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foomatic-ppd-options - Man Page

show the PPD options


foomatic-ppd-options [-d=debuglevel] [ ppdfiles ]


The foomatic-ppd-options program reads the specified PPD files or stdin and decodes the PPD file to produce a list of options. This is really just a text based version of other print configuration tools.

The output format consists of a set of lines, each starting with a keyword, followed by a set of options and the default value. For example:

makemodel = Tektronix Phaser 350 Foomatic/Postscript (recommended)
name=PageSize; default=Letter; options=Letter (US Letter), \
    A4 (A4), 11x17 (11x17), A3 (A3), A5 (A5), B5 (B5 \(JIS\)),...
name=PageRegion; default=Letter; options=Letter (US Letter), A4 (A4), ...

Each option starts with the name tag, followed by a default value (if any), followed by the set of options and a comment describing them. Punctuation in the comment is escaped.



Set the debug level. 0 disables debug messages.

[ files ]

The list of PPD files to read for options. A '-' causes STDIN to be read.

Exit Status

foomatic-ppd-options exits with a 0 status if successful, and nonzero if an error. An error message is also printed on standard error (STDERR).


Patrick Powell <papowell at astart.com>


Probably.  But it has been tested.


2003-09-16 Foomatic Project