farprintstrings - Man Page

manual page for farprintstrings 1.8.3


Prints strings in an FST archive.

Usage: farprintstrings [in1.far in2.far ...]


--begin_key: type = std::string, default = ""

First key to extract (def: first key in archive) --end_key: type = std::string, default = "" Last key to extract (def: last key in archive) --entry_type: type = std::string, default = "line" Entry type: one of : "file" (one FST per file), "line" (one FST per line) --filename_prefix: type = std::string, default = "" Prefix to append to filenames --filename_suffix: type = std::string, default = "" Suffix to append to filenames --generate_filenames: type = int32_t, default = 0 Generate N digit numeric filenames (def: use keys) --initial_symbols: type = bool, default = true Uses symbol table from the first Fst in archive for all entries. --print_key: type = bool, default = false Prefix each std::string by its key --print_weight: type = bool, default = false Suffix each std::string by its weight --symbols: type = std::string, default = "" Label symbol table --token_type: type = std::string, default = "symbol" Token type: one of : "symbol", "byte", "utf8"


Flags from: compile-strings.cc

--far_field_separator: type = std::string, default = "


Set of characters used as a separator between printed fields

Flags from: flags.cc

--help: type = bool, default = false

show usage information --helpshort: type = bool, default = false show brief usage information --tmpdir: type = std::string, default = "/tmp" temporary directory --v: type = int32_t, default = 0 verbosity level

Flags from: fst.cc

--fst_align: type = bool, default = false

Write FST data aligned where appropriate --fst_default_cache_gc: type = bool, default = true Enable garbage collection of cache --fst_default_cache_gc_limit: type = int64_t, default = 1048576 Cache byte size that triggers garbage collection --fst_read_mode: type = std::string, default = "read" Default file reading mode for mappable files --fst_verify_properties: type = bool, default = false Verify FST properties queried by TestProperties --save_relabel_ipairs: type = std::string, default = "" Save input relabel pairs to file --save_relabel_opairs: type = std::string, default = "" Save output relabel pairs to file

Flags from: symbol-table.cc

--fst_compat_symbols: type = bool, default = true

Require symbol tables to match when appropriate --fst_field_separator: type = std::string, default = "         " Set of characters used as a separator between printed fields

Flags from: util.cc

--fst_error_fatal: type = bool, default = true

FST errors are fatal; o.w. return objects flagged as bad: e.g., FSTs: kError property set, FST weights: not a Member()

Flags from: weight.cc

--fst_weight_parentheses: type = std::string, default = ""

Characters enclosing the first weight of a printed composite weight (e.g., pair weight, tuple weight and derived classes) to ensure proper I/O of nested composite weights; must have size 0 (none) or 2 (open and close parenthesis) --fst_weight_separator: type = std::string, default = "," Character separator between printed composite weights; must be a single character


July 2018 farprintstrings 1.8.3