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doveadm-user - Man Page

Perform a user lookup in Dovecot's userdbs


doveadm [-Dv] user [-a userdb_socket_path] [-f field] [-u] [-x auth_info] user ...


The user command is used to perform a user lookup - to show what information Dovecot sees about the user(s), or if it exists at all in the configured userdb(s).

The auth_info may be useful when the userdb is for example a SQL database and you are using %variables, like %s or %l, in the user_query setting. Or when you have configured the userdb in a way like this:

userdb {
  driver = passwd-file
  args = /etc/%s.passwd


Global doveadm(1) options:


Enables verbosity and debug messages.

-o setting=value

Overrides the configuration setting from /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf and from the userdb with the given value. In order to override multiple settings, the -o option may be specified multiple times.


Enables verbosity, including progress counter.

Command specific options:

-a userdb_socket_path

This option is used to specify an absolute path to an alternative UNIX domain socket.

By default doveadm(1) will use the socket /run/dovecot/auth-userdb. The socket may be located in another directory, when the default base_dir setting was overridden in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf.

-f field

When this option and the name of a userdb field is given, doveadm(1) will show only the value of the specified field.


When this option is given, doveadm(1) will only show values from the userdb. Without -u parameter if any of the uid, gid, home or mail fields are missing, their defaults are taken from configuration file.

-x auth_info

auth_info specifies additional conditions for the user command. The auth_info option string has to be given as name=value pair. For multiple conditions the -x option could be supplied multiple times.
Possible names for the auth_info are:


The service for which the userdb lookup should be tested. The value may be the name of a service, commonly used with Dovecot. For example: imap, pop3 or smtp.


The local IP address (server) for the test.


The remote IP address (client) for the test.


The local port, e.g. 143


The remote port, e.g. 24567



Is a user's login name. Depending on the configuration, a login name may be for example jane or john@example.com. It's also possible to use '*' and '?' wildcards (e.g. -u *@example.org).


Perform a user lookup for the users jane and john@example.com.

doveadm user jane john@example.com
userdb: jane
  uid       : 8001
  gid       : 8001
  home      : /home/jane
  mail      : sdbox:~/sdbox
  plugins   : sieve
  quota_rule: *:storage=150M

userdb: john@example.com
  home      : /srv/mail/8/70312/79832
  uid       : 79832
  gid       : 70312
  mail      : mdbox:~/mdbox

The next example shows a user lookup, using wildcards.

doveadm user *.?oe@example.net

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs, including doveconf -n output, to the Dovecot Mailing List <dovecot@dovecot.org>. Information about reporting bugs is available at: http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html

See Also


Referenced By

doveadm(1), doveadm-auth(1).

2013-11-23 Dovecot v2.3