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emirrordist - Man Page

a fetch tool for mirroring of package distfiles


emirrordist [options] <action>


-h,  --help

Show a help message and exit.


Display portage version and exit.


Mirror distfiles for the selected repository.



Perform a trial run with no changes made (typically combined with -v or -vv).

-v,  --verbose

Display extra information on stderr (multiple occurences increase verbosity).


Do not use the EMIRRORDIST_DEFAULT_OPTS environment variable.


Distfiles directory to use (required).

-j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS

Number of concurrent jobs to run.

-l LOAD, --load-average=LOAD

Load average limit for spawning of new concurrent jobs.


Maximum number of tries per file, 0 means unlimited (default is 10).


Name of repo to operate on.


Location of portage config files.


Override configuration of repositories. The argument of this option has the same format as repos.conf (see portage(5)).


Manually override "strict" FEATURES setting.


Log file for fetch failures, with tab-delimited output, for reporting purposes. Opened in append mode.


Log file for fetch successes, with tab-delimited output, for reporting purposes. Opened in append mode.


Log file for scheduled deletions, with tab-delimited output, for reporting purposes. Overwritten with each run.


Enable deletion of unused distfiles.


Database file used to track lifetime of files scheduled for delayed deletion.


Delay time for deletion of unused distfiles, measured in seconds.


Temporary directory for downloads.


File holding a list of mirror overrides.


Comma delimited list of mirror targets to skip when fetching.


Comma delimited list of mirror targets for which to ignore RESTRICT="mirror" (see ebuild(5)).


Use digest as a verification of whether existing distfiles are valid.


The distfiles-local directory to use.


Database file used to track which ebuilds a distfile belongs to.


Directory for extended retention of files that are removed from distdir with the --delete option. These files may be be recycled if they are needed again, instead of downloading them again.


Database file used to track lifetime of files in recycle dir.


Delay time for deletion of unused files from recycle dir, measured in seconds (defaults to the equivalent of 60 days).


Directory for individual fetch logs.


Specifies a file containing a list of files to whitelist, one per line, # prefixed lines ignored. Use this option multiple times in order to specify multiple whitelists.


Use symbolic links to link distfiles to the primary layout from other specified layouts. If not specified, hard links are used instead.


Specifies alternate mirror layout.conf file to use in order to select the desired distfile layout. If not specified, layout.conf in --distfiles directory will be used if present, otherwise flat layout will be assumed.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs via https://bugs.gentoo.org/


Special thanks to Brian Harring, author of the mirror-dist program from which emirrordist is derived.


Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org>
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <arfrever@apache.org>



Contains variables.

See Also

ebuild(5), egencache(1), make.conf(5), portage(5)

Referenced By


Dec 2015 Portage VERSION