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dotnet-tool-install - Man Page

Installs the specified .NET tool on your machine.

dotnet tool install

This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Core 3.1 SDK and later versions


dotnet tool install <PACKAGE_NAME> -g|--global
    [-a|--arch <ARCHITECTURE>]
    [--add-source <SOURCE>] [--configfile <FILE>] [--disable-parallel]
    [--framework <FRAMEWORK>] [--ignore-failed-sources] [--interactive]
    [--no-cache] [--prerelease]
    [--tool-manifest <PATH>] [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>]
    [--version <VERSION_NUMBER>]

dotnet tool install <PACKAGE_NAME> --tool-path <PATH>
    [-a|--arch <ARCHITECTURE>]
    [--add-source <SOURCE>] [--configfile <FILE>] [--disable-parallel]
    [--framework <FRAMEWORK>] [--ignore-failed-sources] [--interactive]
    [--no-cache] [--prerelease]
    [--tool-manifest <PATH>] [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>]
    [--version <VERSION_NUMBER>]

dotnet tool install <PACKAGE_NAME> [--local]
    [-a|--arch <ARCHITECTURE>]
    [--add-source <SOURCE>] [--configfile <FILE>]
    [--create-manifest-if-needed] [--disable-parallel]
    [--framework <FRAMEWORK>] [--ignore-failed-sources] [--interactive]
    [--no-cache] [--prerelease]
    [--tool-manifest <PATH>] [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>]
    [--version <VERSION_NUMBER>]

dotnet tool install -h|--help


The dotnet tool install command provides a way for you to install .NET tools on your machine. To use the command, you specify one of the following installation options:

Installation locations

Global tools

Global tools are installed in the following directories by default when you specify the -g or --global option:


Executables are generated in these folders for each globally installed tool, although the actual tool binaries are nested deep into the sibling .store directory.

--tool-path tools

Local tools with explicit tool paths are stored wherever you specified the --tool-path parameter to point to. They’re stored in the same way as global tools: an executable binary with the actual binaries in a sibling .store directory.

Local tools

Local tools are stored in the NuGet global directory, whatever you’ve set that to be. There are shim files in $HOME/.dotnet/toolResolverCache for each local tool that point to where the tools are within that location.

References to local tools are added to a dotnet-tools.json file in a .config directory under the current directory. If a manifest file doesn’t exist yet, create it by using the --create-manifest-if-needed option or by running the following command:

dotnet new tool-manifest

For more information, see Install a local tool.




See Also


2023-10-25 .NET Documentation