e16 - Man Page

The Enlightenment DR16 window manager


e16 [OPTION...]


e16 is a window manager for the X Window System.


-d,  -display name

Selects the X display to use.

-f,  --fast

Fast startup, i.e. skip the initial sliding blinds.

-h,  --help

Print usage summary and exit.

-p,  --config-prefix prefix

Set alternate configuration file name prefix.
The default prefix is e_config-<host>-<display>.<screen>.
Using this option it will be prefix-<screen>.

-P,  --econfdir path

Set user configuration directory. Default is ~/.e16.

-Q,  --ecachedir path

Set user cache directory. Default is ~/.e16/cache.

-s,  --single screen

Manage only the screen screen. By default e16 will manage all screens of the current display.

-S,  --sm-client-id session-id

Set session manager ID.

-t,  --theme name

Use specified theme, overriding the configuration setting.

-v,  --verbose

Show additional information (on stdout).

-V,  --version

Print e16 version and exit.

-w,  --window widthxheight

Start e16 running within a window. Mostly for debugging.

See Also



Kim Woelders

