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create postscript secondary structure diagrams


esl-ssdraw [options] msafile postscript_template postscript_output_file


esl-ssdraw reads an existing template consensus secondary structure diagram from postscript_template and creates new postscript diagrams including the template structure but with positions colored differently based on alignment statistics such as frequency of gaps per position, average posterior probability per position or information content per position. Additionally, all or some of the aligned sequences can be drawn separately, with nucleotides or posterior probabilities mapped onto the corresponding positions of the consensus structure.

The alignment must be in Stockholm format with per-column reference annotation (#=GC RF). The sequences in the alignment must be RNA or DNA sequences. The postscript_template file must contain one page that includes <rflen> consensus nucleotides (positions), where <rflen> is the number of nongap characters in the reference (RF) annotation of the first alignment in msafile. The specific format required in the postscript_template is described below in the Input section. Postscript diagrams will only be created for the first alignment in msafile.


By default (if run with zero command line options), esl-ssdraw will create a six or seven page postscript_output_file, with each page displaying a different alignment statistic. These pages display the alignment consensus sequence, information content per position, mutual information per position, frequency of inserts per position, average length of inserts per position, frequency of deletions (gaps) per position, and average posterior probability per position (if posterior probabilites exist in the alignment) If -d is enabled, all of these pages plus additional ones, such as individual sequences (see discussion of --indi below) will be drawn. These pages can be selected to be drawn individually by using  the command line options --cons, --info, --mutinfo, --ifreq, --iavglen, --dall, and --prob. The calculation of the statistics for each of these options is discussed below in the description for each option. Importantly, only so-called 'consensus' positions of the alignment will be drawn. A consensus position is one that is a nongap nucleotide in the 'reference' annotation of the Stockholm alignment (#=GC RF) read from msafile.

By default, a consensus sequence for the input alignment will be calculated and displayed on the alignment statistic diagrams. The consensus sequence is defined as the most common nucleotide at each  consensus position of the alignment. The consensus sequence will not be displayed if the --no-cnt option is used. The --cthresh, --cambig, and --athresh options affect the definition of the consensus sequence as explained below in the descriptions for those options.

If the --tabfile <f> option is used, a tab-delimited text file <f> will be created that includes per-position lists of the numerical values for each of the calculated statistics that were drawn to postscript_output_file. Comment lines in <f> are prefixed with a '#' character and explain the meaning of each of the tab-delimited columns and how each of the statistics was calculated.

If --indi is used, esl-ssdraw will create diagrams showing each sequence in the alignment on a separate page, with aligned nucleotides in their corresponding position in the structure diagram.  By default, basepaired nucleotides will be colored based on their basepair type: either Watson-Crick (A:U, U:A, C:G, or G:C), G:U or U:G, or non-canonical (the other ten possible basepairs). This coloring can be turned off with the --no-bp option. Also by default, nucleotides that differ from the most common nucleotide at each aligned consensus position will be outlined. If the most common nucleotide occurs in more than 75% of sequences that do not have a gap at that position, the outline will be bold. Outlining can be turned off with the --no-ol option.

With --indi, if the alignment contains posterior probability annotation (#=GR PP), the postscript_output_file will contain an additional page for each sequence drawn with positions colored by the posterior probability of each aligned nucleotide. No posterior probability pages will be drawn if the --no-pp option is used.

esl-ssdraw can also be used to draw 'mask' diagrams which color positions of the structure one of two colors depending on if they are included or excluded by a mask. This is enabled with the --mask-col <f> option. <f> must contain a single line of <rflen> characters, where <rflen> is the the number of nongap RF characters in the alignment. The line must contain only '0' and '1' characters. A '0' at position <x> of the string indicates position <x> is excluded from the mask, and a '1' indicates position <x> is included by the mask. A page comparing the overlap of the <f> mask from --mask-col and another mask in <f2> will be created if the --mask-diff <f2> option is used.

If the --mask <f> option is used, positions excluded by the mask in <f> will be drawn differently (as open circles by default) than positions included by the mask. The style of the masked positions can be modified with the --mask-u, --mask-x, and --mask-a options.

Finally, two different types of input files can be used to customize output diagrams using the --dfile and --efile options, as described below.


The postscript_template_file is a postscript file that must be in a very specific format in order for esl-ssdraw to work. The specifics of the format, described below, are likely to change in future versions of esl-ssdraw. The postscript_output_file files generated by esl-ssdraw will not be valid postscript_template_file format (i.e. an output file from esl-ssdraw cannot be used as an postscript_template_file in a subsequent run of the program).

An example postscript_template_file ('trna-ssdraw.ps') is included with the Easel distribution in the 'testsuite/' subdirectory of the top-level 'easel' directory.

The postscript_template_file is a valid postscript file. It includes postscript commands for drawing a secondary structure. The commands specify x and y coordinates for placing each nucleotide on the page. The postscript_template_file might also contain commands for drawing lines connecting basepaired positions and tick marks indicating every tenth position, though these are not required, as explained below.

If you are unfamiliar with the postscript language, it may be useful for you to know that a postscript page is, by default, 612 points wide and 792 points tall. The (0,0) coordinate of a postscript file is at the bottom left corner of the page, (0,792) is the top left, (612,0) is the bottom right, and (612,792) is the top right. esl-ssdraw uses 8 point by 8 point cells for drawing positions of the consensus secondary structure. The 'scale' section of the postscript_template_file allows for different 'zoom levels', as described below. Also, it is important to know that postscript lines beginning with '%' are considered comments and do not include postscript commands.

An esl-ssdraw postscript_template_file contains n >= 1 pages, each specifying a consensus secondary structure diagram. Each page is delimited by a 'showpage' line in an 'ignore' section (as described below). esl-ssdraw will read all pages of the postscript_template_file and then choose the appropriate one that corresponds with the alignment in msafile based on the consensus (nongap RF) length of the alignment.  For an alignment of consensus length <rflen>, the first page of postscript_template_file that has a structure diagram with consensus length <rflen> will be used as the template structure for the alignment.

Each page of postscript_template_file contains blocks of text organized into seven different possible sections. Each section must begin with a single line '% begin <sectionname>' and end with a single line '% end <sectionname>' and have n >= 1 lines in between. On the begin and end lines, there must be at least one space between the '%' and the 'begin' or 'end'. <sectionname> must be one of the following: 'modelname', 'legend', 'scale', 'regurgitate', 'ignore', 'text positiontext', 'text nucleotides', 'lines positionticks', or 'lines bpconnects'. The n >=1 lines in between the begin and end lines of each section must be in a specific format that differs for each section as described below.

Importantly, each page must end with an 'ignore' section that includes a single line 'showpage' between the begin and end lines. This lets esl-ssdraw know that a page has ended and another might follow.

Each page of a postscript_template_file must include a single 'modelname' section. This section  must include exactly one line in between its begin and end lines. This line must begin with a '%' character followed by a single space. The remainder of the line will be parsed as the model name and will appear on each page of postscript_output_file in the header section. If the name is more than 16 characters, it will be truncated in the output.

Each page of a postscript_template_file must include a single 'legend' section.  This section must include exactly one line in between its begin and end lines. This line must be formatted as '% <d1> <f1> <f2> <d2> <f3>', where <d1> is an integer specifying the consensus position with relation to which the legend will be placed; <f1> and <f2> specify the x and y axis offsets for the top left corner of the legend relative to the x and y position of consensus position <d1>; <d2> specifies the size of a cell in the legend and <f3> specifies how many extra points should be between the right hand edge of the legend and the end of the page. the offset of the right hand end of the legend . For example, the line '% 34 -40. -30. 12 0.' specfies that the legend be placed 40 points to the left and 30 points below the 34th consensus position, that cells appearing in the legend be squares of size 12 points by 12 points, and that the right hand side of the legend flush against the right hand edge of the printable page.

Each page of a postscript_template_file must include a single 'scale' section.  This section must include exactly one line in between its begin and end lines. This line must be formatted as '<f1> <f2> scale', where <f1> and <f2> are both positive real numbers that are identical, for example '1.7 1.7 scale' is valid, but '1.7 2.7 scale' is not. This line is a valid postscript command which specifies the scale or zoom level on the pages in the output. If <f1> and <f2> are '1.0' the default scale is used for which the total size of the page is 612 points wide and 792 points tall. A scale of 2.0 will reduce this to 306 points wide by 396 points tall. A scale of 0.5 will increase it to 1224 points wide by 1584 points tall. A single cell corresponding to one position of the secondary structure is 8 points by 8 points. For larger RNAs, a scale of less than 1.0 is appropriate (for example, SSU rRNA models (about 1500 nt) use a scale of about 0.6), and for smaller RNAs, a scale of more than 1.0 might be desirable (tRNA (about 70 nt) uses a scale of 1.7). The best way to determine the exact scale to use is trial and error.

Each page of a postscript_template_file can include n >= 0 'regurgitate' sections. These sections can include any number of lines.  The text in this section will not be parsed by esl-ssdraw but will be included in each page of postscript_output_file. The format of the lines in this section must therefore be valid postscript commands. An example of content that might be in a  regurgitate section are commands to draw lines and text annotating the anticodon on a tRNA secondary structure diagram.

