dbrowdiff - Man Page

compute row-by-row differences of some column


dbrowdiff [-B|-I|-F] [-A AbsDiffColumnName] [-P PctDiffColumnName] column


For a given column, compute the differences between each row of the table.  Differences are output to two new columns, absdiff and pctdiff.

Differences are either relative to the previous column  (incremental mode), or relative to the first row (baseline mode), the default. Alternatively, in future mode, differences are between the next row and the current row.

If column names are given, with -A or -P, then only columns with that name are produced.


-B or --baseline

Select baseline mode (the default), where differences are relative to the first row.

-I or --incremental

Select incremental mode, where differences are relative to the previous row.

-F or --future

Select future  incremental mode, where differences are incremental between the next row and the current one.

-A COL or --absdiff COL

Name the absolute difference output column COL, and don't output percent difference unless -P is given.

-P COL or --pctdiff COL

Name the percent difference output column COL, and don't output absolute difference unless -P is given.

-f FORMAT or --format FORMAT

Specify a printf(3)-style format for output statistics. Defaults to %.5g.

-e EmptyValue or --empty

Specify the value for the last row when in future mode.

This module also supports the standard fsdb options:


Enable debugging output.

-i or --input InputSource

Read from InputSource, typically a file name, or - for standard input, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.

-o or --output OutputDestination

Write to OutputDestination, typically a file name, or - for standard output, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.

--autorun or --noautorun

By default, programs process automatically, but Fsdb::Filter objects in Perl do not run until you invoke the run() method. The --(no)autorun option controls that behavior within Perl.


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Sample Usage


    #fsdb      event   clock:d
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.281756
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.328709
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.353830
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.357169
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.375844
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.378358
    #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbrow 
    #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbcol event clock


    cat DATA/kitrace.fsdb | dbrowdiff clock


    #fsdb      event   clock:d   absdiff:d pctdiff:d
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.281756        0       0
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.328709        0.046953        5.7554e-09
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.353830        0.072074        8.8346e-09
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.357169        0.075413        9.2439e-09
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.375844        0.094088        1.1533e-08
    _null_getpage+128       815812813.378358        0.096602        1.1841e-08
    #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbrow 
    #  | /home/johnh/BIN/DB/dbcol event clock
    #  | dbrowdiff clock

See Also

Fsdb. dbcolmovingstats. dbrowuniq. dbfilediff.

dbrowdiff, dbrowuniq, and dbfilediff are similar but different. dbrowdiff computes row-by-row differences for a column, dbrowuniq eliminates rows that have no differences, and dbfilediff compares fields of two files.


2024-08-02 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation