fixture raises during setup, all the tests in this suite will be skipped.

run(result, debug=False)

Override TestSuite run to start suite-level fixtures.

To avoid exception confusion, use a null Fixture when there are no fixtures.

start(result, tests=None)

Start fixtures when using pytest.


Stop fixtures when using pytest.


A noop method used to disable collected tests.

Runner Module

Reporter Module

TestRunner and TestResult for gabbi-run.

class gabbi.reporter.ConciseTestResult(stream, descriptions, verbosity)

Bases: TextTestResult

A TextTestResult with simple but useful output.

If the output is a tty or GABBI_FORCE_COLOR is set in the environment, output will be colorized.

addError(test, err)

Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().

addExpectedFailure(test, err)

Called when an expected failure/error occurred.

addFailure(test, err)

Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().

addSkip(test, reason)

Called when a test is skipped.


Called when a test has completed successfully


Called when a test was expected to fail, but succeed.


printErrorList(flavor, errors)


Called when the given test is about to be run

class gabbi.reporter.ConciseTestRunner(stream=None, descriptions=True, verbosity=1, failfast=False, buffer=False, resultclass=None, warnings=None, *, tb_locals=False, durations=None)

Bases: TextTestRunner

A TextTestRunner that uses ConciseTestResult for reporting results.


alias of ConciseTestResult

class gabbi.reporter.PyTestResult(stream=None, descriptions=None, verbosity=None)

Bases: TestResult

Wrap a test result to allow it to work with pytest.

The main behaviors here are:

  • to turn what had been exceptions back into exceptions
  • use pytest's skip and xfail methods
addError(test, err)

Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().

addExpectedFailure(test, err)

Called when an expected failure/error occurred.

addFailure(test, err)

Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().

addSkip(test, reason)

Called when a test is skipped.

Utils Module

Utility functions grab bag.

gabbi.utils.create_url(base_url, host, port=None, prefix='', ssl=False)

Given pieces of a path-based url, return a fully qualified url.

gabbi.utils.decode_response_content(header_dict, content)

Decode content to a proper string.

gabbi.utils.extract_content_type(header_dict, default='application/binary')

Extract parsed content-type from headers.


Return a function to colorize a string.

Only if stream is a tty .

gabbi.utils.host_info_from_target(target, prefix=None)

Turn url or host:port and target into test destination.

gabbi.utils.load_yaml(handle=None, yaml_file=None, safe=True)

Read and parse any YAML file or filehandle.

Let exceptions flow where they may.

If no file or handle is provided, read from STDIN.


Decide if something is content we'd like to treat as a string.

gabbi.utils.parse_content_type(content_type, default_charset='utf-8')

Parse content type value for media type and charset.

Exception Module

Gabbi specific exceptions.

exception gabbi.exception.GabbiDataLoadError

Bases: ValueError

An exception to alert when data streams cannot be loaded.

exception gabbi.exception.GabbiFormatError

Bases: ValueError

An exception to encapsulate poorly formed test data.

exception gabbi.exception.GabbiSyntaxWarning

Bases: SyntaxWarning

A warning about syntax that is not desirable.

Httpclient Module

Json_parser Module

Keep one single global jsonpath parser.


Parse a JSONPath expression use the global parser.

Gabbi is a tool for running HTTP tests where requests and responses are expressed as declarations in YAML files:

- name: retrieve items
  GET: /items

See the rest of these docs for more details on the many features and formats for setting request headers and bodies and evaluating responses.

Tests can be run from the command line with gabbi-run or programmatically using either py.test or unittest-style test runners. See installation instructions below.

The name is derived from "gabby": excessively talkative. In a test environment having visibility of what a test is actually doing is a good thing. This is especially true when the goal of a test is to test the HTTP, not the testing infrastructure. Gabbi tries to put the HTTP interaction in the foreground of testing.

If you want to get straight to creating tests look at Example Tests, the test files in the source distribution and Test Format. A gabbi-demo repository provides a tutorial of using gabbi to build an API, via the commit history of the repo.


Gabbi works to bridge the gap between human readable YAML files (see Test Format for details) that represent HTTP requests and expected responses and the rather complex world of automated testing.

Each YAML file represents an ordered list of HTTP requests along with the expected responses. This allows a single file to represent a process in the API being tested. For example:

At the same time it is still possible to ask gabbi to run just one request. If it is in a sequence of tests, those tests prior to it in the YAML file will be run (in order). In any single process any test will only be run once. Concurrency is handled such that one file runs in one process.

These features mean that it is possible to create tests that are useful for both humans (as tools for learning, improving and developing APIs) and automated CI systems.

Significant flexibility and power is available in the Test Format to make it relatively straightforward to test existing complex APIs. This extended functionality includes the use of JSONPath to query response bodies and templating of test data to allow access to the prior HTTP response in the current request. For APIs which do not use JSON additional Content Handlers can be created.

Care should be taken when using this functionality when you are creating a new API. If your API is so complex that it needs complex test files then you may wish to take that as a sign that your API itself too complex. One goal of gabbi is to encourage transparent and comprehensible APIs.

Though gabbi is written in Python and under the covers uses unittest data structures and processes, there is no requirement that the Target Host be a Python-based service. Anything talking HTTP can be tested. A YAML Runner makes it possible to simply create YAML files and point them at a running server.


As a Python package, gabbi is typically installed via pip:

pip install gabbi

You might want to create a virtual environment; an isolated context for Python packages, keeping gabbi cleany separated from the rest of your system.

Python 3 comes with a built-in tool to create virtual environments:

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

pip install gabbi

This way we can later use deactivate and safely remove the venv directory, thus erasing any trace of gabbi from the system.

If you prefer to not install gabbi, or perhaps want to use it in a dynamic fashion in a CI setting, there is an official container image hosted at docker hub as cdent/gabbi. It allows running gabbi-run with any arguments you might need, providing tests on STDIN of via a mounted volume.


Chris Dent


Jul 19, 2024 Gabbi