Each page of a postscript_template_file must include at least 1 'ignore' section. One of these sections must include a single line that reads 'showpage'. This section should be placed at the end of each page of the template file.   Other ignore sections can include any number of lines.  The text in these section will not be parsed by esl-ssdraw nor will it be included in each page of postscript_output_file. An ignore section can contain comments or postscript commands that draw features of the postscript_template_file that are  unwanted in the postscript_output_file.

Each page of a postscript_template_file must include a single 'text nucleotides' section. This section must include exactly <rflen> lines, indicating that the consensus secondary structure has exactly <rflen> nucleotide positions. Each line must be of the format '(<c>) <x> <y> moveto show' where <c> is a nucleotide (this can be any character actually), and <x> and <y> are the coordinates specifying the location of the nucleotide on the page, they should be positive real numbers. The best way to determine what these coordinates should be is manually by trial and error, by inspecting the resulting structure as you add each nucleotide. Note that esl-ssdraw will color an 8 point by 8 point cell for each position, so nucleotides should be placed about 8 points apart from each other.

Each page of a postscript_template_file may or may not include a single 'text positiontext' section. This section can include n >= 1 lines, each specifying text to be placed next to specific positions of the structure, for example, to number them. Each line must be of the format '(<s>) <x> <y> moveto show' where <s> is a string of text to place at coordinates (<x>,<y>) of the postscript page.  Currently, the best way to determine what these coordinates is manually by trial and error, by inspecting the resulting diagram as you add each line.

Each page of a postscript_template_file may or may not include a single 'lines positionticks' section. This section can include n >= 1 lines, each specifying the location of a tick mark on the diagram. Each line must be of the format '<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> moveto show'. A tick mark (line of width 2.0) will be drawn from point (<x1>,<y1>) to point (<x2>,<y2>) on each page of postscript_output_file. Currently, the best way to determine what these coordinates should be is manually by trial and error, by inspecting the resulting diagram as you add each line.

Each page of a postscript_template_file may or may not include a single 'lines bpconnects' section. This section must include <nbp> lines, where <nbp> is the number of basepairs in the consensus structure of the input msafile annotated as #=GC SS_cons. Each line should connect two basepaired positions in the consensus structure diagram. Each line must be of the format '<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> moveto show'. A line will be drawn from point (<x1>,<y1>) to point (<x2>,<y2>) on each page of postscript_output_file. Currently, the best way to determine what these coordinates should be is manually by trial and error, by inspecting the resulting diagram as you add each line.

Required Memory

The memory required by esl-ssdraw will be equal to roughly the larger of 2 Mb and  the size of the first alignment in msafile. If the --small option is used, the memory required will be independent of the alignment size. To use --small the alignment must be in Pfam format, a non-interleaved (1 line/seq) version of Stockholm format.

If the --indi option is used, the required memory may exceed the size of the alignment by up to ten-fold, and the output postscript_output_file may be up to 50 times larger than the msafile.



Print brief help;  includes version number and summary of all options, including expert options.


Draw the default set of alignment summary diagrams: consensus sequence, information content, mutual information, insert frequency, average insert length, deletion frequency, and average posterior probability (if posterior probability annotation exists in the alignment). These diagrams are also drawn by default (if zero command line options are used), but using the -d option allows the user to add additional pages, such as individual aligned sequences with --indi.

--mask <f>

Read the mask from file <f>, and draw positions differently in postscript_output_file depending on whether they are included or excluded by the mask. <f> must contain a single line of length <rflen> with only '0' and '1' characters. <rflen> is the number of nongap characters in the reference (#=GC RF) annotation of the first alignment in msafile A '0' at position <x> of the mask indicates position <x> is excluded by the mask, and a '1' indicates that position <x> is included by the mask.


Operate in memory saving mode. Without --indi, required RAM will be independent of the size of the alignment in msafile. With --indi, the required RAM will be roughly ten times the size of the alignment in msafile. For --small to work, the alignment must be in Pfam Stockholm (non-interleaved 1 line/seq) format.


Add a page to postscript_output_file showing the reference sequence from the #=GC RF annotation in msafile. By default, basepaired nucleotides will be colored based on what type of basepair they are. To turn this off, use --no-bp. This page is drawn by default (if zero command-line options are used).


Add a page to postscript_output_file with consensus (nongap RF) positions colored based on their information content from the alignment.  Information content is calculated as 2.0 - H, where H = sum_x p_x log_2 p_x for x in {A,C,G,U}.  This page is drawn by default (if zero command-line options are used).


