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dsdp5 - Man Page

Run the DSDP solver on SDPA data files, and print solution


dsdp5 [Options] <SDPA_FILE>


The dsdp5 program reads a semidefinit program from an SDPA data file, passes the data into the DSDP solver, and prints a solution.


-print k

Print information at each k iterations (default 10).

-save FILE

Save the solution in FILE in SDPA format

-fout FILE

Print standard monitor to FILE

-y0 FILE

Read the initial solution from FILE

-benchmark FILE

Read the names of benchmark SDPA files from FILE

-directory DIRECTORY

Identify the directory containing benchmark SDPA files

-suffix NAME

Add the suffix NAME to each benchmark problem name

-table FILE

Store the benchmark results in FILE (default "results-dsdp-5.8")

-dloginfo N

Set the logging level (default 0).  More information is printed for higher numbers.

-dlogsummary N

Print timing information if N is nonzero (default 1)

-params FILE

Read DSDP parameters from FILE


Show the values of the DSDP parameters


Print a help message

See Also

dsdp-color(1), dsdp-maxcut(1), dsdp-stable(1), dsdp-theta(1)

Referenced By

dsdp-color(1), dsdp-maxcut(1), dsdp-stable(1), dsdp-theta(1).

5.8 DSDP