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dwlocstat - Man Page

A tool for examining Dwarf location info coverage


dwlocstat [--dump=CLASSES] [--ignore=CLASSES] [--ignore-implicit-pointer] [{-p|--show-progress}] [--tabulate=START[:STEP][,...]] FILE...
dwlocstat [{--help|-?}] [--usage]


ltrace is a tool for examining Dwarf location info coverage.  It goes through DIEs of given binary's debug info that represent variables and function parameters.  For each such DIE, it computes coverage of that DIE's range (list of addresses of DIE's scope) by location expressions (a description of where given variable is located at given location: e.g. a variable can be in a register).

Coverage is expressed by percentage of covered addresses of DIE's scope.  If each address of DIE's scope is covered by at least one location expression, the coverage is 100%.  If none are covered at all, the coverage is 0.0% (sharp zero).  The program assigns coverage to each relevant DIE, and then tabulates the data.  Output might look something like this:

   coverage%       samples         cumulative
   0..10           1049/29%        1049/29%
   11..20          67/1%           1116/31%
   21..30          95/2%           1211/34%
   31..40          84/2%           1295/36%
   41..50          69/1%           1364/38%
   51..60          100/2%          1464/41%
   61..70          58/1%           1522/42%
   71..80          85/2%           1607/45%
   81..90          102/2%          1709/48%
   91..100         1851/51%        3560/100%

This says that there were 1049 variable or parameter DIEs whose coverage was less than or equal to 10%.  Those 1049 DIEs comprise 29% of total number of processed DIEs, which is 3560.  The way theh tabulation is done can be adjusted by using option --tabulate. See below for details on how to adjust tabulation.

In addition to this, dwlocstat allows dumping DIEs matching certain criteria, such as all inlined DIEs.  It can similarly exclude such DIEs from consideration.  This is configurable using options --dump and --ignore respectively.  See below for details on supported classes.



Tabulation script consists of series of comma-separated stops. Each line of tabulation output captures percentages that are above previous stop and below or at the next stop.  Each stop can be either an integer 0-100, or a special mark 0.0, which denotes DIEs whose no addresses at all are covered.  This deffers from plain 0, which describes also DIEs that are covered so poorly, that the percentage rounds down to zero.  (Percentages round down.)

Several regularly spaced stops can be abbreviated using a short-hand notation START:STEP.  STEP is integer 0-100.

Default tabulation script is 10:10, the output of which is displayed above.  As an example, the tabulation script 0.0,10:10,99 would have two extra lines: one for sharp zero, one for 100%.  That covers cases that have either no coverage at all, or are covered fully.


DIEs that match those passed in comma-separated list of classes are not included in analysis.  The following classes are recognized:

single_addr DIEs whose location expression is sole DW_OP_addr operand.  Those are generally global and static variables.

artificial DIEs with attribute DW_AT_artificial.

inlined DIEs with attribute DW_AT_inline or children of such DIE.

inlined_subroutine DIEs that are DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine, inlined (in the above sense) DIEs that are DW_TAG_subprogram, or children on such DIEs.

no_coverage DIEs with coverage of 0.0 (see above).

implicit_pointer DIEs that use DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer.

immutable DIEs whose location expression describes immutable object.  Location expressions that don't use with DW_OP_implicit_value, DW_OP_stack_value are immutable.

mutable DIEs whose location expression is not immutable.  Not that DIE can be both mutable and immutable.  When location expression is complex (uses DW_OP_bit_piece or DW_OP_piece), each part can have different mutability.  Furthermore, if full analysis of DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer is disabled, the DIEs that use that operator are considered both mutable and immutable.


This shows references to DIEs (including full path from the root of the CU) that match classes passed in argument.  Possible classes and their meaning is the same as with --ignore option.


When a location expression uses operator DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer, then it is handled a bit differently.  When an expression is encountered that uses this operator, and no other expression covers the address under consideration, such address is not counted as covered.  Instead the program checks whether the location expression at the DIE referenced by this operator covers this address.  With this option, dwlocstat will instead consider such addresses covered.

-p,  --show-progress

Show each CU DIE as the file is processed.


Written by Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com>

Reporting Bugs

Report dwlocstat bugs to <https://github.com/pmachata/dwlocstat/issues> or by mail to <pmachata@redhat.com>.

See Also
