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duf - Man Page

Disk Usage/Free Utility

Examples (TL;DR)


duf [options...] [argument...]


Simple Disk Usage/Free Utility.

  • User-friendly, colorful output.
  • Adjusts to your terminal's theme & width.
  • Sort the results according to your needs.
  • Groups & filters devices.
  • Can conveniently output JSON.



include pseudo, duplicate, inaccessible file systems


specifies the coloring threshold (yellow, red) of the avail column, must be integer with optional SI prefixes


hide specific devices, separated with commas: local, network, fuse, special, loops, binds


hide specific filesystems, separated with commas


hide specific mount points, separated with commas (supports wildcards)


list inode information instead of block usage


output all devices in JSON format


show only specific devices, separated with commas: local, network, fuse, special, loops, binds


only specific filesystems, separated with commas


only specific mount points, separated with commas (supports wildcards)


output fields: mountpoint, size, used, avail, usage, inodes, inodes_used, inodes_avail, inodes_usage, type, filesystem


sort output by: mountpoint, size, used, avail, usage, inodes, inodes_used, inodes_avail, inodes_usage, type, filesystem


style: unicode, ascii


color themes: dark, light, ansi


specifies the coloring threshold (yellow, red) of the usage bars as a floating point number from 0 to 1


display version


output all warnings to STDERR


max output width


You can simply start duf without any command-line arguments:

 $ duf

If you supply arguments, duf will only list specific devices & mount points:

 $ duf /home /some/file

If you want to list everything (including pseudo, duplicate, inaccessible file systems):

 $ duf --all

You can show and hide specific tables:

 $ duf --only local,network,fuse,special,loops,binds

 $ duf --hide local,network,fuse,special,loops,binds

You can also show and hide specific filesystems:

 $ duf --only-fs tmpfs,vfat

 $ duf --hide-fs tmpfs,vfat

...or specific mount points:

 $ duf --only-mp /,/home,/dev

 $ duf --hide-mp /,/home,/dev

Wildcards inside quotes work:

 $ duf --only-mp '/sys/*,/dev/*'

Sort the output:

 $ duf --sort size

Valid keys are: mountpoint, size, used, avail, usage, inodes, inodes_used, inodes_avail, inodes_usage, type, filesystem.

Show or hide specific columns:

 $ duf --output mountpoint,size,usage

Valid keys are: mountpoint, size, used, avail, usage, inodes, inodes_used, inodes_avail, inodes_usage, type, filesystem.

List inode information instead of block usage:

 $ duf --inodes

If duf doesn't detect your terminal's colors correctly, you can set a theme:

 $ duf --theme light

duf highlights the availability & usage columns in red, green, or yellow, depending on how much space is still available. You can set your own thresholds:

 $ duf --avail-threshold="10G,1G"

 $ duf --usage-threshold="0.5,0.9"

If you prefer your output as JSON:

 $ duf --json


Portions of duf's code are copied and modified from https://github.com/shirou/gopsutil.

gopsutil was written by WAKAYAMA Shirou and is distributed under BSD-3-Clause.


duf was written by Christian Muehlhaeuser <https://github.com/muesli/duf>


2022-02-08 Disk Usage/Free Utility