Add a page to postscript_output_file with basepaired consensus (nongap RF) positions colored based on the amount of mutual information they have in the alignment. Mutual information is sum_{x,y} p_{x,y} log_2 ((p_x * p_y) / p_{x,y}, where x and y are the four possible bases A,C,G,U. p_x is the fractions of aligned sequences that have nucleotide x of in the left half (5' half) of the basepair. p_y is the fraction of aligned sequences that have nucleotide y in the position corresponding to the right half (3' half) of the basepair. And p_{x,y} is the fraction of aligned sequences that  have basepair x:y. For all p_x, p_y and p{x,y} only sequences that  that have a nongap nucleotide at both the left and right half of the basepair are counted.  This page is drawn by default (if zero command-line options are used).


Add a page to postscript_output_file with each consensus (nongap RF) position colored based on the fraction of sequences that span each position that have at least 1 inserted nucleotide after the position.  A sequence s spans consensus position x that is actual alignment position a if s has at least one nongap nucleotide aligned to a position b <= a and at least one nongap nucleotide aligned to a consensus position c >= a. This page is drawn by default (if zero command-line options are used).


Add a page to postscript_output_file with each consensus (nongap RF) position colored based on average length of insertions that occur after it. The average is calculated as the total number of inserted nucleotides after position x, divided by the number of sequences that have at least 1 inserted nucleotide after position x (so the minimum possible average insert length is 1.0).


Add a page to postscript_output_file with each consensus (nongap RF) position colored based on the fraction of sequences that have a gap (delete) at the position. This page is drawn by default (if zero command-line options are used).


Add a page to postscript_output_file with each consensus (nongap RF) position colored based on the fraction of sequences that have an internal gap (delete) at the position. An internal gap in a sequence is one that occurs after (5' of) the sequence's first aligned nucleotide and after (3' of) the sequence's final aligned nucleotide. This page is drawn by default (if zero command-line options are used).


Add a page to postscript_output_file with positions colored based on average posterior probability (PP). The alignment must contain #=GR PP annotation for all sequences. PP annotation is converted to numerical PP values as follows: '*' = 0.975, '9' = 0.90, '8' = 0.80, '7' = 0.70, '6' = 0.60, '5' = 0.50, '4' = 0.40, '3' = 0.30, '2' = 0.20, '1' = 0.10, '0' = 0.025. This page is drawn by default (if zero command-line options are used).


Add a page to postscript_output_file with consensus (nongap RF) positions colored based on the fraction of sequences that 'span' the position.  A sequence s spans consensus position x that is actual alignment position a if s has at least one nongap nucleotide aligned to a position b <= a and at least one nongap nucleotide aligned to a consensus position c >= a. This page is drawn by default (if zero command-line options are used).

Options for Drawing Individual Aligned Sequences


Add a page displaying the aligned nucleotides in their corresponding consensus positions of the structure diagram for each aligned sequence in the alignment.  By default, basepaired nucleotides will be colored based on what type of basepair they are. To turn this off, use --no-bp. If posterior probability information (#=GR PP) exists in the alignment, one additional page per sequence will be drawn displaying the posterior probabilities.


With --indi, force esl-ssdraw to create a diagram, even if it is predicted to be large (> 100 Mb). By default, if the predicted size exceeds 100 Mb, esl-ssdraw will fail with a warning.

Options for Omitting Parts of the Diagrams


Omit the legend on all pages of postscript_output_file.


Omit the header on all pages of postscript_output_file.


Omit the footer on all pages of postscript_output_file.

Options for Simple Two-Color Mask Diagrams


With --mask, postscript_output_file will contain exactly 1 page showing positions included by the mask as  black squares, and positions excluded as pink squares.

--mask-diff <f>

With --mask <f2> and mask-col, postscript_output_file will contain one additional page comparing the mask from <f> and the mask from <f2>. Positions will be colored based on whether they are included by one mask and not the other, excluded by both masks, and included by both masks.

Expert Options for Controlling Individual Sequence Diagrams


When used in combination with --indi, do not draw posterior probability structure diagrams for each sequence, even if the alignment has PP annotation.


Do not color basepaired nucleotides based on their basepair type.


When used in combination with --indi, do not outline nucleotides that differ from the majority rule consensus nucleotide given the alignment.


When used in combination with --indi, do not draw nucleotides on the individual sequence posterior probability diagrams.

Expert Options Controlling Style of Masking Positions


With --mask, change the style of masked columns to squares.


With --mask, change the style of masked columns to x's.


With --mask and --mask-u or --mask-x draw the alternative style of square or 'x' masks.

See Also





Nov 2020 Easel 0.48 Easel Manual