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flow-gen - Man Page

Generate test flows


flow-gen [ -h ]  [ -b big|little ]  [ -d debug_level ]  [ -n count ]  [ -V version ]  [ -z z_level ]


The flow-gen utility generates a test pattern of flows in any of the currently supported export versions typically for debugging purposes.


-b big|little

Byte order of output.

-d debug_level

Enable debugging.


Display help.

-n count

Generate count flows. Default 1000.

-V version

Generate version type exports. Supported versions are:

    1    NetFlow version 1 (No sequence numbers, AS, or mask)
    5    NetFlow version 5
    6    NetFlow version 6 (5+ Encapsulation size)
    7    NetFlow version 7 (Catalyst switches)
    8.1  NetFlow AS Aggregation
    8.2  NetFlow Proto Port Aggregation
    8.3  NetFlow Source Prefix Aggregation
    8.4  NetFlow Destination Prefix Aggregation
    8.5  NetFlow Prefix Aggregation
    8.6  NetFlow Destination (Catalyst switches)
    8.7  NetFlow Source Destination (Catalyst switches)
    8.8  NetFlow Full Flow (Catalyst switches)
    8.9  NetFlow ToS AS Aggregation
    8.10 NetFlow ToS Proto Port Aggregation
    8.11 NetFlow ToS Source Prefix Aggregation
    8.12 NetFlow ToS Destination Prefix Aggregation
    8.13 NetFlow ToS Prefix Aggregation
    8.14 NetFlow ToS Prefix Port Aggregation
    1005 Flow-Tools tagged version 5
-z z_level

Configure compression level to z_level. 0 is disabled (no compression), 9 is highest compression.


Generate a test pattern of 1000 version 5 flows and send them in the Cisco NetFlow packet format to port 9500.

flow-gen -V5 | flow-send 0/


The test pattern may change between releases.


Mark Fullmer  <maf@splintered.net>

See Also


Referenced By


26 Август 2010