findhyph - Man Page

findhyph – find words hyphenated by TeX in a document


Copy findhyph or findhyph.bat (depending on OS used) to a directory  included in system PATH. Perl interpreter is required to be in  /usr/bin/ for Unix-like systems or in PATH when using findhyph.bat.


findhyph [options] foo.log


To use this program:


set \tracingparagraphs=1 in a TeX document foo.tex and run:


tex foo.tex


findhyph [options] foo.log

If you are setting \looseness=<N> to optimize paragraphs,  you need to pass that information to the file foo.log in a form  @looseness=<N> (on a separate line). You can use a macro like \def\setlooseness#1{\looseness=#1 \immediate\write-1{@looseness=#1}} for this purpose. If the paragraph contains material in display math mode, you need to use the macro in all split parts of the paragraph.



display hyphenated words in context


display font selectors and other strings starting with a backslash character


display program version


generate file containing information about one-letter prepositions and  conjunctions left at the end of line


use prepositions/conjunctions listed in STRING instead of default list of  prepositions and conjunctions kKsSvVzZoOuUiIA used for Slovak and Czech language

Output Files


List of hyphenated words. All punctuation characters, parentheses and other character immediately preceding or following displayed words are included in this list. TeX constructs which are too difficult to display (\hbox{}, \mark{} etc.) are shown as []. Math mode is indicated by $ sign.

Page numbers in square brackets refer to LOG file and may occasionally differ from the typeset document. The reason is that TeX may need to break more  paragraphs than it would eventually fit on the page in order to find a page break.

Words hyphenated in footnotes are listed before the words hyphenated in the  paragraph in which the footnote is referenced.


List of prepositions if option -p is used.


1.0 (2001-04-08)

2.0 (2009-08-10)

3.0 (2012-02-01)

3.1 (2012-11-03)

3.2 (2012-11-21)

3.3 (2013-06-18)

3.4 (2015-10-18)


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.


Copyright (c) Martin Budaj <> 2000, 2001, 2009, 2012, 2015


2015-10-18 perl v5.20.2