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eiskaltdcpp-daemon - Man Page

simple daemon controllable via XMLRPC or JSONRPC


eiskaltdcpp-daemon -d
eiskaltdcpp-daemon <Key>


EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with DC++, AirDC++, FlylinkDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software.

Command Line Options

A summary of options is included below.

-d,  --daemon

Run program as daemon

-v,  --verbose

Verbose mode

-D,  --debug

Debug mode

-s,  --syslog

Use syslog in daemon mode

-S <file>,  --log=<file>

Write daemon log to <file> (default: @config_dir@/Logs/daemon.log)

-P <port>,  --port=<port>

Set port for XMLRPC or JSONRPC (default: 3121)

-L <ip>,  --ip=<ip>

Set IP address for XMLRPC or JSONRPC (default:

-p file,  --pidfile=<file>

Write daemon process ID to <file>

-c dir,  --confdir=<dir>

Store config in <dir>

-l <dir>,  --localdir=<dir>

Store local data (cache, temp files) in <dir> (defaults is equal confdir)

-u <file>,  --rpclog=<file>

Write xmlrpc log to <file> (default: /tmp/eiskaltdcpp-daemon.xmlrpc.log)

-U <uripath>,  --uripath=<uripath>

Set UriPath for xmlrpc abyss server to <uripath> (default: /eiskaltdcpp)

-h,  --help

Display help and exit

-V,  --version

Show version information and exit


~/.config/eiskaltdc++/ or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eiskaltdc++/

Directory with user configuration files


Detail documentation about available XMLRPC and JSONRPC methods can be found in our wiki:



This program was written by EiskaltDC++ developers team (see file AUTHORS).
EiskaltDC++ homepage: https://github.com/eiskaltdcpp/eiskaltdcpp/

Bug Reports

If you find a bug in EiskaltDC++ please report it here: https://github.com/eiskaltdcpp/eiskaltdcpp/issues

This manual page was written by Boris Pek <tehnick-8@yandex.ru> for the Debian project (and may be used by others).


05 Feb 2014