edg-gridftp-rename - Man Page

Rename a file or directory on a GridFTP server.


edg-gridftp-rename [--proxy=proxy] [--timeout=timeout] SourceURL DestinationURL

edg-gridftp-rename --usage

edg-gridftp-rename --help


edg-gridftp-rename renames a file or directory on a GridFTP server. Everything but the filename is ignored on the destination URL meaning that files will not be moved between servers.  This command will return a status of 0 if the file or directory was renamed. In all other cases, it will return a non-zero value and print an error message to the standard error.



Set the proxy to use for the GridFTP operation.  If this is unset, then the underlying GridFTP library will try to find the proxy in the usual locations.  This is useful if the proxy is in a non-standard location, or the caller is a daemon which must act on the behalf of a user.


Set the time (in seconds) within which the rename must complete. If no timeout is specified a default 120 second timeout will be used. A negative or zero timeout will report a timeout error before attempting to contact the FTP server.


Short description of the usage of this command is given.


A description of the usage of this command and information on all of the options is given.


URLs of the following formats are accepted:

ftp://ftp.server.org//absolute/file/name gsiftp://gridftp.server.org/~/home/relative/name.txt gridftp://gridftp.server.org/home/relative/name.txt

Note: for the URLs without a tilde, the server configuration determines whether the filename is absolute or relative.  On servers which do not restrict users to their home areas, the tilde notation will not work.

Note: As above, everything but the filename is ignored in the destination URL.  This routine will not move files between servers.


Charles Loomis (charles.loomis@cern.ch). Later modifications by CERN IT-DM/SMD.


Copyright (c) 2002 by Charles A. Loomis, Jr. and Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).  All rights reserved.

The software was distributed with and is covered by the European DataGrid License.  A copy of this license can be found in the included LICENSE file.  This license can also be obtained from http://www.eu-datagrid.org/license.

The underlying GridFTP library is part of the Globus Toolkit (TM) and is covered by the Globus Toolkit Public License.  See http://www.globus.org for more information.


2024-07-17 European DataGrid