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esdsample - Man Page

play a sample


esdsample [-s hostname:port] [-b] [-d] [-e] [-h] [-m] [-r freq] samplename


The esdsample utility plays a sample using the Enlighted Sound Daemon (esd).


The following options are supported:

-s hostname:port
Contact the esd server on hostname at port.
Specify that the output should be in 8-bit format. By default, the output is in 16-bit format.
Play the sample from file as raw data. The default behavior is to read the data from a sound file (.wav, .au, and so on). If this option is chosen, samplename is the name of a file.
Play the sample from the esd cache. If this option is chosen, samplename is the name of the sample in the cache.
Display help text, and exit.
Specify that the output should be in mono format. By default, the output is in stereo format.
-r freq
Specify that the output rate should be set to freq. By default, the output rate is set to 44.1 kHz.


The following operands are supported:

samplename The name of the sample to be played.  If the -e option is used, samplename is the esd cache name. Otherwise, samplename is a filename.


Example 1: Playing a sample from a file

example% esdsample generic.wav

Example 2: Playing a sample from the esd cache

example% esdsample -e esdctl:generic.wav

(where esdctl:generic.wav is the cache name)

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:

0 Application exited successfully

>0 Application exited with failure

See Also

esd(1), esdcat(1), esddsp(1), esdloop(1), esdplay(1),  esd-config(1), esdctl(1), esdfilt(1), esdmon(1), esdrec(1)

Referenced By

esd(1), esdcat(1), esd-config(1), esdctl(1), esddsp(1), esdfilt(1), esdloop(1), esdmon(1), esdplay(1), esdrec(1).

EsounD 0.2.41 February 2006 Enlightened Sound Daemon