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fedora-third-party - Man Page

manage third-party software repositories


fedora-third-party [--verbose | -v] COMMAND [ARGS]


The fedora-third-party tool is used to manage third-party software repositories that are distributed with editions of Fedora Linux, but not enabled unless the user opts-in.

Common Options

The following options are understood:

--verbose, v
Print detailed information about what is being done.


The following commands are understood:

enable [--config-only]

Enables third-party repositories. Configured DNF repositories are enabled, and configured Flatpak remotes are created unless they already exist.

If --config-only is specified, existing repositories are not modified, but the configuration is updated so that newly added repositories will be enabled when fedora-third-party refresh is called.

disable [--config-only]

Disables third-party repositories. Configured DNF repositories are disabled. Configured Flatpak remotes are disabled, unless:

  • the remote previously existed and was not created by fedora-third-party.
  • the remote has been modified to remove a filter and the keep_unfiltered flag is configured for the remote.

The last exception exists because, if a Fedora third-party repository has a filter (see flatpak-remote-add(1)), this filter will be removed if the user installs a .flatpakrepo file for the same remote name without a filter. At this point, the remote is different from what was distributed with the Fedora edition and should be left untouched.

If --config-only is specified, existing repositories are not modified, but the configuration is updated so that newly added repositories will not be enabled when fedora-third-party refresh is called.

query [--quiet | -q]

Prints a human-readable string describing the whether third-party repositories hae been enabled.

When --quiet is specified, no output is printed, and the status is given by the exit code (0 for enabled, 1 for disabled, 2 for disabled if no selection has yet been made).


Look for newly added third-party repository definitions, and if third-party repositories are enabled, enable DNF repositories and create Flatpak remotes.

list [-a | --all | --csv | --columns=col1,col2]

Prints the list of currently configured repositories. By default, the list will be pretty-printed in tabular form with headers. The --csv option can be used to switch the output to comma-separated-value format without headers.

The columns to be printed can be specified with the --columns options. Currently supported values are name for the name of the repository (which is the same as the DNF repository name or Flatpak remote name)), and type for the type of the repository (either dnf or flatpak).

--columns should always be specified together with --csv to get stable output - the default set of columns may change. With the current columns, you can assume that the values will not be quoted.

Flatpak repositories with the keep_unfiltered option set are hidden by default from the list if there is a matching remote without a filter. a or --all can be passed to show all repositories.


Repositories are configured by files in /usr/lib/fedora-third-party/conf.d. All files in this directory ending with .conf are read. Each section found defines a repository that should be controlled by fedora-third-party.

Example of configuration for a DNF repository:

# The DNF repository must match and also be 'somerepo'

Example of configuration for a Flatpak remote:

# The Flatpak remote must match and also be 'somerepo'

# Path to a flatpakrepo file defining the remote. If it's a relative
# path, it will be interpreted relative to the directory where the
# config file is.
# If present, 'fedora-third-party disable' will leave this repository
# untouched if it has been modified to not have a filter, and it will
# also be hidden from the output of 'fedora-third-party list'


/usr/lib/fedora-third-party/conf.d - repository configuration files

/var/lib/fedora-third-party/state - current state is stored in this file.

See Also

dnf.conf(5), flatpak(1)