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flatpak-spawn - Man Page

Run commands in a sandbox


flatpak-spawn [OPTION...] COMMAND [ARGUMENT...]


Unlike other flatpak commands, flatpak-spawn is available to applications inside the sandbox. It runs COMMAND outside the sandbox: either in another sandbox, or on the host.

When called without --host, flatpak-spawn uses the Flatpak portal to create a copy of the sandbox it was called from, optionally using tighter permissions and optionally the latest version of the app and runtime (see --latest-version).


The following options are understood:

-h,  --help

Show help options and exit.

-v,  --verbose

Print debug information


Forward a file descriptor


Run with a clean environment


Make the spawned command exit if the caller disappears from the session bus


Set an environment variable


Use the latest version of the refs that are used to set up the sandbox


Run without network access


Run fully sandboxed. See the documentation for the --sandbox option in flatpak-run(1)

See the --sandbox-expose and --sandbox-expose-ro options for selective file access.


Expose read-write access to a file in the sandbox.

Note that absolute paths or subdirectories are not allowed. The files must be in the sandbox subdirectory of the instance directory (i.e. ~/.var/app/$APP_ID/sandbox).

This option is useful in combination with --sandbox (otherwise the instance directory is accessible anyway).


Expose readonly access to a file in the sandbox.

Note that absolute paths or subdirectories are not allowed. The files must be in the sandbox subdirectory of the instance directory (i.e. ~/.var/app/$APP_ID/sandbox).

This option is useful in combination with --sandbox (otherwise the instance directory is accessible anyway).


Run the command unsandboxed on the host. This requires access to the org.freedesktop.Flatpak D-Bus interface.


The working directory in which to run the command.

Note that the given directory must exist in the sandbox or, when used in conjunction with --host, on the host.


$ flatpak-spawn ls /var/run

See Also


Referenced By


flatpak spawn